If you guys are so smart riddle me this

Which is /pols/ favourite city at this precise moment in time.

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Can you idiots actually agree on something

Tel Aviv where half the posters are stationed

I've only been in like 4 cities. Sevilla was nice.

Berlin. The last bastion of conservatism.


I saw a 50 year old male tranny with a 12 year old girl in Berlin holding hands, "last bastion of conservatism" lol

Minden Nebraska always looked nice to me. I've never been there or even to Nebraska but I've been thinking about checking it out once the real estate market becomes more normal if it ever does.



none, cities are all shit.

The most fortified city on Earth named after God.


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Isle of the Dead

Which is better Stockholm or Gothenberg?

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yogaville sounds nice.
heard about it from tiger king and i want to move there.


I’m pretty fond of Mumbai. I never thought I’d end up in a situation where I was the least racist person in the room but the Punjabis constantly astonish never.


Attached: 44s.jpg (500x500, 133.96K)


Closer to home lad. You won't guess it because the name is shortened.

Is this painting part of your jewish bullshit symbolism somehow? Like bunnies, ducks, holy ghost, stars and every other cringe symbol you use?
I don't care enough to research this, I hate wigger voodoo.

Russian Jews in Tel Aviv, Russian Jews in St. Petersburg, there's no difference really.

god dammit bruv tell me


I never liked cities very much.

dont be afray fren

Only wageslaves, bugmen, and brown people live in cities. I got acres of land off the Northern Oregon coast.

Ive been to one, consider yourself lucky. I've never even left my state.

Abuja. You have to love town filled with niggers living in slums

Look for the most heavily defended place in Great babylon I mean Britain. Look at the names around it. It's literally where He avatars.

LoL Bullshit

>implying conservatism is in any way good
Also nuke B*rlin.

>He doesn't know

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you know, starting a discussion with an ad hominem attack is not the best way to not get insulted by everybody, faggot.
We agree that OP is a fag.

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