Why do modern Commies resign themselves to being the muscle for international finance capital?
>They deconstruct identity, making it easier for capital and foreign workers to flow across borders.
>They crush the genuine working class, replacing them with useless minority group lumpenproletariat.
>They're literally championed by establishment media, money, institutions, and NGOs.
>They share the same values as the ruling class and wish to impose those values on The working class.
Lol. They're literally the definition of useful idiots.
Modern Commies are Hypercapitalists
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I don't have the patience to deal with you today, but you don't know fucking anything and you worship a billionaire.
relax, it's not like you've got a rally to go to or a job.
You loved him till he attacked king nigger.
well, we are tired of your lies
I don';t even support Obama, he's a war criminal.
So you don’t support filling our countries with brown people that destroy wages for naturally born citizens?
You don't have the patience for him because you know he's correct.
>They're literally championed by establishment media, money, institutions, and NGOs.
oh look, a retard.
they wouldn't even let bernie get the nomination and he's a capitalist moderate who just wanted a european style social safety net
Bioleninism, look it up.
You don't understand the basis of the cartoon....
The Communist believe that the government should own all the businesses.
Big Business believes that Big Business should own the government.
The two are the same idea: the (((elites))) should rule you.
The Libertarian and the "Fascist" are those who resist the Elites, even though they may not know the elites are the jews.
>Why do modern Commies resign themselves to being the muscle for international finance capital?
Because that's all they ever were, and it's been proven for over a century now. They can't even be commies any more, unless they're "ironic" commies that think bitching about inequality while licking Great Rothschild Leader's boots is somehow "edgy" and "cool."
I don't support destroying and looting their countries in the first place and I support revolution, not pathetically trying to cling onto the crumbs capitalists throw us.
I don't have the patience because arguing with right wingers is like groundhog day and they don't learn anything anyway.
Lol. Butthurt commie is butthurt.
You serve the ruling class.
Of course he supports non-white immigration. His views are entirely incoherent.
Yeah, not like you though he supports Trump who is definitely not a multi-billionaire capitalist who has filled the government with other industry owners and their lobbyists. Being a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs and the oil industry is the new punk rock don't you know.
I'm familiar with it
The term for it is "false consciousness", their institutions create an ideological framework in which they come to identify and fraternize with their direct enemies. The third world savage who would slit their throat at the first opportunity for pocket change becomes a fellow oppressed comrade in the struggle. When the lines of political identification do not represent common interests or goals, the enemy wins by default.
>I don't have the patience because arguing with right wingers is like groundhog day and they don't learn anything anyway.
Lurkers learn eveyday here, we are waiting for your arguments
>libertarian fascists vs. corporate communists
>paleo conservative trad paradise seekers vs. transhumanist liberal faggot dystopia wishers
>zoomers vs boomers
I understand how it happened but it's still all stupid
Teen Vogue literally wrote a piece praising antifa.
>Literally pro elites
Its nationalism vs internationalism.
Commies and Neolib capitalists want internationalist masses, or internationalist elites. Fascists and libertarians want nationalist elites and nationalist masses. At the end of the day Communists need capitalism to progress the idea of working class, and capitalism want Communism to destroy the nation-state. Fascists want a unified nation respecting hierarchy, Liberts want a unified nation that respects individual rights, both of these require national identities.
Communism just turns the whole state into one giant corporation a la china, it increases wealth inequality (Not that equality is desirable) and concentrates power into an even smaller few
We just voted for Trump because we hate your anti-white shit. Nationalist Communism, or Stalin-style socialism in one country would have worked, but you filthy cosmopolitans care about LGBT buttfuckers too much.
because the modern commies are an assembly of lumpenproles themselves.
Marx even said that the Capitalists will use the lumpenproletariat as the vanguard of their agenda.
There never will be any "National Communism". Racism is fundamentally designed by and for capitalism. And the USSR was multicultural, Stalin even said himself he didn't identify as white but "Asiatic".
"Racism" which does not exist was made up by trotsky
Racism was called as such by Trotsky, the actual concept has existed since the beginning of colonialism.
Which is why these modern leftist movements degrade into racial tribunes. The fact that anyome can become a proletarian means that identity is lessened in value. Exclusivity in identity is essential, and its why intersectionalism killed Marxism outright.
>niggers aren't human
What are you talking about, the fact that being proletariat crosses national, racial and gender lines is the basis for proletarian unity. Marx said this, the proletariat has no skin colour, nationality, age or sex.
>Lol. They're literally the definition of useful idiots.
They are not "idiots", it's by design. Marxism is a dialectic process, it transforms itself to achieve it's goals, even into it's once "enemies".
Commies lack funds but aspire to have monopoly on political power.
Hypercapitalists have a monopoly on financial power but lack political power.
It's only logical to prostitue themselves for each other.
Marx never considered niggers and shitskins apart of the proletariat.
He was an avowed racist himself.
Lol. I'm black. Every black I know identifies as black before we identify as working class. We identify with Kobe Bryant more than with the common white steel worker because Kobe is of our tribe. You commies are RETARDED. You have a COSMOPOLITAN view of the world. You are secular, rootless, city-dwelling scum that larps as pro-working class when all you do is larp as a Revolutionary while being a man in a dress. How the FUCK are transgender rights going to advance working class interests?
Anyway, good luck telling my community that "race doesn't exist", lol. We've identified with each other since before Karl Marx was even born, before this nation existed, and we'll identify with each other long after. You have to build your movement around blood and soil, not abstract nonsensical intersectional gibberish.
You can literally see how race in the US was designed for economics. What was the intention of the founding of the US, its fundamental rationale? Primitive accumulation of capital. How does it achieve this? By replacing the Natives people with white people. But then who is going to do the work? They can't rely on Native labour because that's who they're trying to get rid of, and they can't rely on white labour because that will white people proletarian and damage the integrity of the racial hierarchy like it did in the Bacon Rebellion, so they import black people to do it.
You can see this logic everywhere. The one drop rule was created to maximise the amount of slaves while many restricting the amount of people who could claim native ancestry to minimise natives.