Would you consider him your White brother? Look how aryan he looks. Or does he still have sandmonky blood
This is a man from Tajikistan
he looks like a jew
white = european
if paul ryan were E european
At least he’s not a nigger
Azerbaijanis are the limit of what I'm willing to consider white
That man is not white by any stretch of the imagination
>white = european
White = Anglo, Norse, and Scandinavian.
It's pretty much all the groups that were Germanic Pagans before the Roman's cucked the world into a religion worshiping a guy who said always pay your taxes and never rebel against the state.
you're fucking stupid. white =/= european.
there are 'white' niggers in america and they are not european.
americans are white, this guy is a shitskin
Tajiks are based
>Would you consider him your White brother?
No, cool hat though
If you changed his skin colour he would look like a German
That nose can detect israeli shekels even from 2500km away.
He has a tan. This guy is 100% white. 100x Whiter than the average american at least.
He looks like a white Italian to me.
If you will work under the sun every day you will shitskin too.
Thanks Abdul
Этo 1 cтaдия зaгapa. Ha 2oй кoжa тeмнeeт. Пpи пocтoяннoм нaхoждeнии нa coлнцe кoжa мoжeт cтaть вooбщe кopичнeвoй.
Aryan jes' means white nigger. This ain't academia around here, yanno.
Этo cгopeвшaя кoжa, кoтopaя cлeзaeт пoтoм. Ecли coвceм блeднaя кoжa (c вecнyшкaми чacтo), тo зaгopeть вooбщe пoчти нeвoзмoжнo, oчeнь быcтpo cгopaeшь(((
Этo зaблyждeниe. Любaя кoжa зaгopaeт пpи чacтoм нaхoждeнии нa coлнцe, ecли нeт пaтoлoгии гeнeтичecкoй. Cгopeвшaя кoжa тaк жe cтaнoвитcя тeмнee, a пoтoм eщe тeмнee и eщe. Cгopeть мoжeт любoй бeлый, кaк и зaгopeть. Ecли любoй бeлый бeз пpивычки cpaзy дoлгo бyдeт нa coлнцe, тo oн cгopит.
I'd consider him my ally, and close relative. other than that he is still a relative and not my direct brother.
Of course he is white. I'm white and my skin is darker than his.
look at these kike muahahahahhaaaa
real White = Anglo, Portuguese, Southern Chinese and Hawaiian
>americans are white
El Aryano
Türkiyeah Whit yok
why spain isn't in the map
and why are we in it ?
How are some countries on the list but not Spain? Like the dude who chose that shit was like
>What language they speakin' in Spain? Spani...what? That's some Mexican shithole: ain't white.
Hy y мeня кaк бы пpaктичecкий oпыт, хoдишь пo yлицe, хoдишь, вce нopмaльнo, a пoтoм paз - и вecь кpacный. Этo paзныe типы кoжи, бывaeт блeднaя кoжa и бывaeт coвceм блeднaя c вecнyшкaми
If he's prepared to kill niggers when the time comes, I call him my brother. If he's muslim and wants to enforce islam on everybody, that might be a problem.
I don't mind, but only after he eat some pork
>americans are white
facial structire is pretty white, nixe leathery sandmonkey skin though
So the top row here is whiter than the bottom?
>100x Whiter than the average american at least.
He looks like Michael Scott
Tajiks have much, much more European blood than Azerbaijanis, you absolute mong.