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Joshua Espinoza entire arsehole area is chaffed.

I already got mine lmao

>what is direct deposit
op is a fag


Treasury said it would delay by a few days.

IRS already said there wouldn't be any delays by adding his name. This is just the media trying to elicit fear and anger

Ty blessed Trump

They said the same thing on national TV here. How far does your propaganda machine reach?

lmao they keep reporting B&RP behavior as C&BP but it doesn't seem to be convincing anyone


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All those triggered leftcucks when they need to see his name on their leechbux

Democrats were butthurt he got to do this.

>Democrats were butthurt he got to do this.
Yup. Brilliant move by Trump. It's funny they keep up this charade of Trump being a buffoon while he out maneuvers the dems at every turn.

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Ok retard

Americans use checks for this? Why not a direct deposit?

An extra 10 seconds is technically a delay. These faggots are just pissed that blacks are gonna vote for Trump in November

Most people dont want the governmemt having direct access to their bank account

Trump should give every American citizen NEETbux by their Social Security, illegals get nothing.

Aren’t you a spic yourself?

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They already know you have it. Do you give direct access to your bank account every time someone deposits money on it? The American banking system is weird.

Fag forgot to put a question mark at the end of his headline.

Yes, but actually no. I get my Trumpbux.

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How many Jews are in Portugal? That's how far

Most people have direct deposit you retard.

You shouldn’t hate spics that don’t have their papers yet
You guys are the same race

Only dumbasses who didn't use the direct deposit option when they filed their taxes. Got $1,200 deposited into my account. Single male with no dependents.

>orange man did thing
>orange man bad

6 companies own 90% of all media

fuck the paperless

He's desperate to get reelected so that he can pass more tax cuts for him and his friends.


>implying illegals give a Fuck about our laws

>we don't know if it will
>we're just speculating
Journalism in 2020.

How much of a delay can that cause. You literally just have to type his name into a computer, it’s not rocket science

>tfw I got a tax cut
Holy shit I'm one of Trump's friends now

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You're right I'm gonna burn my $1200 and vote hillary because fuck oranges and shit

With that despicable attitude? Probably.

This is just for whatever chuckleheads don't have banking details with the government; they'll get an actual printed cheque.

if trump ordered all of their employees to jump off a bridge would they have to do it?

and be able to frame it and sell it on ebay for 10k

The point is that is not his money to give
It’s all smoke and mirrors