Power over Women and Trash

I have power over women that most of you will never have or understand.

It’s not money, looks, or dick size sorry but that’s not real power.

I have the ability to make women cover themselves up. I don’t need to physically assault them, tell them to cover up, or even make someone else do it.

All i have to do is look at them and they see my eyes and cover themselves up in shame. Their eyes look down in shame.

I’ve also been able to make niggers pull their pants up, without saying a single fucking word.

I make white trash look down in shame.

I’m white, Christian, and today’s society disgusts me.

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I have power over women
>And that's why I'm here

My sons mother was a trashy lazy whore when I met her. Nipple rings, manipulative, thought she controlled men.

She now wakes up at 5am everyday cleans the house, does yard work, works, cooks, has no nipple rings, dresses however the fuck I tell her to, and whenever she steps out of line I throw her out my of my house only to make her work harder and do more when she returns.

I don't care about your larp
Where is the picture from?
... it's missing the red eyes

Fuck you

Sure buddy. I suppose schools are closed in America too, so I don't know try Walmart, a McDonald's or whatever the fuck is open there...



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You think I’m lying?

Do we need to start burning people at the stakes again for you to start respecting Christians?

>Women cover themselves when I stare creepily at them
Go figure

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It's never going to happen.
No race wars
No day of the rope
No fucking gasing the the jews.

It's all one big IMPOTENT power fantasy, much like this pathetic thread.
And what is there to respect about christians exactly, you're the greatest golem of the jews.

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And later you’ll bitch and moan, like a fucking woman, about how women are degenerate whores and you’ll blame the women, because you’re a powerless faggot that can’t make women do what you want.

Oh no, absolutely not. I was just wondering where could you possibly spaz out and start shooting people, with all this stay at home talk.

>I can make people uncomfortable by staring at them
>it's called power sweatie, look it up
good lord

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It’s actually already happened you dumb faggot, it’s in our glorious history and heritage and history repeats itself, and amusingly enough I’m sure there was a dumb faggot like yourself who got burned alive at the stake saying the EXACT same dumb shit you are. It’s actually very funny to know that the same shit you’re shitting out of your mouth has been said before by another dumb faggot.

Lmao that doc was too much.


Spaz out and start shooting people?
No that’s what niggers do, sorry to disappoint you Mr FBI faggot.

I am not going to break any laws sorry :(

Fuck you too, hope HE visits you for posting this shit attached to HIS image

I’m literally shaking I’m so scared.

The only thing I fear is God, you weak disgusting faggot.

All trash talk.
No action.
Hollow impotent little man.

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If you think that’s true you should keep attacking and disrespecting Christians. There’s obviously nothing to be afraid of...

Delusional people are so funny.

I believe you, but consider that others have the power to make women get out of their clothes.

seriously what's the sauce on that image it looks interesting

His eyes are supposed to be red, aren't they? I saw him when I was younger, around 12. I'm quite a bit older now, and it still haunts me. Who is he?

You're right, there isn't.
Turn the other cheek that ones sore from all the bullet's it soak up for its kike over lord's.

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The creator of this world
the fucking Devil
even aborigines in Australia know of him, he's called Old Red Eye there
I've seen him too, he used to visit me regularly as a child

Power over Trash? Good luck, chap.

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I googled "australia old red eye creator of the world" and I got pic related. Not what I was thinking, but I guess it kind of makes sense.

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Go ahead say the most disrespectful thing you can think of about Christians.

It’s nice to know what you’re afraid of and how it can be used against you.

Tell me what else do you fear?

Having things I'm afraid of being used against me.

You need to go back, you attention-whoring faggot.
Literally nobody gives a fuck about you, sage

Or what?

What’re you gonna do?

As sad as it is that Christians don’t get the respect they deserve, they certainly haven’t fallen as low as British have...

Where’s your empire at little boy?