What are you guys spending your Trumpbux on?

What are you guys spending your Trumpbux on?

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2080ti or valve index? I canr decide anons.

There aren't any stores open..

VR is a shitty gimmick but that's just my opinion.

>he still shops in stores in person.

I don't like shopping online. Because i like to fumble my hand when I get a receipt so I can touch the hand of a cute girl.

>being poor enough to qualify for Trumpbux

Buy some parts for my one car, then sell my beater. Then pay bills that I put on hold.

I bet I have more than you do.

Chinese products

How do you even still enjoy video games?
Everything is shit at this point.

I'm hoping cyberpunk is good but fps games blow

A gun is the correct answer. Or ammo, food, and supplies. Stocks if you already have enough of everything else.

US gets 1200 dollars.
Canada gets like 300 measly dollars.

What the actual fuck is wrong with my country.

cryptos mostly btc.

see ya later poor fags.

blacktowhite.net/ gold membership

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4 nintendo switch, one for me, one for the gf, and two for her kids

All of my Trumpbux will go to my (((landlord))) and then, of course, to our Greatest Ally!

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How much?

Not clicking on that marxist shit.

I use a 2080Ti for training neural nets and it’s a beast

Get a Quest then wait until you can afford a good graphics card AND an Index. Games cost money too you know.

700 dollar gucci premium 22lr bolt action rifle with adjustable fiber optic sights , a threaded barrel , and incredible accuracy

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an angle grinder, switch, and some bike shit

1200 on rent. My OTHER 600 trumpbucks per week I'll save for a new guitar.

These bad boys

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Saving my money. The above posters are fucking retarded spending money on PC parts when AMD and Intel are about to unleash new generation(s) of product line up.

Stop wasting your money and invest it into something good like Coca-Cola or learn how to Forex. Rise above the consumer goy cattle sheep mind and actually become a real 1%er by trading, investing, and investing into something that will give you returns like growing weed or crops.

What a retard get a larger caliber. .22s should be cheap and for rodents nigger. Im buying a mosin with my neetbux

Paid bills with it. Going to spend the remaining on some phat ass brisket to throw in my smoker. I also get paid in two days since I’m still working. Most money I’ve ever made has been under trump’s based economy.


>trading stocks is a way to make money
Yeah if you start with about $5millions.
$1200 ain't gonna do shit.

Maybe a few of these

Attached: gold notes.jpg (1280x720, 142.72K)

If you don't swallow the Stockpill and Forexpill then you are missing out on potential to turn $1200 to $3,000 easily. I highly recommend learning to day trade since you have $1200 to mess with.


1200 will not even open an account that you can daytrade with.
Remember all those meme apps locked up when the stock market dumped kek

Ever heard of the robin hood app

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what did I just say you fucking idiot.

Does every American get this excited for 1200$ or is it just this guy? Jeez

Also this guy is a retard. Who the fuck buys a 2080ti when the 40% faster ampere is coming out in 4 months

>Because i like to fumble my hand when I get a receipt so I can touch the hand of a cute girl.

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>married user here

what do?

I would like to put a down payment on a HAAS 3-axis CNC mill

Pay your bills and look after your woman/children.

Having friends to play with helps

If you qualified for Trumpbux then no, you don’t.

No Corona Oprah for me either. Fucking lib faggots and their free money just wait until the dollar depreciates because of handouts like this

I'm tired of being a couch PC gamer and want to go back to having a battlestation. Anyone have any desk recommendations? I want something sturdy, but easy to move.