What the fuck do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?
What the fuck do we do about the balding epidemic plaguing young white males?
gen skinhead
Shave our heads.
Normalize it, like fat girls try to do
lose weight and go to the gym
We do nothing about it because it is not important.
>like fat girls
Accept it. Nothing you can do. Women hate baldies and people make fun of us... but its life. You can't fix everything.
Stop cooming.
Genocide non-baldies.
cope, girls hate balding guys and know bald guys shave their heads
at most u will be seen as betabuxx material, but dont think she will fuck u often
Remember, the more you bald the more Asian girls want you. The better you'll be able to cuck Asian boys.
shitty diets, lack of activity, but most likely massive hormone imbalances courtesy of the water and meat being pumped full of the stuff. xenoestrogens are in everything
brotha brotha. i had a fucked up hairline until i started fasting and going low carb. also got out of a "toxic" relationship and live stresss free. sure, it could just be genetics, but its probably one of things i mentioned, i believe.
Just grow more hair you hairlet lol it's not hard
They love it when bad boy skinheads shave their heads though.
most balden are ugly, its true, but only a fucking beta cuck who cant get poosi would make this post out of spite. baldy fucked your oneitis, little bitch boy?
Deal with it. Nothing can stop balding, treatment is only temporary and is expensive.
gyms are closed due to AIDS
Just shave it off if it looks bad. I have a my hair but its turning gray at 27, it's only a matter of time before it starts to go. When it does I'll just shave it off.
Friend of mine was going bald at 26:
>goes to Turkey
>pays a group of Turkish wizards €1500
>couple of months later has a forest on his head
Or just shave it, man the fuck up.
Balding means higher testosterone right? So it could be a good thing
yeah, they like the bad boy, not the baldness. what thot wouldn’t cream over a ripped skinhead vs fat balding losers
Thats not balding, thats just naturally what happens to the sides....
lol. only thing that matters if facial aesthetics and height. try being ugly, or an ugly manlet, and shave your head. see how much they lust after the badass skinhead then.
It doesn't but go ahead and be a cue ball for all I care.
how does that explain the basedboys and testosterone levels plummeting in men?
difference between gray and bald though. gray might actually be based. how much of your hair is gray?
stop mating with bald men. Problem fixed :P
I'm balding in late twenties and I can't cope. I hate the idea of doing this but I started taking dutasteride and using minoxidil. I just can't lose it right now, I haven't even started dating or building a career yet. I need my hair.
>Balding means higher testosterone right?
no. that is an outright lie. a cope meme. no truth to it.
We remind OP that they're a primitive slave in service to outdated medical expectations and a spiritualistic view of biology.
Statins can extend lifespans by slowing mitochondria. Once we can reverse age-related mitochondrial damage, divisions of age will matter far less.
Use hair fibers until that Japanese cure for hairloss is widely deployed (already found, you just missed the news).
>Thats not balding, thats just naturally what happens to the sides....
lol. totally normal.
reminder that it is the mother's father that passes it to your kids, so pay attention to that if want to save your children from a fate worse than death.
unironically stop beta's from breeding
Some women like baldies, most do not.
Control what you can control and get on with it.
another meme. an old "wives tale" as they say. stop spreading retard myths.
shouldve stoned the bald faggots in your village thousands of years ago instead of being equality cucks and letting them reproduce
reap the reward, balding faggots.
What’s going on itt?
nope, it's due to beta bone structure from the parents
Faggot. I have great hair but i shaved my head since im mostly friend with czech neo-nazis. Its funny wearing army boots , black leather jacket with CZ 75 and walking through gypsy ghetto singing racist songs. If you have hair and walk quietly through gypsy ghetto you get beaten and They will steal everything you have.
>just eat meat
No it means high DHT sensitivity aka your hair follicles are pussies. Swarthy Iranians have some of the highest DHT levels in the world yet have follicles with low sensitivity so they have full heads of hair. Chinks have low DHT which is why they rarely bald.
Well doctors say it. Also, my dad never lost so much as a single strand but my mom's dad lost everything early. Here I am losing it. For me it checks out.
put on the boonie
Shave it off and grow a beard and hit the gym. I'm 30 and I look like pic related except with shorter beard and I still can attract early 20s prime girls.
Holy fuck, why does this fucking website care so much about balding?
The only time I ever see anyone fucking talking about it is either on this website, or when it's being used to describe how someone looks like.
You all act like fucking teenage girls worrying about the size of their breasts or something. It's fucking mental.
For an anonymous imageboard I've never known people more vain.
Try Minoxidil to save ur life
imagine being bald. the only 3 good looking bald guys constantly paraded around.
Obviously nothing because only frivolous üntermensch care about that?
Fucking idiot. It's because nutrition. If you eat processed meat, and greasy foods, that's the result. Start eating sea foods - fish, octopus, sardines. Sea foods makes your hair grow and strong. Oil fish as well.
But if you're already bald, then you should implant dick hair in your head. Ask to a doctor about this.
Or cheapest way: Comb your back hair to front. :P.
there's no increased incidence of balding. it's always been over 60%. just harder to see that in modern times with toupees, implants, medications etc
well my hair started growing back after depression destroyed my T so there's that...
try castrating yourself for that lush mane?
Rare and fuck off with you Jew meds. Just trim your head you fucking vain pussies.
>Well doctors say it.
no they dont. test injections can make it happen quicker, but only if you're predisposed to it (as in its happening anyways). also what you said is just anecdotal evidence. look into your diet bud.. you will probably go bald but maybe you can stop it , who knows.
This isn’t true. My grandfather was full blown bald at 27. I’m 35 and just barely starting to go bald on the back of my head.
Blacks don't crack
It's because there are psych ops on this site that play on insecurity
I myself am balding but I don't care much for it, it's not the end of the world
So it is true
>imagine going bald
my barber always complains about my thick ass hair. Pretty sure he blunts his scissors every time lmao.
Men bald. Why are zoomers so concerned with something men have done since the beginning of time?
I knew a guy who's father was very bald and he went bald at like twenty. unreal looking
yeah, its a total meme.
Shave it off and stop being a faggot?
kill yourself cuckold. your parents are disgraced with you. that is true.
> How can we stop this epidemic plaguing of young white males?
Ask to a doctor, where you can make a dick hair surgery... They take part of your dick hairs and implant it on your hair.
The results are... ...marvelous ;).
Not True. Turkey has made some great breakthroughs in hair transplants. You'll need a few dozen male goat scrotums though.
Its normal for men to go bald at 20. Youre unreal.
>yes I had a transplant in Turkey how did you know?
You might want to reread the post
>there's no increased incidence of balding
This. I recently went through hundreds of photos of my great-grandfather and grandfather. There were a shitload of baldies in pics from well over a century ago. It's not new.
This plus finasteride
Easy, stop dating/marrying crazy bitchs
Does it seem balding is more common today than in the past?
I'm lucky that I'm not bald. I've got hair even in my forehead :D.
male pattern baldness is a high test trait
Get a pull-up bar and do calisthenics. You can get strong as fuck and ripped without anything but body weight. Just make sure your form is good or you WILL fuck your shoulders up.
Were all gonna be bald with 5G
no relation
based. nothing worse than a guy holding on to his hair when its GONE. especially a comb over with long hair. big YUCK
whats your end game? are you trying to troll or something? your english isn't strong enough to come off as anything other than a limp dicked gimp.
kek. it will look terrible in 2-3 years.
not worth permanent limp dick. i know its low chance, but not worth it to me. too many horror stories.
the horshoe head i.e. the fat jew from seinfeld has always been pretty common in think. people just used to die earlier.
>Get a pull-up bar and do calisthenics. You can get strong as fuck and ripped without anything but body weight
It's better than nothing, but normally the people talking about calisthenics are just pussies who are scared to go to the gym and look like shit.
It doesn't mean in every case, but overall the influence of the maternal grandfather is the bigger factor. That is why so many young lads fuck up and don't eat correct nutrition, thinking they'll have their fathers hair.
You look like a tryhard faggot in a shirt with hearts on it?
>your granpa was bald
>you're already balding (you'll be bald in a few years)
hypothesis confirmed
They used to be shit I know, but the guy I know has great hair now.
My father is bald and my mother’s father had hair pretty old, but my dad was losing his hair at 23. I started at 17. Now it’s thinning out on top and it pisses me off. I’m fucking 20. I’m fucking nines right now but I don’t have resources to offer yet so by the time I do I’ll be pulling uglier girls. No way I’ll marry some trophy while I still have hair.
It's not increased but it's more on an issue because our society has changed a lot and now looks are much more important. People used to get married and start working early, before the balding. Since women didn't work, looks weren't as important for men. And now that dating apps have nearly replaced all other forms of dating, your worth is determined from a few pictures. Looks have never been more important, so going bald actually matters these days. They need to fix this shit now.