How, realistically, do we get 20 million beaners out of California?

How, realistically, do we get 20 million beaners out of California?

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nuclear detonation

Better question yet, how realistically do we get California out of America?

Fuck that, it's a beautiful place. We need to reconquer it though and get it out of the hands of globohomo.

Detonate a few nukes along the San Andreas fault. The Commiefornia problem will be solved by sinking into the sea while the nice parts of the state remain in tact.

Imprisonment and massive fines for citizens that hire illegals. When freedom and profit are outweighed by the consequences, they'll stop hiring them. At that point, they have two options:
1. Go back
2. Crime.

The goal is the destruction of California and the entire US. Bringing tens of millions of 3rd world trash is exactly how to fundamentally destroy a country and the will of the people at the same time. The local, state, and federal US governments are directly to blame

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Sell it back to Mexico. Solved.

Use 5jeepers death rays.

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Best question, how realistically do we get whites out of (((America)))?

$1 per bean scalp

California is actually one of the best real estates for every category and it's almost the entire west coast. Shit ton of shipping and commerce. We just need to purge most of its inhabitants

send them here to texas, we love them here

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>Shit ton of shipping and commerce.
>Dude but the product
You're part of the problem

Unpopular opinion: white America was much better than today's America.

No more gibs

raise the housing prices by 100%

The cities are lost. Best white people can do is move to the country side and try to expand from there.

Granted I have no idea how California country side looks like, its probably fucking desert lol.

How is that an unpopular opinion in Yas Forums?

make employment a requirement to stay

the south african model is the only way - import so many shitskin vermin that the whites can no longer support them, the whites flee or die out and the feral subhumans starve or murder each other fighting over infastructure they cant maintain

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no nukes we can salvage this, just go underground and wait out this super plague in our 10 cloverfield lane bunkers

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Through tax, deportations and a nationwide attitude of animosity and aggression to the point the average beaner feels uncomfortable and/or frightened.

Are commieformia girls easy to get dicked by Italian fatso, or they embraced the ebanian decker?

Based and Humongous pilled

Make it so bad for them that they don't want to stay there anymore

Idk, start with a nuke to LA and SF. As a californianon I know where they’d scurry off to but I live too close to the sfv to want that nuked, come on now I can’t be inconvenienced, so I’d say roaming “hunting” squads to pick off the stragglers would be fun and based. You lot can use my land to rest up, let’s make california the white mans paradise again.

Stop hiring them, stop renting to them, stop allowing them in schools, stop letting them stay. Not that fucking hard.

Cut off the gibs. They'll shuffle their way back to Mexico.

Move all of Obama's sons and Muslim imports that currently reside in Dearborn, the midwest, et al into Cali, build a second wall, and Livestream the results. After the dust has settled, move back in and rebuild.

No just no

Most will go back on their own in the civil war.

This is actually correct kek.

Isn't this what the neutron bomb was invented for in Minecraft?

If even 1000 gun owners marched on that state the police would be powerless to stop them

Look up how spain got the muslims out after 400 years of occupation.

wow man. California use to be so beautiful.

There isn't going to be a "civil war" it's going to be a race war and they will absolutely be trying to kill you

mother of god...

How do you get the 52 million beaners out of america

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these people produce children that produce the worst gore videos because of their based aztec history

Start shooting them and rounding them up in internment camps. Do it to a couple thousand the rest will flee. Then harvesr the remaining for organs.

This, the problem is the caravans of pregnant women that think it's a free ride. Crack down on illegals. Cut the dreamer act, deport any illegal regardless of if they popped out a kid here. Change the law so that you're only a US citizen if the birth occurred from a legal visitor/resident.

We will no longer cater to armies of invaders and hand over our future to them. How about it?

We're headed towards financial collapse. Our spending to revenue generation is getting worse. How long will we keep helping these people a priority? It's suicide. Mexico's poor is more than half the US population. We cannot take them in without bringing ourselves to ruin.

That doesn't get rid of the "legal" ones. Aka the fuckers that took advantage of the 14th amendment and other bullshit policies.

We need to just say fuck it, if we don't like you you're gone. What's stopping us honestly? Why dance around it and look for some loophole, when a direct solution is best.

This, im a landlord and small business owner. I only hire and rent to whites.

I think that is a popular opinion among most whites, its just unspoken.
Only thought.

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Vote for me and we will just stuff them all into mass graves.

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Whites are at home, fuck off shitskin lover

the biggest obstacle that stands in the way continues to be other naive white people.