Christianvirus / pol

You are either a pagan NatSoc or you are a christian, the rest.

Don't let the jew confuse you with variables and divisions.

>Transsexuals are christians.
>Communists are christians.
>Capitalists are christians.
>Liberalists are christians.
>Feminists are christians.
>Atheists are christians.
>Neopagans are christians.
>Mutts are christians.
>Single mothers are christians.
>Coalburners are christians.
>Homopedos are christians.
>Degenerates in general are christians.

Muh jews. Who allowed jews?
Christian moral weakness.

If any degeneration started with this, then it is the fault of christianity.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Christians hate white people

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>kike division thread
Fuck off you falcon-faced heeb.

correct on all counts

watch non white americans come in to defend christianity

Jewmutt opinion.

>Jewmutt opinion.
this is who is telling you to worship (((jesus))) online

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Do you sacrifice living animals as offering to your gods?

If not, you are not a pagan/neopagan, but a pathetic LARPER


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This. Lotta kike shill threads lately.

>european sacrifices = judeochristian "sacrifices"
nice try kike

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Implying that we are not trying to get rid of Christian influence.

Christian sacrifice the white people to jews.

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Paganism is dead. Dead religions are not revived. Remove Christianity and the only thing that it will be replaced with is Islam. Europe and European culture will die.

I know I'm probably responding to a shill thread but I'll reply this once.

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jesus is a character in a hoax book

Dumb larpers, animal sacrifice was the core of european paganism. You had to kill and sacrifice some animal to the emperor in Rome to prove you were a gentile and not a christian

Paganism does not die, paganism is the nature of the white people. If you destroy Christian brainwashing, you will be pagan again.

Islam is aligned with christianity. Christianity allows for Islam, which is another secular religion without spirituality. Christianity is basically passivity for the control of the jews.

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christians kinda get away with the fact that there is literally no evidence he was real because he was a complete nobody

>to the emperor in Rome to prove you were a gentile and not a christian
and? are you a gentile or a kike?

>Paganism does not die
Yes it did. There has been no point in history than an extinct religion made a return.

they took old myths like Mithras and repackaged them for 'a new generation' like cola lol

Niggers love paganism you dumb larper. But at least they do actuall sacrifices and have oral traditions about it

All european pagans can only based their "faith" on Dungeons an Dragons lorebooks and Marvel movies. Pathetic

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Today I see christians genociding whites and extinguishing animals just for pleasure. This is disgusting.

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and? are you a gentile or a kike?

Do you personally kill roosters, goats and bulls and offer them to the gods? If not, you are not a gentile for sure

Jews were allowed by Roman pagans you fucking brainlet.

>aryan traditions = nigger voodoo
here you canb see the boundless dishonesty of christians at full display

those niggers are christians, meanwhile no nigger is part of a european religion

>and? are you a gentile or a kike?
I am a gentile, stop dodging the question and answer it
are you a gentile or a kike

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You use your chink genetics to think. Paganism is the native religion of the white people. You just need to get rid of brainwashing.

Read the Annals by Tacitus where it states that Jesus was crucified by then Governor-general of Judaea - Pontius Pilate during the reign of Emperor Tiberius.

The Gods don't care about the way you feel about animals. Have you given the goat blood offering to Venus or are you staying a virgin this year too? Cause that's how it works

Your fantasy insists on that. Africa sucks because the christian decided to negotiate with them. Today that continent basically resumes christianity and islam.

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>Read the Annals by Tacitus where it states that Jesus was crucified by then Governor-general of Judaea
it was proven fake by uv imagery

>I am a gentile
Show me a pic of you killing a roost on an altar then or opening the chest of a goat while alive. Or else you are a LARPer and a liar

>here you canb see the boundless dishonesty of christians at full display
What is the difference between european paganism and african paganism? Oh wait i got it, the former at least was strong enough to survive up to today, while european tree workshippers got destroyed by the "weak and pathetic" christians. Ultra beta.

I for sure am not a "gentile"

The gods glorify animals while the jewish god denies animals eternal life. That's why you treat them as a joke and like to see them suffer.

>I for sure am not a "gentile"
all we needed to know kike

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Sacrifical bulls in Rome were litterally killed by bleeding. This is animal cruelty

its antichristian brigading because of a few Christian threads popped up yesterday and they freaked the fuck out over it.

The christian did not destroy anyone. If anyone was successful here, it was the Jew. The christian is nothing more than a pagan leader used by a Jew. It is as if you praised the fall of white today by saying that whites are strong. Does not make sense.

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I'm not natsoc. I'm not a pagan. I'm not a Christian.

Yet I can weigh their worth better than you and apply it on myself. Stfu you fucking tryhard retard. Le no true scotsman etc.

Tell me about "french paganism"
Oh wait it dosent exist. You are either a celtic pagan (an even bigger meme than nordic, as we have asbolutely no sources on them) or a nordic/roman pagan, making you a faithfull of a foreigner faith imported by conquerors and enemies of your ancestors

Were is the difference with christianity then, Pierre?

Pagans have a homosexual problem that it will never be able to get away from.

>Who allowed jews?
the pagans


Christcucks should be destroyed

>Pagans have a homosexual problem that it will never be able to get away from.
stop projecting

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>If anyone was successful here, it was the Jew

So now you claim the Jews were superiori to pagans, as they defeated them? Then according to your idea of "the weak should fear the strong" (like most here on Yas Forums believe, especially larpagan) the Jews as the victors were in the right

I see how you treat animals. They think they are happy, trapped in their homes, or even take off their skins and leave them alive just to share videos on facebook. Disgusting.

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Ah i see now, yo are a baiter. Now it's all made sense

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>I for sure am not a "gentile"
>the Jews were superior to pagans
yeshua calm your tits

You interpret the jew as superior by defeat. The Jew is a virus, it is how he infiltrates society, so he is a virus, no matter what he looks like. If you are white and you are a christian, you are a sick white person and have no use, you only serve the jew.

>Ah i see now, yo are a baiter
most importantly, hes a jew. just like 99% of the other memeflags on here pretending to be pagan fedoras

Based af.

Degeneracy exists so you can stand above it.


>I wOuLd RaThEr HaVe A cHrIsTian EuRoPe ThAn A hUwHiTe HuOnE

Bait, incel, none of this makes sense. I'm just logical and objective.

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butt sore christian unable to accept truth.
raves about god to anyone and everyone within earshot but HATES anyone else having their own opinion.
you are as bad as the muhomo's.
the only thing going for you is you have been nut jobs for so long that you are kind of becoming good at being a nut job... well done, i shall clap for your soul.

I don't see the problem, it's fucking stupid to be anti-Semitic and worship a dirty, circumcised Jew calved by the vagina of a Jewish virgin.

Why do you support a pedophile mafia from the middle east? The only explanation is you are either a mutt or a traitor to your ancestral land and people

Christian, pagan, muslim.

Black, white, asian, arab, american

We all need to love eachother regardless. We're all gods creation.

The insults i see in this sub are sickening.

Make heaven a place on earth, if you have a disagreement with someone, at least be kind and humble. Rather than vile and obnoxious.

Se você é brasileiro e não mora no sul do Brasil, sua chance de não ser branco é de 99%. Sua opinião é de um macaco cristão.

He's talking about the "mode of being" that whites have. Read about evolutionary psychology and apply it to indo europeans as a whole.

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here we go again,
low iq dickhead thinks everyone else actually believes fantasy stories as much as he does.

No it fucking wasn't. The oldest copy of Tacitus is 11th century