China bans online gaming with other countries
China bans online gaming with other countries
Good. They don’t deserve anything good. Also this mean Blizzard will finally get BTFO and lose their chink gibs.
Based, gaming is for faggots
I want to get a switch the new animal crossing looks fun.
Why did China ban Animal Crossing? Literally the most benign game.
Lol incoming gaming market crash
CCP is the most paranoid regime in the world. Makes the USSR look like carefree and open. CCP must be destroyed at all costs. We should pray for war.
WTF I love the ccp now.
just google animal crossing china
Wtf I had a friend I used to play LFD2 with from China
thank fuck my risk of rain 2 quickplays were getting ruined by those fucks
HK protesters were using the drawing/texture functions to put anti PRC messages. Imagine being so fucking fragile you are scared of some basedcucks in a Nintendo game.
Fuck you, you beat me to it
Not mad. Chinese are fucking horrid.
Law of averages gives them an advantage given their massive pool of players--but most Chinese are shit at adapting to situations on the fly. A lifetime of repetition and learning only from static, structured learning enviornments has destroyed their capability to act effectively in dynamic environments.
No one will farm gold on MMOs now?
Chinks are unbearable.
Oh no, I'll miss those chinese hackers.
The chinese act like insects even in video games. They hack and cheat so much that they spill out into other regional servers so they can hack and cheat against people that don't. They group up and relentlessly attack anything that isn't chinese, especially in survival type games.
China numba 4
Hong Kong numba 1
Not that I care but I bet the MMO players are all fucking getting drunk and celebrating.
No more gold farming.
What a wonderful digital economy they now inherit. Dorks.
chankoro literally cannot handle the bants.
Why cant commies handle some banter?
Thank GOD!
I pray that Tencent in it's entirety eventually fails.
God I hope this is real. I was having to drop Tienanmen square spam into chat every time they would try to slide games in shit I played. There will be a huge drop in cheaters and game quality will go up.
Holy shit, absolutely BASED piece of news. Not having to deal with those cheating shitters is going to be incredible.
bing bong ching chong
I'm sure they'll still sell in China, it's just that it'll be like AWS - there will be in-China infrastructure that can't talk to anything anywhere else.
This in particular.
And that.
pandas mad
In the end it's really not about politics. That's just cover for the emotional economics involved. It's about how amazingly tiny and fragile the chink ego is. They call it "face", but all it means is they cannot take the tiniest criticism without their own internal emotional world collapsing and feeling like they need to destroy everyone and everything. Since they can't actually make the world say it loves China unconditionally, they would rather just shut down any opportunity to hear anything apart from their own bullshit. From a moral standpoint the chinaman is so tiny as to barely exist.
I can finally play pubg with Aussie autists again
hahahahaha fuck yea
fuck chink gold farming faggots