Bill Gates Upset

>Nooo, you can't pull out of the Chinese puppet org pushing my biological spyware project!!!

Attached: who.png (462x308, 144.53K)

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Trump is part of the ID2020 scheme too. He'll introduce it within a national voter ID proposal and you retards will eat it up.

Just take the vaccine and sperging out.

Silent War.

suck my dick Bill your scam is falling apart

Trump postponed ID2020 because of wuhan flu

>He'll introduce it within a national voter ID proposal and you retards will eat it up.
Nope, on both counts.

follow the money always. him reacting like this means he's losing money or an investment that he made. what could it be i wonder


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Americans will no longer be paying Bill Gates to hoax the world
What a fucking Crime
Orange man bad.
>Trump is part of the ID2020 scheme too
The proposition was flat out turned down as unconstitutional you fucking retarded liberal reditor.

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I'm sorry but what exactly does the WHO fucking do? Cause they certainly did jack shit about this virus other than say "HURR IT COULD POTENTIALLY BE DANGEROUS" like they do with every unknown disease

How the fuck is Bill Gates becoming the face of this evil so instantly?

He paralyzed those kids in India years ago and nobody blinked.

nothing. Globohomo gonna globohomo.

They couldn't blink because they were paralyzed.

>no other organization can replace them.
Good. Global dictatorship die off.

Cold, Carlos.

>national voter ID proposal

Jokes on them, never registered to vote

WHO spent 3 months lying about everything to avoid paying out pandemic bonds. Why should we trust them now?

How else would people know to wash hands regularly and sneeze into their arms?

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Who the fuck died and made this cunt the queen of coronavirus? What fucking authority does he have to be speaking on this and declaring anything? He's the boomer version of a dotcom millionaire, he has no college education whatsoever, much less anything related to medicine.

>The proposition was flat out turned down as unconstitutional
Do you have a source on that?

Chinese? With that hook nosed father and his friends? LOLOLOLOL

Bills corona hoax is being sabotaged by our great president MAGA

one answer to all questions: he has money

he was literally elected to institute voter ID you nigger loving trash

Feel bad for laughing.

>Who the fuck died
The head of the WHO, silly

.with secret weapons.

Sieg heil to that gas all Corona shills

i read that as
also minecraft this evil foureyed fuck

What does WHO actually do?


Of course he is upset he has financial stake in it

Google is burying it hard but here is the first one I found (on page 3)
Google is putting out the ID2020 is a consperacy theory.

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Maybe he helped create it???

HAHAHAHAHA. Fuck these globalists pieces of shit. If i live to see the day that these fucks have to watch their entire globohomo agenda go up in flames i will die happy.