Bill Gates is Jewish

Post your Bill Gates is Jewish proofs

Attached: gatesj2.jpg (225x225, 10.11K)

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bill ga(y)tes is actually a computer not a real person every time you see a photograph or movie with bill ga(y)tes in it you are watching what is similiar to CGI.its clever but rather fake once you know about ti

He is still Jewish

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Hahah niggers are hilarious

so what if hes jewish?

Tell him to go back to Israel.

no. i dont want him here. we could have made windows not work on shabbat so your computer would be jewish.

How so? You set up the keyboard with pull tabs instead of pushing buttons. Sooo many loop holes

Dont forget hes ALWAYS been a CIA nigger.
Harvard Alum = CIA
ILL keep posting the Harvard=CIA until everyone realizes how deep that rabbit hole goes.
Timothy Leary
Ted Kaczynski
Epstein ( Donor)
Henry Lois Gates ( the "OBAMA BEER LUNCH DUDE) that started the anti-white movement

>jews making something not work
sure rabbi

Arabs don't understand technology, Bill Gates has semitic DNA (Arab) and created the most bloated inefficient operating system known to man. He stole technology from IBM (Europeans). Terry Davis was European and had mental illness yet created the most efficient and clean operating system.

can a jewish computer do this?

Attached: bill gates.gif (400x299, 1.94M)

Ftm tranny

that is some highest tier nerd athleticism

I had no idea his dad was a big time elite. He used to roll with Rockefellers and Morgan’s and Rothschild types.

I got the impression he was a nerdy, middle class kid who came from out of nowhere, but that just isn’t so. He is a creepy elite, born and bred.

Didn't help stop him from getting cream pied in the face.

I can't picture the Zuckerberg 5000 being capable of this.


No one cares you dumb American, only your sad nation is calling out the Jews, imagine the hypocrasy.

Your country failed, as a people, as a human, you are nothing more than garbage in this time, and it is 14.4.2020.


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Jews dont name their sons the same name as the father. There are no jewish jr.s. that's a goy thing

People win prizes in LAN tournaments with leaps like that

He radiates demonic energy so I guess yeah.

Jews don't even keep their own name half the time, much less pass it down. They don't care about family names.

All the prime ministers of Israel (except Netenyahoo) were born with different names than they used as PM

He is not.

Attached: bill-gates-pie-face.jpg (600x314, 47.83K)

> look at me jump over this chair
i expect 13 year old boys to do that
gates was probably molested

That is a good look, accentuates his Semitic features

He’s Honorary.

you seriously think a middle class parents will raise someone smart? it's doesn't really happen.
smart = rich. smart = raise smart children.

Vaccines for sheep only...

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No he's just another pretender who serves the kike hegemony of satan. He belongs to their synagogue of demagogues.