Why does the Koran praise Jesus and talks highly of him yet Muslims slay Christians and basically serve us, which in all likely worship Lucifer and hate Jesus?
Why ?
(By us I mean Jews)
Mohammad is the last prophet. Jesus is like a couple behind him so he’s speaking the word of the LORD and sheeit.
Damnn, y'all quite af
lucifer is a failed Christ.
muzzies don't accept God in any earthly form
they serve the jews by being mindless hordes
simple as
Ty, I still don't understand why they kill Christians
La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.
Slide thread. OP is a faggot and should khs. All Jews are the enemies of humanity and deserve to get Minecrafted.
Mohammed most likely did that to add legitimacy to his own claims. He was a merchant who heard about Jesus through spoken word without developing even a mediocre understanding of what happened. Which is why it's so obvious to reject him as a Christian for being any kind of a prophet when obviously he was someone who was trolled by some entity that claimed to be Gabriel. When some Muslim claims to believe in Jesus as a prophet ask them what he said, name one parable, or what was his main message and they will most likely have no idea and want to detonate their suicide vest on you.
Islam is a false religion that was invented by Muhammad for the purpose of political conquest. The personality of Allah is very different from YHWH's. The Quran gets many basic details about Judaism and Christianity wrong. Christianity is the logical continuation of the faith of Abraham in the Tanach. It thinks that Jesus is the Mashiach that was promised. Islam is a heresy of this Judeo-Christian understanding.
Things some of the Jew does and some other suspects and some other suffers without knowing.
Because you both worship the cube, the moon, and the star.
Cross is cube unfolded, the way out of YHVH. You all worship the cage.
Allah is described as the greatest trickster, whereas YHWH cannot lie and always keeps his promises. Muhammad also got the Trinity wrong. Christians think that God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three in one God. Muhammad wrote that it was the Father, Son, and Mary the mother of Jesus, which was clearly wrong, but Muslims insist that Christians and Jews are wrong about their own religions.
How can we be wrong tho
We worship Lucifer
Because their religion was set up to be in servitude to jews as righteous gentiles under he noahide laws, they had to hedge themselves because of byzantium at the time was Christian so they had to say nice things about jesus in the quran but deny the crucifixion and reservation. Over time as is with every auxiliary group that jews set up, they began to have problems with jews so you see some anti semitism coming from islam. They are your bitch though. With all of the arabs they lost to israel in 3 days. Muslims and their saber rattling cannot be taken seriously.
Whatever pill it is it is the truth. Some people worship the Tetragrammaton which appears to be a cage that has trapped Gods consciousness, binding it to this material realm.
So are there proofs Muhammed was part of the tribe?
I have heard rumors about Mohammad but the Saudis definitely are. Lots of sabbatean frankists running around out there in one form or another.
If you read the hadith and biographies of mohammed you will see references to influential jews at the time. They had names like el zawahri and such. There were no birnbaums and lipshitz in the region at that time so basically those jews were the same ethnicity as muhammed they just had a different faith so essentially from the same tribe ethnically speaking.
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a curse! 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be under a curse!
Like we don't follow god anymore, we worship Lucifer, that's why we do what we do
Are you referring to Satan? The word "lucifer" came from people trying to translate הילל in Isaiah 14:12 into Latin a long time ago, but they didn't know how to translate it at that time.
Jesus, so Mohammed was basically a mizrahi jew .
They don't teach you that at school, then again they don't teach is about what the Jews did in Russian
Yes, the red guy with the horn
The Koran has like every religious scripture good intentions, but it is also mixed with Satanic Verses. The humans following the Koran are good people, all of them, but Satan has managed to get a hold of some of them and directs them to do evil deeds.
Muslims believe in God and goodness and that tells you they are not lost, because Christians and Muslims believe in reality in the same almighty and only God. In my opinion Muslims must be helped to accept Jesus Christ as their savior and to let go the evil verses. If you can't love your Muslim brother you are not a real Christian. You must love him so he can love you back. Show them the right way and help them. Just hate the Satan that torments some of them.
Unrelated, some earthly music.
Hummingbird - Essence Of Life
The keeper - Yanni
With You in Mind - Aaron Neville
Mozart: Concert Arias
Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G Major, BWV 1048
Delibes: Lakmé - Duo des fleurs (Flower Duet)
Barber: Agnus Dei
Yeah, I've heard that the Saudis are Jewish
Why would someone worship the enemy of God who is omnipotent?
Dunno, but that how it is.
When we rejected Christ we rejected our god aswell, Christ offered us a spiritual kingdom, but we wanted a physical one, hence way we went to Lucifer