
Ok lets talk about herpes

Yes i have genital herpes and im infected with both hsv1 and hsv2

Yes i got it from my promiscious past, but its not my fault.

We need to stop shaming people with herpes
its a big nothingburger

I deserve a happy life and a white loyal traditional mormon wife too
Im in the prosess of joining the mormon faith so i can get a white loyal trad wife

Stop calling people with herpes bad things

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just tell her they're Designer sex worts

its better to not tell
the more that gets it the faster the cure will be developed

you're really struggling with this aren't you

no its a big nothingburger

Do you have herpes of the eyeball from taking facials?

You hit the wall roastie. just get some cats to keep you company

im not a roastie

>Its not my fault
lol fuck off roastie. You deserve to die alone and have your corpse eaten by your cats

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You should kill yourself before you spread it.

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its their fault
they spreaded it to me

And if that is the case you must now choose to not spread it. There are probably herpes dating sites.

LOL, U got teh herp.

Grow up. Almost everyone has a forum of herpes. The only thing you need to do take care of yourself more and research ways to treat or cure the virus on your own and apply it. Stop being a slut, get married, keep your ass n the kitchen. If you did this earlier this never would have happened

Look into meditation

I managed to avoid all forms of herpes, including cold sores. People with herpes are degenerate. Cold sores are NOT normal nor are they acceptable.

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4 of my Judo buddies were bouncers in strip clubs. They all have the herp. From what they say, it's not that big of a deal and your outbreaks decrease in frequency and severity over time.
I got genital warts from a hot 17 year old 3-holer when I was 18. Worth it. Would buy again.
Went to a literal jew dermatologist and he asked me if my warts were "peri-anal"...18 year old me had to think about it..and I was like "no they're on my dick I'm not a fag".
So then he has me lay down and with no anesthesia or explanation proceeds to use that electro-cautery thing right below the head of my dick to remove the warts. I broke into a cold sweat and almost passed out. The warts never came back though. I know, cool story.

I remember you faggot, you made a post with similar cope a few weeks ago. What do you want us to do about your herpes and how it is politic related?

pragmatic bastard
but I suppose is what coronoia teaches us

Then you shouldn't have fucked your cats

>but its not my fault

no im gonna spread it
they gave it to me
im just returning the favour

>I still haven't learned to read
Damn things are getting pretty Somali over there.

You gave it to yourself, you filthy degenerate.
>We need to stop shaming people with herpes its a big nothingburger
Says the self-conscious schizoid who keeps making these threads. Your own poor decisions and disgusting degeneracy are burning a hole in your mind to the point that you have to make these threads in order to cope. Nobody gives a fk about you here, you're just being eaten up inside by what you know is true.

95% have it

What do you even bark to me you dog?

Did you keep spreading herpes after you knew you had it?

>a forum of herpes

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yes i have been for 5 years now

A Trad wife don't want your Herpes

and dont want some skeez whos been getting diseases blowing strangers off Craigslist in some dark back ally.

get a dog.

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Stfu you fuckin degenerate

Why do you keep posting this?

Actual people that have hsv2 don't advertise it.

We also don't cry and whine about the stigma. We know the actual physical symptoms are pretty much nothing, a glorified skin infection.

But why post this thread every day? Get over it, bro. No one cares.

i wont tell the trad wife until shes married and stuck ;)

>bible says dont sleep around + get married
>sleeps around, unprotected
>gets aids
>not my fault

Tbh no one told us to take the Bible literally. Everyone was like "it's just a story, bro".


Don’t be a whore.

im not

I think it's pretty fascinating that a few decades ago Herpes was not considered to be a big deal at all.


And then the big pharma went on a pretty big marketing push to make it a shameful condition, and it worked. Which I think is a good thing, since cold sores fucking suck. Can't imagine having them on my dick.