/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3220

► Detected: 2,025,004 (+27,144) ► Died: 128,978 (+2,378) ► Day: 97 (-11:10:25)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 7.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,944 strains have been sequenced —


Trump defunds WHO: "no human transmission", "don't ban travel"

Mystery respiratory illness killing birds in Germany

Chile counts those who died as "recovered"

Navy's Mercy hospital faces outbreak among crew

Italian tests positive again after "recovery"

New strain hitting Ecuador closely related to original from China

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

CDC recommends wearing masks in public, against WHO advise

"Recovered" men show half the normal levels of testosterone

Under 2 year old baby dies in Morocco

Indonesia buries 639 with biohazard protection, official toll only 209

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash

US federal government pressures states to test less

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

07:31: 3,388 new cases and 28 new deaths in Russia
07:26: 166 new cases in Japan
07:22: 154 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
07:07: 392 new cases and 10 new deaths in Ukraine
06:44: 1,052 new cases and 8 new deaths in Germany
06:34: 422 new cases and 20 new deaths in Brazil


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blessed Argentine user.


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I need more info on reinfected patients. Any article or study you can share?

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>liver damage
>kidney damage
>brain damage
>heart damage
>testicular damage
>lung damage
>2nd kind of lung damage
>low 02 aspyhxiation
>ctyokine cascade
>permanently immuni-compromised
>no cured, no recovery
>keeps coming back until it kills you
>lays dormant like HIV
>asymptomatic transmission ('heathy' people spread it)
>inter-species transmission (live stock can get it)
>blood transmission (mosquitos can spread it)
>SARS-like mutations make vaccine a pipe dream

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Just found out my shop is BIGGER than 800m2 so I don't have to work. Hahahaha, based based based! Lmaoing @ all the germoids who work in small shops.

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Imagine the smell

thinking of learning programming so that I can work from home too
I'm 29

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Why not do this but with the singularity and hold on til 2040?
The disease is painful and nasty but having everyone's conscious permanently locked up in a digital realm while being tended to their every needs and living in blissful ignorance forever. It's a win:win

What sort of merkelbux do you get?


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too much pajeets here for now, please, do not start. We dont need another hardcoding pajeet



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>being a stupid malaka

as expected of greek

wow what a happening

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/cvg/: “I’m scared daddy government, pls take away all my freedom and keep me safe.” So many bootlicking pussy faggot male Karens in these threads it’s actually sad.

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>I'm 29
Are you implying you aren't allowed to learn things anymore?

Non. I just keep getting paid.

Why hasn't worldometer update NY deaths yet?

I can go outside as much as I want, though.


I want to work from home as a freelancer so that I don't have to go out ever.

Stay back faggot we don't need you

Any update on that user who hadnt shit for 10 days? I was curious as I have problems shitting myself and actaully believed him.

Japanons should stop using a VPN and come back to the real world

What NO ONE is Saying About The Corona Crisis

Hmm so would say it's late for me but I like your approach to life. Thanks.

You could probably earn fat cash if you'd establish the first indo company that actually knows C/C++ and delivers quality over quantity and isn't plagued by legacy code.

your point seems valid, so you don't have to waste your time shitposting here, just go for a walk, breathe in some fresh air, try some exotic food at a chinese restaurant, fight your social anxiety by making friends with strangers, shake hands as you introduce yourselves and when you part ways, donate your blood, hug your family. so much to do and yet you are here, eyes glued to the screen, wasting time in your home. not like you believe stupid shit about some hoax virus, right?

>I want to WORK! I need to WORK! Let me go back to WORK! I need to make more money for my boss! My life isn’t worth anything compared to my JOB!
This is so fucking pathetic holy christ


#1 United States 615,406 (26,164) #2 Spain 177,633 (18,579) #3 Italy 162,488 (21,067) #4 France 143,303 (15,729) #5 Germany 132,553 (3,528) #6 United Kingdom 98,476 (12,868) #7 China 82,295 (3,342) #8 Iran 76,389 (4,777) #9 Turkey 65,111 (1,403) #10 Belgium 33,573 (4,440) #11 Netherlands 28,153 (3,134) #12 Canada 27,063 (903) #13 Switzerland 26,336 (1,221) #14 Brazil 25,758 (1,557) #15 Russia 24,490 (198) #16 Portugal 18,091 (599) #17 Austria 14,325 (393) #18 Israel 12,200 (126) #19 Sweden 11,927 (1,203) #20 India 11,555 (396) #21 Ireland 11,479 (406) #22 South Korea 10,591 (225) #23 Peru 10,303 (230) #24 Japan 8,100 (146) #25 Chile 7,917 (92) #26 Ecuador 7,603 (369) #27 Poland 7,408 (268) #28 Romania 7,216 (362) #29 Norway 6,740 (145) #30 Denmark 6,681 (309) #31 Australia 6,447 (63) #32 Czech Republic 6,151 (163) #33 Pakistan 5,988 (107) #34 Saudi Arabia 5,862 (79) #35 Philippines 5,453 (349)…

#1 United Kingdom +4,603 (+761) #2 Spain +3,573 (+324) #3 Russia +3,388 (+28) #4 Belgium +2,454 (+283) #5 United States +1,520 (+117) #6 Iran +1,512 (+94) #7 Netherlands +734 (+189) #8 Portugal +643 (+32) #9 Brazil +496 (+25) #10 Saudi Arabia +493 (+6) #11 Sweden +482 (+170) #12 Belarus +447 (+3) #13 Serbia +408 (+5) #14 Switzerland +400 (+47) #15 Ukraine +392 (+10) #16 Mexico +385 (+74) #17 Germany +343 (+33) #18 Romania +337 (+11) #19 Dominican Republic +328 (+6) #20 Indonesia +297 (+10) #21 Philippines +230 (+14) #22 Bangladesh +219 (+4) #23 Poland +206 (+5) #24 Denmark +170 (+10) #25 Argentina +166 (+7) #26 Israel +154 (+3) #27 Pakistan +151 (+11) #28 Norway +117 (+6) #29 Morocco +100 (+1) #30 Austria +99 (+9) #31 Malaysia +85 (+1) #32 Finland +76 (+8) #33 Afghanistan +70 (+2) #34 India +68 (+3) #35 Hungary +67 (+12)…

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who's we?

How can we profit from the post corona society? We must resurge stronger with less Chinese and less of the weak

Try going surfing in California or going to the park in England. You’ll get assraped by the PD

abe saale

>yele start karle


Itni maa mut chudao :D

Is there any merit to the theory that Asia has a much weaker strain than the rest of the world? The numbers do not add up. OK many Asian countries have very poor testing like India, Pakistan, Indonesia etc. But we are not getting any leaked videos of chaos there that you would expect if the virus was tearing through the population.
Then you have proper testing and reporting in Korea. They are doing fine.
Japan ??? Something funny going on there. They did barely anything to contain it but again no videos coming out of any problems over there.

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too much pajeets on freelance. Almost all of them are pajeets. Please, choose something else.


Fucking retards the lot of you, the fact is if you’re under 30 and healthy, you have under 0.1% chance of death and 99.99% chance of beating the virus and developing antibodies

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are we still going to have nothingburgers when we hit 1 million confirmed deaths?


>China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

>China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

>China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

lol get fucked Petros

Tedros crisis in a few minutes


Because chinks film everything while other countries don't

normalfags still dont understand the severity of this virus. the world will go back to work in a month and the real happening will start a couple weeks after that. good luck bros this is literally going to be the worst disaster of our lives

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Don’t go outside ever. Life is unsafe. Don’t get in your car, it’s dangerous. Don’t do anything except sit in your room where it’s safe. We’ll throw some bars on your windows for extra safety too.



The crisis of coronavirus established itself in short time and changed life radically, at least for a long time. This is a crisis of great proportions, with consequences still unpredictable. Medicine, science and governments sail inside the mist.

Any crisis demands leadership and coordination. The greater the crisis, the bigger is the need for leadership, definition of responsability, coordination and harmony.

Without getting into merit, government and minitries, particularly Health and Economy minitries, are adopting measures to save lives, protect the most vulnerable, businesses, economic acitivity.

The people, naturally with fear, are trying to protect their own health, jobs and means of subsistence. They observe and follow the government guidance, normally transmitted by the Health Ministry, on procedures and protocols.

Social distancing globally recomended in order to save time and not overwhelm the health system changes life routine radically. This measure has been adopted worldwide and has presented results. But governments aren't illusion salesman. Thy need to assume leadership and responsability, centralize decisions and recommendations, put themselves above political parties, electoral and ideological disputes. The health system needs to function harmonically at all three levels - federal, state and municipal, because there exists expectation of overload.

Noncomplience of government recommendations by anyone invested with government responsability, with behavior opposite to the advised by itself, brings insecurity, creates conflict, gives a bad example of coordination and makes it difficult for the people to evaluate the conciliation between their needs of life protection and return to work, economic activities and social relationships.



447 celebration on Jewish globalist hub of South East Asia

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Dude, just refresh the tree of liberty bro. Just fight for your freedom bro. Its your patriotic duty to defend your rights to the death bro. Or are you a fucking pussy

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So, do you have a study disproving reactivation then? It could either be reinfection or reactivation in South Korea

Why are you posting instead of enjoying life?


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>shitholes like cali or bongland
nothing was lost

I am from third world country. Please tell me how long will this lockdown last. Will the life be normal after 15 days? I am suffering in loneliness. I need air, normal day to day life. Help me /pol


This is unfortunately true.
There are 2 opposite camps. One wants to get the fuck out and sees the authoritarian rules being implemented right now and, correctly predicts that they will stay for good, while the other is afraid of dying and the severity of the virus and wants to keep themselves and their families safe.
So, as always it's a fight between authoritarian government vs freedom.
There has to be a middle somewhere there.
We can't, most likely, simply end the quarantine and let everyone out or this virus will overwhelm our medical sector in no time and then cause the economy to ho to shit anyway.
All of the studies on the Spanish Flu showed that doing nothing is actually worse for the economy than doing something.
So I think we should open on stages and try to save what we can.
People who have to go to work should be allowed to do so and people who want to stay at home should be allowed to do so.
How to do it, though, I have no idea.

Everyone has a phone in their pocket. We get videos from India of mayhem at the bus and train stations but zero evidence of the virus doing any damage.

>Singapore: 447 new cases
I thought they contained it? What's going on, singabros?

based and worrypilled

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well, he'll surely need it for now on lol

>I am from third world country.
So are we. Get in line.

The solution is not easy and it is complex. Government is responsible for promoting union and actions to save lives, preserve the economy and give technical recommendation. Time needs to be used for serious discussions, focus on health and economic measures, not on strife, personal attacks and attacks towards institutions, in an attempt to criminalize Congress and the Supreme Court, political adversaries, governors and mayors, and politization of technical subjects like proceedings on the use of medications.

The President is the maximum authority in our country. He has the power of decision and the responsability of decisions. If the president is not in favor of the adoption of certain procedures, he is obliged to not permit its propagation [by his own government]. He must not give authorization to promote recomentations and procedures that he himself does not believe and goes against. Nothing stops the president from replacing a minister or an assistant in a trust position, and that can be perfectly done with ethical limits. If the authority has conviction of what he wants, then replace, nominate someone who justifies his line of thinking, give clear orientations, take responsibility and give signature to his guideline.

The people can't stay uncertain, watching political strife and bewilderment of the procedures. The people need to take care of their individual and collective health and to work. But for that, they need secure guidance. It is important that they see authorities focused, attentive in the evaluations and corrections on the path. When the problem grows, there pop ups a leader that grows more than the crisis, centralizes actions, decisions, guidance and takes responsibility.

Even late, there still is time to raise the level of conduct.

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>450+ cases in Singapore
>A police state with the most agressive contact tracing in the world can't contain it

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with the artist in the other thread I can finally create the corona-chan porn game and sell it on patreon for big buxx

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>Will the life be normal after 15 days?

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Milk of magnesia user. If you drink enough, trust me, your problem will end.
Also vit C, just eat it until you get shits.
Also grapes, but you have to eat a ton of them to feel the effects.

Most likely they were never actually cured, can take up to a month to even show symptoms for some people

Wow, its almost like its a SHTF scenario


Go take out a personal loan right now. Apply for as many credit cards as you can. Take on as much debt as you can and convert it to food and supplies. Then get far away from civilization as possible. Obviously if youre still paying a mortage, car payment, rent etc. STOP. Soon there will be no one around to collect debt at all. I'm tired of trying to convince stupid nothing burgers. This virus is like nothing else we've seen before. There probably millions dead but the governments are deflating the casualties. /cvg/ may end up being the only hope. Heed my words, and remember you heard it here first.

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Car accidents don’t cause global quarantines on a scale never before seen in human history. You’re a fucking faggot, you’ve been brainwashed by the system to obsess over work. Just look at you. You’re going insane not being able to work. You are wagecuckolded for life, a much more serious illness than COVID

it's fucking over bros.

I don't know what damage you expect. There were videos from Turkey on friday of unrest and riots when they announced a full weekend lockdown 3 hours before it happened and everyone rushed outside. Seizures can happen, but only chinks will leave them laying on the street

>Take on as much debt as you can
At least be subtle

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>Chile counts those who died as "recovered"

At least he has foresight to ask. Not everyone who is ignorant is cognizant enough to ask.

No we will not be normal after 15 days or 15 weeks.




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Those organ damage is from lack of oxygen/pneumonia not the virus. You get organ damage from the flu too because of pneumonia. Covid doesn't actually attack your kidneys.

A strong neutralizing antibody response generated against the spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV is completely protective in the susceptible host. However, neutralizing antibody titers and the memory B cell response are short lived in SARS-recovered patients and the antibody will target primary homologous strain. Interestingly, the acute phase of SARS in humans is associated with a severe reduction in the number of T cells in the blood. Surprisingly, only a limited number of studies have explored the role of the T cell-mediated adaptive immune response in respiratory coronavirus pathogenesis. In this review, we discuss the role of anti-virus CD4 and CD8 T cells during respiratory coronavirus infections with a special emphasis on emerging coronaviruses.

“There is no proof at this point that the development of an antibody response will be protective,” said David Walt, a professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “There is no evidence yet that people can’t be reinfected with the virus.”

South Korea is pretty strict about what cured means, they test you multiple times in the span of two to three weeks after you have no symptoms anymore. So it definitely is either reactivation or reinfection, the Korean CDC said so themselves

Imagine actually caring about this clown world economy run on fiat

How did Spain and Italy fuck this up so much?

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Anyone know if I still qualify for the extra 600$ added to my unemployment if I'm a part time worker? I work 5 days a week, 5 hours a day. My unemployment claim is about 330$ a week, so I'm not sure if the 600$ will be added later or not. I live in cali.

muurhgh nothingburger until 100 million deaths

How would covid be bad for the economy? It primarily kills the elderly and the unhealthy. These groups are not exactly high economic producers user. The Black Death was bad for the economy but amazing for society because it caused a scarcity of labor which made landowners raise wages and compete for workers, effectively breaking the back of feudalism and the manorial system forever. Pandemics are never bad in the long run.

Have you seen the videos of seizures from Indonesia?

I can't, its too abstract

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Source: twitter.com/GenSantosCruz/status/1250412771637727237


Bolsonaro has acted like a little bitch. He doesn't want any social distance whatsoever, he wants to lets people die, his guru is an ancap pop-philosopher who didn't enroll in high school and lives in the US calling everyone a communist. But the governors and the health ministries are in favor of social distancing and quarantines. He doesn't fire his health minister because then if people die en mass he'll be held completely responsible. He just doesn't want to take any responsibility either for the economy going to shit or the people dying, so he does nothing, just promotes HCQ like a snake oil salesman, and breaks the social distancing recommendations by going in stores, hugging his supporters, etc.

Its even higher

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Is that covid 20?

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Yeah I suppose they don't have enough confirmed cases to see any crazy hospital videos. Maybe in a few weeks time.

Was the spike in deaths yesterday just because they started using a new method of calculating deaths? I thought we already hit the peak.

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>Chile counts those who died as "recovered"



One million dead when?

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Today Germany decides about school.
Post your bets.

Italy: having direct flights to Wuhan and 100k chinks
Spain: commie leaders
Correct me if I'm wrong

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Spanish flu has 100 million deaths. This is a fucking nothingburger and you know it.

Japan seems culture based of not wanting to cause problems for others
The other countries can do hard lockdowns enforced by their military with ease since they had no human rights to begin with. If china wants you to stay in, you stay in or you and your family will accidentally get corona and die the next day regardless of incubation period.
China also started the trend of not counting people that already had an illness before as corona victims (so if you had a broken leg and died of corona, the cause would be the broken leg) but desu that's just speculation. This was stated back when they removed a large number of corona deaths a month ago in mid march(?) retroactively since they would not be "sincere cases of corona, but the cause of the deaths would be different underlying problems".
I don't think it's a secret that china would rather not be made the villain of the western world right now as they started investing a ton into various companies and products overseas.

We'll just have to wait and see and compare countries after it's all been dealt with and the threat subsides but yes the numbers don't add up, they don't add up anywhere since every country does it differently. That's why looking at global numbers should be taken with a grain of salt.

big true

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