This veteran COMPLETELY destroys every Holocaust denier

He saw the gas chambers, he saw the ovens, he saw the dead bodies, he saw EVERYTHING. Deniers are pathetic and a problematic bunch.

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Your nan eats soup out of a beanie

Oh he SAW them did he?
My bucket list now contains two items
>Stuff a jew into an oven
>Throw a communist out of a helicopter


Any first hand accounts by the nazi's at the camps?

Why do they always do that illuminati finger pyramid?

You people are sick and twisted. This is exactly why Holocaust denial is outlawed. Neo-nazis like you WANT it to happen again. Denial will lead to history repeating itself.

Buddie I saw you murder three niggers in Georgia time to go to jail

>Denial will lead to history repeating itself.
So nothing will happen, again?

>an old scumbag tells lies
Goddammit, shouldn't all these old fucks be dead by now? Its been near on a hundred years, just fucking die already you old decrepit shits

Did he see the holocoaster?

Thread ends here

So he saw a concentration camp - Dachau. There were cremation ovens - about 4 of them or something ridiculous. What is your point? This proves if anything there was no "holocaust".

Old jew LARPING as a veteran just did a somersault over my townhome.

He was too busy trying out the masturbator

>you people
>not using y'all

C'mon, Shlomo.

He's the goodest goy

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An old Jew larping as a veteran just floated past my window.

>Veteran: Here is what I saw during the war
>Some basement dwelling loser: HURRRRRRRR HES LYING NAZIS DINDU NUFFIN

I can't believe morons like you exist.

>taking the word of a guy who literally killed his fellow white men for the tribe

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inconsistent testimony extracted via torture (including genital mutilation and threats to victims' families), yes

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maybe because thats George Soros who helpded shovel the bodies into the chambers?

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oh yeah? My Great Grandfather was there too, and he said it was a nothingburger.

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You're not that french dude from yesterday ?

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Well, if you wish to play shill or the troll here well be my guest

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Russians liberated concentration camps, Americans came far after the fact.

I wonder if he also saw the fake chimney that the soviets put at auschwitz 5 years later

I saw your grandma dancing on my rooftop last night

You mean the same veterans that claimed a .30 carbine wouldn't penetrate winter clothing?

Remember that time the german engineers of the holocaust rigged an diesel engine from a russian submarine to pump CO gas into the airtight gas chamber?

>When eyewitness accounts and feelings override facts
This is precisely why I’m now a black woman and if you say otherwise you’re a racist misogynist.

Remember that time the german engineers of the holocaust electrified the floor of an execution room? One shock would kill everyone inside, the second would turn them all to ashes.

The mere fact that questioning any aspect of this event is punishable by prison all over Europe is all I need to know it’s bullshit.

are you answering questions with questions that are simple to refute logically?
Fuck you.
Fuck Hitler.
Fuck the Israel he created.
Fuck the monarchy that created Hitler.
Fuck Rome.
Fuck Babylon.
Fuck your little black rock meteorite.
Fuck the pagan Abraham that found the black rock.
Fuck pagan Abrahamic religions.
Fuck Abraxas.

>He saw the gas chambers
No he didn't
>he saw the ovens
Again, no he did not.
>he saw the dead bodies
He did not see the victims of a comprehensive German plan to exterminate the jews. He saw Germany's efforts in containing the threat posed by jewish communists. He saw the victims of a relentless and indiscriminate allied bombing campaign. WWII was nothing more than the central banks putting Germany back in line. The hallofcost is nothing more than a casus belli fabricated after everything had taken place.

I also saw snow white on a yellow submarine flying past my window. You gonna believe me too faggot?