
Why haven't they fought back?

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>Why haven't they fought back?
You know why.

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Why haven't you?

cuckianity is dead


IDK it's your cathedral. I'm not flying to New Algeria to fight your battles.

The sickly babies who should have died off were given excellent medical technology to survive. Now they have spawned multiple sickly generations, who rule over us with hegemonic pacifism and mental illness, mandating that we act similarly or else face ridicule.

OP is a french kike

>fight your battles.
Trust me you will, muttoid.
Superior Frenchmen shine in haute cuisine, bookwriting or any refined arts.
You mutts are bound to fight and die in the mud for us. Cattle.

Oh no not ridicule.

If only the Roman Empire knew this tactic. They could have just called Mohammed or Attilla cringe and sent them back home crying.

Notre Dame was a metaphor for Christianity in Europe

That's the queerest thing I ever heard. You are definitely Jewish.

Serious question: can you explain what the fuck happened to France? You guys are one of the primary reasons the USA exists and have a very proud warring history. What happened to the sons of Charles Martel?

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it got burned and weakened but will be rebuilt?

The renovation works haven't started and probably won't ever and everyone seems okay with it. I am ashamed of my compatriots.

amerimutts are the biggest coward on this earth

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This bigtime. One of the greatest works of archirecture and beauty in christendom burned down and most people looked at it like it was just another curiosity and went along with their lives.
It's over.

>The renovation works haven't started
they need 1 year for the wood to dry after firefighters soaked it with water
otherwise it might crumble

There is no reason, you are going straight to hell all by yourselves.

Turn the other ass cheek and get slapped by muhammed.

C'était moi en plus putain
Mon post journalier pour chier sur leur vétéran est up, au passage. Je viens de le faire

Tu ne seras jamais un Français, Juif

The wood that didn't burn?

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lol i guess the amazing atheist really did wake up alot of people. personally i abandoned christianity when i was young after watching his videos. atheism rocks

yeah some of it survived

c'était à moi que tu avais répondu en plus
ces coincidences des fois

Not an expert in architecture and archeology but I expect most of it was built with stones except higher, lighter parts. Sounds like a good excuse from our lousy government to do nothing anyway. They pushed the blasphemy quite far with this.

Je suis en télétravail alors je chie sur ces ricains de merde depuis quelques semaines. Javais fait pareil ya quelques mois puis je m'étais lassé. Les posts sur ziegel le golem brûlé cest moi . On se recroisera lol

the roof is supported by wooden beams i think

>literally a shop

>What happened to the sons of Charles Martel?
charles martel is a kike who literally let the muzzies invade half of europe for his personal gain, he refused to help spain when they asked for his help, he refused to help south western france when they asked for his help, and let those areas be conquered and looted by muslim arabs

not that an amerimutt would know that

Speak English.

But the roof burned. See pic related

Non, on parle blanc, fils de nègres. Mon language est sur ton passeport pas l'inverse

Christianity is a religion based on a dead Jew from 2,000+ years ago. What makes you think they will ever fight back? Turn the other butt cheek is literally the Christcuck motto

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you make a point then
government wankers

>Mon language est sur ton passeport pas l'inverse
quoi mdr?

c'est quoi l'inverse? son passeport est sur ton language? ptdr ça ne veux rien dire apprends a parler

>c'est quoi l'inverse?
son language est sur son passeport

mais il est français son language serait toujour le francais pas lamericain

Christianity has been sublimed by the West. Jews weren't worthy of it and made it quite obvious with their hideous murder which started it all. With time, it became the core of every values we can relate to white people and the history of Europe and its increasing weakening also is the main explanation for how Europeans got so miserable and pitiful.

You're easily convinced lol.

Also kek

ur not better then muslims budhists or katholics.
Just a different kind of FAGS

The sacrilege took place just a week before Easter, exactly SEVEN days and they remained silent?
It's quite frustrating, though I'm very interested in Catholicism and am doing what is necessary to get baptized, they seem so weak and acceptive, as if they had forgotten crusades and every noble quests of their history.