Say it. President Biden

Say it. President Biden.

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I'm okay with it, finally a President in our lifetime who openly hates niggers

Say what?

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Deja vu I've just been in this place before

2016 all over again

Wait, I feel like I've seen it before...

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Nice try, Ahmed.

>muh hillary

Biden is gonna be pretty old in 2024

You know with the pandemic rights are medieval

>muh polls

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lol keep ridin with biden ahmed

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>if i say it enough, it will be true

American news died in 1987 when Reagan got rid of the FCC fairness doctrine. It is all just progaganda now.

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Biden is probably going to win. One, because Trump and his self-serving court kike Kushner fucked up during this pandemic to the point where America is now the worst-hit country in the world and unemployment is up to double digits. And two, because Biden's campaign organizers (who, don't forget, belong to the Obama school of political organization, which - like it or not - is highly succesful) understand that most black and brown people are political assets, not political actors. They don't need convincing, they need mobilizing and bussing to the polls. More than Hillary's or Bernie's, Biden's team understands that, and you'll see a lot of swing states turn blue because of it.

tl;dr: White independents are going to be mad at Trump for fucking up, while Biden will succesfully mobilize apolitical 85 IQ minorities in huge numbers.


doesn't your family live in a 1 bedroom appartment?

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begone Moshe

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Whoever his VP pick is will most likely run the country. I swear the DNC is going to put Cliton as his running mate.


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I know I'm voting Biden.
Trump? Good riddance.

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How do they even take these surveys
>Would you vote for Trump or Biden?
>What about you?
>While I think Biden has some good ideas, I would probably go with Tru
>AHHHH you said Biden, 11 point lead

did you get polled?
i didn't get polled.
they only poll people they expect they know the answer already


Hillary still had a 98% chance.


reminder that trump has timetravelers on his side and literally cannot lose the election if there even is one

Isn’t this the same media that said there was a 93% Hillary would win?

Biden won't win, cause septic tanks are fucking stupid.

It's also the same Trump that said he'd build a wall and send illegals back.

Hillary also lead Trump in the polls.
How did that work out?

US election ballots need a "neither" option

Biden put the vice in vice-president

The only one capable of beating drumpf was bernstein but he got btfo and cucked TWICE. Bidet should retire, this senile walking dementia will get chewed up and btfo by orange man, I bet 2 bitcoin he will have a heart attack or a seizure when orange mans starts to bring up the bantz.

Both of those things are happening though.

How credible is the The Hill anyway?

Doesn't matter if Trump or Biden wins, both will suck China's dick

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