Male kids are being taught on a daily basis that their lives are worthless and that all problems in the world are their fault. They soon realize that their existence doesn’t have any intrinsic value while girls are constantly praised and encouraged just because they are girls. These feminist attitudes end up destroying their self-stem and a lot of them become unmotivated about life. Most teachers are women who give girls especial treatment and who teach things in a feminine way.
A male quota that forces schools to accept a 50 per cent of male teachers could improve things to a certain degree, but I’m afraid those male teachers would also discriminate male kids. Beside, these quotas have always favored only females.
Maybe what we need is complete segregation. Schools exclusively for boys with male teachers and schools exclusively for girls with female teachers.
Something must be done, because our sons are being psychologically abused and mistreated.
80 per cent of primary teachers are women. What do we do?
you have an EU flag. this means you support globalist progressive ideas, especially feminism. this means you are incapable of handling the problem you are talking about. the EU is the opposite of healthy patriarchy where boys and girls are taught according to their natural roles
tl;dr your Globohomo flag makes your opinion trash bc you are obviously confused
What is being teached is more important than who is teaching.
Get rid of the communist school higherups still being influenced by the soviets and your problems are solved slowly(in one area). To change everything more different areas must be changed. And change things up to down, not down to up.
Dont hire men just because they are men, then you are just a retarded feminist.
But yes, the male teachers would STILL be glohomogenized male-feminist betas who would simply continue the female teacher's work
>to hire men to try to fight the total destructive dominance of feminists is to hurt men
fucking Sweden. you insipid fucking nigger.
Women are made for teaching and caring for small children. Allow men to slap them for their hysterics rather than forcing men to step in to do their job.
1. Just because a man is a man does not mean much, could be a communist onions boy for all i know
2. Even if you now want to hire men just because they are men, good luck. Protests will follow and the echo chamber will silence.
Segregation won't help. Schools are mostly indoctrination already, and keeping boys and girls separate will just make it easier for extremists (leftists in the west, christcucks in countries like poland) to force their weird views of sexuality onto the children.
Instead, it would be better to take away teachers rights to discipline the children, including extra homework and similiar non-violent punishments. Teach the children that while some people will try to force them to comply with whatever weird worldview they hold, refusing their teachings is nothing to be ashamed of.
Also, the psychological abuse does not only concern us men. At least in the three schools I was in, girls were constantly pressured to focus on maths and sciences, do internships in "male" jobs and generally turn themselves into second class men.
And these problems are linked. The constant brainwashing isn't deliberately targeting boys, but I believe that instead, it is caused by inferiority complexes of teachers, who believe that women are inherently inferior and thus try to make them improve, while at the same time limiting boys. rather than this neosexist (or feminist) approach, giving children more freedom would be preferable. Even if that means that some boys will want to cook and knit.
I remember whenever there was a word problem, the person it was about was always a female. Unless the person was doing something shitty, then it would be a lad. It made me feel unsettled always being put in the narration of a girl and the fat kike teacher screamed at me like a banshee when I changed the pronouns to male ones.
This was way back in the nineties.
I just wanted to point out that most high end executive chefs are men.
There is nothing feminine about cooking at all.
I'm doing my part becoming one. If God grants me life I will redpill a new generation of mexicans to become upstanding citizens.
Good, because women dominate the field and men prefer video games over real work the progressive agenda will continue
School is not for learning. It is a daycare center where slaves drop off their children to be baby sat. Women love to babysit, why would you take that away from them?
Yo you just said "think of the children's sexuality" as a disqualifier. WTH.
Haha pathetic incel
teachers tell boys to do stupid stuff and don't pay them, teaching boys that they are slaves. School is a total waste of time and must be abolished.
Thats actually not true.
Female teachers are horribly biased in favor of girls. Its a well researched problem.
Male teachers are a lot better.
Problem is men are not good with young kids as a general rule.
But cultural marxism dictates we are all interchangeable.
See the problem?
Fuck. Way to live up to the meme.
That level of brainwashing. Fuck sweden, thats a lot of kool aide your drinking.
Have you ever considered that most little boys are badly behaved and most little girls aren't badly behaved? It is because girls want the approval of their teachers; boys want the approval of their male peers.
t. Male primary school teacher
First step cure people who are about to become parents.
Second step make sure they raise their children right.
The people that cannot be cured will die out.
I think you'd be better off splitting schools by gender to be honest. Then you could have education better suited to girls and education better suited to boys.
Yikes, you literally said:
>the natural behaviour of boys is bad
>the natural behaviour of girls is good
And by doing so, you have shown exactly what the problem with education is
Nonsense. men are better with children than women. Children LOVE discipline and rule when taught correctly.
It's true though. Anyone who went to school knows that half of the boys there were only interested in having a laugh. They're not badly natured, per se, just different and they have different motivations. A good teacher knows that and plays off it. I find that competitiveness is the best way to motivate boys into wanting to succeed while girls just want praise.
>”it’s true, though”
For the love of god, please don’t be a real teacher.
Children are a force of nature, they are what they are. If you think one is good and one is bad, then YOU are committing wrong think.
That’s the same as saying “guys, it’s true that Gravity is food, but electromagnetism is bad”
You are a fucking spastic bigot who needs to seriously reevaluate your world view.
I think pic related is a better response then my last one...
>Not homeschooling your kids
What is your wife doing if not raising preschool children or teaching your kids at home?
>For the love of god, please don’t be a real teacher.
I'm a real teacher. I teach a class of 30 in a primary school.
>If you think one is good and one is bad, then YOU are committing wrong think.
What sort of nonsense is that? You get good and bad adults. You get good and bad children. Children aren't some sort of blank slate you know. They have natures and personalities like anyone else and some of them have very negative or even antisocial personalities. Some of that is down to socialisation and some of it is simply down to genetics.
We do nothing. No, we accelerate it. The amount of work required to FIX it is far too much, compared to letting shit implode and rebuilding.
kill em all
the gender of the teacher is not the problem,95% of teachers on all levels here are women and still men here are really dont get your morals from your teacher you get them from your family and friends.(mostly your father)
Poor boys.
But you think there are more good girls in your class then boys faggot.
Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Girls can be just as shittily behaved as boys, they just do it differently.