I don't get it

I don't get it.

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>he never read donkey hoetay
Fucking pleb

you are poorly read

if u honestly dont get it: He has no enemy and feels unfullfilled, so just make ups an enemy that doesnt exist.

They dont teach kids anything useful in school

They had to ban windmills from pictionary

Its like this nigga never took spanish class

tilting at the windmill
pick up a book

Read a fucking book, nigger.

finally a windmill that only produces white power

it's not useful

don quijote was a delusional man thinking himself a great knight. In his book, he fought windmills, thinking they were giants.

so basically the knight in the short is fighting an enemy he made up.

Obviously the knight (a villain) is attackting the good windmill, are you fucking retarded or what ?

Windy Miller is a nazi .
I fucking knew it .

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We are discussing white european literature here of course you wouldnt get it ndugu


durint the initial invasion of poland, poles mostly used cavalry and the blitzkrieg was powered by reichmills

There's an expression "tilting at windmills" inspired by Don Quixote, basically means to attack something that doesn't exist

but all memes aside Don Quixote isn't in anyway useful
but then again i wouldn't expect an uncultured amerimongrel to make that distinction, you try to overcompensate your lack of culture by worshiping anything that comes out of Europe

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I get it, but I don't know if it's really that funny

Probably something about dreaming an impossible dream or some shit. Maybe it's a stab at the Dutch they like windmills and windmill related faggotry.

>*click* *pop* bix poulet

>Don Quixote isn't in anyway useful
holy fucking shit frog, no wonder Paris is second mecca.

It's classic literature for a reason, if are not getting it, read the damn book, stop sucking muslim cock and gtfo

novels aren't useful, it's just old time entertainment that doesn't bring anything of value for the thinking man
philosophy on the other hand...

I never read it either, Florida born early 2000.
My girlfriend's dad mentioned it to me though and told me I gotta read it.

Why wouldn't they care about stuff from Europe? USA was founded by Europeans and built on European culture/ethics/principals. Your smug statement is retarded

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Sorry guys. I really wanted to keep riding the Trump train and be based and post rare peepees but nobody told me I needed to read actual books.
I'm out.

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It's a reference to Community

Its a classic

read el Quijote

oh fuck yourself, the fiction produced by a culture is 3/4s of its impact

>built on European culture/ethics/principals
individualism, separation of the church and state and greed aren't european values
they're jewish values

We had this exact same thread yesterday multiple times. More Tranny/mossad nigger spam
Sage Report Ignore

Because you didn't read the classics. ... or even the clip notes.

He means he must become a villain for that hero of a windmill to be of any use.

... that originated from europe

Not a single Don Coyote post... disappointment abounds to no end Yas Forums

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Yeah fuck this dude I'm going back to r/aznmasculinity

lmao nice.

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Hey I get that joke

It's a white knight finding purpose inn his beta cuck life, so he start seeing nazi shit everywhere (and attacking it).