Electric Brain Stimulation Reward

Would you have electrodes implanted in your brain if it meant you could control all of your feelings?

Think about it logically, emotions are ultimately used to drive your survival instinct which is something you don't really need anymore. There's a chance you'll be turned into a wageslave. But don't you do that already? Wouldn't it be so much nicer if you could press a button that allowed you to wake up and go to bed content regardless of your current life circumstances?

You only get to live for a limited amount of time. Why the hell would you spend it suffering?

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Imagine if your police state did this. You just shot an unarmed person, press your happy button. What about stimulation addiction? Wouldn't people just sit there pressing their button all day? If the controls had government restrictions, would the government tell you when you can and can't feel good? Would the government make you feel emotionally bad for breaking their rules?

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Only if it could turn me into Giga Chad

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No because your tribe of subhumans already did it and I can't control it. Even if I could, it would work like (((Google))) with sneaky jews and golems crappy all over it.

So you think people don't need a survival instinct now, Shlomo? LOLOLOLOLOL

no getting in touch with and controlling your emotions is super gay

>What about stimulation addiction? Wouldn't people just sit there pressing their button all day?
We already kinda have that user, it's called fapping, although for me at least if I fap too much it leads to depression.

i do wonder what the world must of been like before estrogen started being pumped into the water supply.

gee i wonder (((who)) could be behind this post

all fields
Op is a faggot Kike

Is it weird that i have a blood colored birthmark in that exact place and that exact shape and size?

>control all your feelings
Guts and Heart, user. do not forget

Can I get it to make me feel constantly angry? Anger is my only motivation

This actually sounds cool and how you would get humans to colonize the galaxy and do everything imaginable

However, there’s no chance we’ll get this technology without it being used to brainwashed people or turn them into the slaves, people tend to see stuff like this and think “JEWS”, which is a shame, we can’t ever enjoy technology because everybody knows it will be used maliciously

This is essentially the blue-pill in a nutshell.

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You sound not only like a Jew but also like a woman.

With Magnetoencephalography they don’t even need a hard wired unit to undo lateralization or the brain. Basically their goal is to make everyone left-brained NPCs incapable of seeing the big picture.


And to be sure stuff gets done, and to prevent me from just mashing the reward button and cooming to death, I could give some Jew the controls. Then I just need to perform chores for them, and they will make sure I get enough bugs to eat and feel contented.

Red Pill:
>Constantly pessimistic
>Always questioning people's intentions
>Feel suicidal during work
>"At least I see the world for what it truly is!"
Blue Pill (electrodes)
>Constantly happy doing anything
>Able to focus on things you enjoy
>Able to work long hours while having a blast
Yeah, you can keep your red pill.

Or how about “Spinal Cord Stimulation” aka neuronal modulation. People are a already out and walking about with these things in their backs, being controlled electronically by some guy at a desk. The operating system literally looks like a video game controller.

Also, they have the ability to remotely turn of the user controls and to “troll”!(their words) the user.


Just because nature seldom threatens you nowadays doesn't change anything.
As long as there are more than 1 person on this earth you'll need your survival instincts.

Not exactly mind control, but close to it. Who will be teaching out kids? Who’s going to be issuing orders on the other end of that invisible ear peace? Does it only function as a radio or does it have other brain stimulating effects?


Yeah, but in most environments they aren't really needed and it's not like you would lose them completely. This would be good for the guy working for 10 hours in a factory who hates his life and has a heroin addiction. You're already stuck as someone's slave. Why wouldn't you want to get away from some of those negative feelings?

Only that since you're the one having full control of your sensations you'd be conscious of it and by being conscious in advance of the intended changes in your sensations and emotions you defeat the purpose of having them in the first place, having full knowledge you're constantly tricking your own biology making you spiral into an existential void

bad software/hardware hijacking your soul's ability to manifest from the field, a gift that is namkind's birthright much coveted by predeccesors

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Might as well remove emotions entirely then m8

the world deserves this.. and not in a positive way

>Would you have electrodes implanted in your brain if it meant you could control all of your feelings?
Only if it could be used for hardcore s&m/mind control "play".
Seriously, can a master use it to control his sub?

Redpill me on the pineal gland. What secret stuff does it do?

there was a thing where scientists put metal wires inside the brain of mice that would make them coom on command

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I believe China will be the first country to do this on a large scale and will become the world superpower not long after.
Your consciousness will be unaffected. Think about it more like peaking on heroin 24/7.

>Why the hell would you spend it suffering?
Exactly the reason to not get any kind of electronic implant. Whoever controls the chip and simply turn on the pain for you.

Psychic powers.
Even with fluoride you can still use it well.
You make DMT every night, btw.
Iodine is great


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Lmao what a cuck
I bet you voted bernie

that kind of tech would never be given to the masses without a healthy degree of "control" imposed from ((them)). that's the problem. i'm all for transhumanism, but look at the state of the world and our leaders. i wouldn't trust any of the advanced technology they would give me ever. i have trouble trusting even everything they say, nevermind something that would become a part of me