Yas Forums would worship China if they were White lol

Yas Forums would worship China if they were White lol

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Not enough antisemitism. 4/10

That’s a pretty big IF

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Wrong. Yas Forums will complain no matter what because the truth is that everyone here are miserable fucks

> Yas Forums would worship blacks if they where white

Aren't all crypto jews both white and non-white?
RED gommunism is RED shield goys.
That's why MacArthur wasn't allowed to finish the American Century. And then the nips believe it or not industrialized chinks to destroy the US in the same manner as we did to Nippon.

If they were white, they wouldn't eat bats.

I'm confused. If race is not real, than racism can only ever be art -- a construct. That's art.

China is just AN ethnostate.

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Pretty much

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i see hordes and hordes of Chinese in the distant future.

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I would worship China if they didn't have the government they have, their opinion about black ''people'' are accurate however.

>abuse animals

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if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle

The Han is a greater beast than the nigger or the spic, but they make poor masters.

Still, better a Han than a kike. I'm not going to start kissing Chinese ass, but they are in a better position than the West at the moment.

We worship them
China and Russia are brothers by blood and spirit

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sadly they are not white
we should send 100 milion whites to china to bleach them up

the first and only communism which will ever work is not what western commies expected, eh?

Mongol rapebabies union

No you're not retard. Your communist party just helped the worse half of China to win the civil war so Stalin could have his puppet state and now they're continuing his goal of world wide tyranny.

The CCP Virus was a genetic recombination by Shi Zhengli that was specifically designed to be used as a bioweapon. Infectious diseases spreading asymptomatically is uncommon in nature, and the fact that it targets elderly people and not the young indicates that it is a bioweapon. China would not want the virus to come back to its shores and kill its young, but if it did, they wouldn’t mind sacrificing millions of old people, just like they sacrifice millions of Falun Gong, Christians, and Uyghurs for their organs. Listen to doctors in Italy and other places. They describe the virus as a “bomb.” They may not think it’s a bioweapon, but the metaphor is actually literally true. It’s a biological bomb designed to incapacitate an adversary’s health system and cause thousands if not millions dead. For a month, the virus spreads asymptomatically without anyone knowing. Then it explodes just like a “bomb” would. It is unexpected and there is nothing nations can do to prepare because there is little to no indication that it ever existed before thousands begin to drop like flies. The CCP knew this first hand when the virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (which has a dual purpose role as a facility for scientific research, but also biological weapons research). It exploded in Wuhan and that is why they quarantined 50 million people, locked people shut inside their homes, and executed whistleblowers and doctors who tried to warn the world. I estimate that over 100k people have died in Hubei Province alone, and it is likely that millions will die throughout the world. The WHO had towed the line for the CCP through criminal negligence and corruption and should be defunded and all their staff must be replaced. The CCP is the world’s most evil organization and anybody who is cooperating with it is committing crimes against humanity.

you are actually retarded if you think this. Yas Forums is one of the last places of good bant left on the internet

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pol is literally european muslims larping as white supremacists because they want to spread antisemitism. amerifags are mostly shitposters and incels. you'd have to be full retard to fall for the memes.

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We both share Mongolian blood and our current government systems are similar
We, Asians, should unite against westerners and dethrone white man
Russia+China+United Korea+Japan = strong alliance against Europe and USA

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No. Feminists like Islam because Islam hates our society. We dislike all that are against us. We dont do enemy of my enemy.

Doubt it. White societies look down on pretty much everything the Chinese are and our good nature prevents most of us from admitting it.

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Japan and Korea don't want to be Chinese slaves like you though. Even the Norks try to keep their distance so they don't become too dependent.

China is an existential threat to whites and pretty much everyone who isn't a member of the Han Chinese elite, and even then..

Chinkoids are barely better than niggers so no.

No, they are subhumans.

>Yas Forums is one person
The ethno nationalist types probably would

I'm starting to freak out less and just watch liberals destroy themselves

Actually they love Jews and try actively to imitate the methods by which Jews proliferated throughout western culture and power structures.

Pretty much. They'd probably shit themselves if they got an opportunity to actually act on their purported beliefs, as it is shitposting from mother's basement is basically the best life they can expect out of life.