5th grade math at a US public school. I have a younger kid reading about Cesar Chavez...

5th grade math at a US public school. I have a younger kid reading about Cesar Chavez. I think I'm done with public school.

What's a good source of humanities curriculum if I choose to home school going forward? I can teach all levels of math and science no problem, but I don't know what's grade level appropriate for classical literature.

Attached: common_core.png (693x546, 39.13K)

In 5th grade, I was doing basic algebra. Is that a remedial class?

This is the result of Bill Gates' Common Core math program.

Are they teaching them that cesar Chavez was anti immigration and anti open borders?

12 divided by 1/4 is 48. Who the hell wrote this?

Dude, you should probably just move somewhere without so many niggers. My son is in 5th and yeah, some of the math is this kind of bs, but mostly it's on par with what I was taught at that age. Our schools are like 90% white though.

My school is 90% white. LA isn't that integrated.

Yeah, i was triggered on multiple levels when i saw this. And my kid hates math despite being highly intelligent. Starting to wonder if this is why.

Make him read Nozick, Rawls, Kant, John Mill, Marx, Adam Smith. Teaching him about different viewpoints and explaining why they can be good and bad are excellent ways of teaching a child good thinking and to not be bigoted and have autistic fits like SJWs do when your child has its views challenged.
t. Phil 2307-Ethics

You should teach him real math. I'm talking interesting proofs and theorems, and throw in some puzzles that require coding/thinking outside the box.

It’s 48 pizzas you dumb fuck, do you even math?


Definitely on the agenda at some point, but still too young. I don't know that i would dignify rawls as anything other than a retarded theory to laugh at.

Sounds like the Common Core way of working it out.

shes just not into it. Moderately into coding, mostly into reading + art.

You fucking retards 12 / (.25) = 48

And where did the 36 other pizzas come from? Comet Pizza?

Forgot to add social contract theory (Hobbes, John Locke, and Rousseau). Affirmative action (Pojman, Wasserstrom) Famines and resource distribution (Peter Singer and Garrett Hardin) and Abortion (there's Judith Thomson, Mary Warren, and Don Marquis, although if you have black people, just teach your child to hate black people instead of teaching them to permit abortions)

Yeah his shit is kinda retarded. It kinda opened the door to the inflated government pandering to minorities we have today so if you don't want to I don't blame you.

This is what happens when niggers are allowed to take part in classes that are graded on a normal CURVE


The answer is 0 because none of the pizzas are entirely made of pepperoni.

>humanities curriculum
bitch please


Forgot to add, start teaching your kid the basics of calculus if you can with pre-algebra. Set the foundation so they can succeed with the idea of limits and discontinuity, start teaching your kid that the sum of all numbers between [a,b] is infinite and things like that.

Yes, we all know slavs have no need for culture, you can go back to your vodka and krokodil now.

Sad how badly the education system has degraded. When I was in 5th grade 29 years ago we were doing algebra.

12 * 1/4 = 12/4 = 3
Fucking hell this is what happens when women and kikes run your schools

Attached: konata.png (960x1023, 254.94K)

LIV the post

The (((public schools))) are desensitizing our children to pedophilia.
>the pizzas had only pepperoni as a topping
Pizza is codeword for child
The children are topless

This is clearly a connection to pizzagate

Attached: 1584377472423.gif (450x450, 2.05M)

________ = 48

You absolute mong

No, thus is poor question construction.
I think the original intent was to have it be 12 x .25 rather than division, but whoever was writing or making the test ended up being retarded and mismatched the question preface and result.

Look what I typed you moron
>12 * 1/4 = 12/4 = 3
I gave the corrected formula

Attached: 1481345996280.jpg (1280x720, 70.45K)

You can tell a nigger wrote this. It would be written 12 divided by 4 not 12 divided by 1/4. Because the later would equal 48.

Where did the other 36 pizzas come from nigger? Was it a Buy 1 get 3 free deal in your head?