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Not only are you getting raped by the niggers and goat fuckers, not you're getting raped by the chink virus too

Nice, there's only one gear on this ship, and it accelerates indefinitely.

>total deaths: 1200
Lol who cares

Now show me Italy, Spain or Belgium numbers.


At least no one can call them virophobe.

Attached: aycoronatone.png (976x1306, 302.05K)

Stay at home and play vidya swedebro

Deaths per million has nothing to do with lockdown.

Its going to spread, period, so the entire point was to slow it to maintain hospital capacity. If 20k people die in one month amd then none the rest of the year vs 20k dying over 12 months there is no difference, the concern was always if there were enough hospital beds to treat people.

As long as Sweden has the beds available the number really doesnt matter, it shpuld just be a steeper up ans steeper down of the curve.

11,927 cases and 1,203 dead (10% of cases)
6,681 cases and 309 dead (4.6% of cases)
3,237 cases and 72 dead (2.2% of cases)

We must've gotten very lucky.
Our preparations were absolute horseshit, enough old stuff for about a week of heavy use, and some of the rubber bands had corroded on masks. I hate it when foreign press gushes about Finland. They're projecting their hopes and dreams, not reporting reality.
We had to institute some sort of lockdown because our ICU capacity is so stupidly low. Now it seems we're doing ok on that front, at the moment. Most deaths happen in nursing homes. RIP old folks.

They just lifted the quarantine of Uusimaa region (capital+surrounding areas), which has 30% of the population and 60% of the cases. In two weeks we might see a tick up.
Then again, our Swedish border leaks so that's another source of worry.

The hospital curve is on the down swing. Then again, they're not testing enough.

226 in hospital total
75 in intensive care
72 dead

Attached: 2020-04-15 17_31_10-Suomessa kahdeksan uutta korona­viruksen aiheuttamaa kuolemaa vuoro­kaudessa, Ru.png (566x327, 24.4K)

I always knew drakkars were the fastest ships, especially when going down waterfalls

Based swedes killing of their somali population


most of the ones dying from it here are niggers though

reminder everyone will get the virus anyway (or protected by herd immunity) sweden accelerating this means they can return to normal quicker.

tldr: sweden is based

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Modern day en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ättestupa

It mainly kills the old and minorities anyways.

I agree that Chinkflu is probably overblown, but this graphic isn't even an apples to oranges comparison, it's more of an apples to toaster comparison.
First, you're comparing a full year of flu to a couple months of Chinkflu.
Second, you're comparing essentially no mitigation efforts to basically shutting the world down for chinkflu.
Third, we're comparing a system designed for flu (just enough hospital capacity for that and normal illnesses and injuries) with one that would get completely anal-fissured if a new random illness suddenly popped up.
What are the total deaths for a full year of chinkflu with zero mitigation efforts and a scenario where hospitals are flooded? That's the start of a direct comparison. In a population of 8 billion, if you have even a 1% death rate, that's about 80,000,000 deaths.

Aren't most of them dead nogs?

Fuck this thread

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I want off Mr Bones' wild ride.

>Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches. Let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them.
t: Anders Tegnell

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That's nothing though. If we have 300*70 dead that's only 21k that's basically none....

The flu is mostly in flu season though. Wuflu has been on for months too

No source

Whoever controls the world really hates Sweden

All these threads from swedes claiming they were the smartest nords not confining, kek.
I hope Danes and Norway confine Sweden now, and forever.

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All according to plan, they want to wipe out the elderly so they can give more to migrants

Anders Tegnell head of epidemiologist of the public health agency of Sweden spoke about this.

Going off Imperial College in London regarding long-term lock down its not necessary the best decision for public health and Harvard department of immunology found that a long lock down was even less effective at dealing with pandemics rather than just targeted social distancing.

They know that this was going to happen but because there's no real scientific consensus on the matter at this time they choose to hopefully flatten the curve early rather than later. I believe he stated next week if they don't see it slowing down they will then take greater measures.


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Sweden is irrelevant

Purple : % of the infected
Green : how big % said group is of total population

Only if you keep importing niggers indefinetly.