Brit/pol/ allowed outside again

Good news for all the NEETs and autists here!

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-15 at 15.29.09.png (636x632, 392K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gonna use my autism pass to go sit in the park on a nice sunny day and take some pictures just to piss off the normies.

First for are Mozza

Attached: MorrisseyPA160611.jpg (877x600, 80.89K)

How is this gonna work? Do we need a diagnosis? Or can we just act spergy at cops?

>Finally, I can play Pokemon Go again!

Attached: 2b7.jpg (600x450, 34.86K)

I've had mine formally diagnosed so I guess I'll just fold that up and take it with me and whip it out if I get accosted.

Just casually trying to thin out the autists

>Let mentally ill walk free
>They get infected, and die off
I don't know, seems kinda based to me.

Cool, now how do I get disgnosed officially as high functional during, this bullshit?

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

Attached: 1586953922355.jpg (962x1026, 224.46K)

>Good news for all the NEETs and autists here!
can we visit the other Yas Forumsistinians in their houses?
BOTH of them?

Attached: giertz-1230x647.jpg (1230x647, 86.89K)

Maybe in Sunderland.

And no one can answer the question, as predicted by my highly functioning weaponized autism.

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Get a referral to a (((psychologist))), pay 600 pounds. They probably do tele referrals.

Can get it done on the NHS too but it'll take anywhere from 6 months to a year.
Got mine that way took about 8 months.

So literally everyone here then

>well here we are now
>all the lads

Attached: todd.png (440x438, 115.51K)

So after this is all done we are just gonna go back to being in China's pocket right?

if you fold it you'll get creases in it. put it in a plastic sheath

Sneaky purging you got going there.

Help me stop cooming lads

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I still cannot go out!

Attached: Strangeways Gate.jpg (1024x858, 255.52K)

It's A4 and it's already folded, and I'm not going to just walk around with a sheet of A4 in a plastic sleeve like a spacca

Attached: 1463423253841.gif (430x440, 1.99M)

Get a lanyard and hang it around your neck like the sperglord you are

manhands thinks i’m roguishly handsome

made me laugh

What are nonces up to now that the kids are locked away in their homes? Have they taken up "birdwatching" from their bedroom windows?

Well done, when are you and pubes persona getting together?

Dunno, what did you do yesterday?

>Doctor describes how coronavirus 'covers the insides of lungs in slime' that suffocates the respiratory air sacs
>j-just a flu

This is you when you have a beard

Attached: Cavalier.jpg (577x900, 174.89K)

Why do so many idiots split threads? this 1 was made like 30 mins prior to the other, regardless of
>it's too early though nigger
it's still here, check the fucking catalog...

So where is wanna be Pube Canceranon?

Attached: Edw3T1586963683.jpg (640x817, 206.48K)

To make it harder for the tripfags.
This is not your facebook, cunts.

>build a massive hospital for this “”””deadly pandemic””””
>19 people have used it
>it may never be fully opened
What a boring “””””””pandemicl”””””””

scan it and print off a copy. keep the original in a plastic sheath

Why was Gainsborough so comfy?

Attached: Mr_&_Mrs_Andrews_1750_by_Thomas_Gainsborough.jpg (2246x1300, 1.06M)