Italy General

Let's discuss the de-quarantining plan. How will it be implemented? Will it fail? Drawbacks? What about the next regional elections? Also you may consider

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I see lot of cars in the street and as far as I know lot of businesses are operating.

Normies will spread the contagion even more because reopening stuff = no more virus in their minds. Fucking idiots

Football will be the first thing brought back to keep all the dumb goyim happy. Then it will be a big disorganized gang fuck like everything else in this country.

Like what?

Those that are allowed to operate operate. Did you even read the decree?

I read it. But every region tries to do what it can to avoid those restrictions for the sake of its own economic survival.

I haven't left. Can you some give examples?

You can use the sauce you prefer.

> elections?
It can go fuck themselves. Economy is the real issue.
>de-quarantining plan. How will it be implemented?
Step by step. Govern made up of pussies doesn't help.
We need mobility asap to bring back money.
>Will it fail?
It literally can not fail.
The whole fucking world is on high alert.
All this shit quarantine worked to buy time, allowing nations to hoard ventilators and resources.
Even if new infections come up, it'll never be as it was the first time around.
Citizens are informed and they'll act as well.

The longer this shit quarantine and social distancing is enforced, the worse economy will be.
Stop caring about the illness.
Care about the fucking jobs.

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É finita, amici. Il patto trasversale della scienza con à capo Burioni avrà il controllo della salute e dei cittadini, potranno decidere quando e se la quarantena dovrà ricominciare o finire, avranno la possibilità di controllare i cittadini "per ragioni di sicurezza".
Le persone sono chiuse in casa, i porti sono aperti.
I normies se ne sbattono il cazzo che potenze straniere si compreranno il nostro paese e le persone in cassa integrazione non vedono un euro da marzo, l'importante per loro è che Conte blasti quegli altri due mongoloidi di Salvini e Meloni.
La politica ormai ridotta a tifoseria da stadio.
Noi stiamo chiusi in casa come ratti e i negri scorrazzano liberi per le strade.
Molti imprenditori stanno vendendo i propri ristoranti e bar perché timorosi di non riuscire a ripartire.
Le offerte sul sito vendifacileaicinesi sono triplicate.
Oltre il danno, la beffa: ci portano il virus, ci distruggono l'economia e poi si comprano il paese.
É stato bello avere una terra chiamata un tempo Italia, ora ombra di se stessa.

Riccardi from (((sant'egidio))) community wants a sanatory for 600000 illegal immigrants to insert them in the job market. Just heard it on radio 1.
Pieces of shit, they seriously need a bullet in the brain

>We need mobility asap to bring back money.

i'm all in for european solidarity but desu i don't want all members to be held financial hostage by the outrageous italian spending tradition. who guarantees that in future an italian politician will not just default on the debt and let the rest of europe take care of this problem?

>It literally can not fail.
>Govern made up of pussies doesn't help.
Oh, user, I... There's a difference between what should be done and what will be done.
Lol. The guy spends more time on TV and social media rather than be in a lab. It makes you wonder.
>l'importante per loro è che Conte blasti quegli altri due mongoloidi di Salvini e Meloni
Well they surely are dumb, but this will get the opposite effect.

babedi bubedi.

now to the real question: Why the fuck stopped MV Agusta the production of the F4?
I´d really like to now, any of you pastaniggers heard anything?

Send a message to radio 1 at 335699299 telling you don't want a sanatoria on clandestines

>Tamburini's dead

Who cares about anything anymore. Why should i make the effort so that my fellow shitalian can go to a sardine rally and advocate for the further destruction of this country?

Source on niggers being let in the ports?


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Sometimes I think the same. I say: who gives a fuck anymore? Let this country burn.
But my heart keeps bleeding seeing my country destroyed. I can't help it, user.

Is it another one of those ita chans where there's a new post every 2 months?

Yesterday 100 niggers arrived in pozzallo.

>every 2 months
Let's say every week. Network effect baby. Let's populate it to have a complementary Italian board.

Bump. Fuck this government

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What we need is the secession of padania from the sinking italian ship.

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No thanks

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>who gives a fuck anymore? Let this country burn
I can't think like that because I live here.

No shit sherlock. It's like cherrypicking on Yas Forums. I would really want to have and Italian board where to discuss Italian-related topics with non-NPCs. If you suggest me where, I'll thank you.

> 16 January 2020

This thread

Same here. I try to sometimes for my own mind health, but it is impossible. I love this country. I want to die here.

Yeah, but Italian Generals are like drops in a bucket. I am not asking for a substitute, but something complementary.

Pensi di volerlo ma tutti i general regolari si trasformano in merdate piene di tripfag weeb con il quoziente intellettivo intorno a 80 che blogpostano e avatarfaggano e basta.
I thread rari sono la miglior soluzione, credimi.

Ora inizi a sembrare un vegano, calma con il fanaticismo e lo spiritualismo.
Fa cagare adesso trovare un lavoro decente anche se si è qualificati, e i negri che iniziano a entrare sono un altro problema. Se non si risolve qualcosa io mi cavo dal cazzo

yeah but his designs are still being used. The F3 is the new top model and is just a small version of the F4.

I really don´t get it, it´s like Ducati throwing out the Panigale

What am I looking at? Btw, not to be apologetic of them, but EU countries are doubtful of Italian monetary aids like the North of Italy is doubtful of Terronia.
>sardine rally
At least they exposed themselves. I mean, they publicly exposed their faces. You know who they are. Kek!