Got $2400 in TrumpBux! My wife and I are probably gonna get another gun. Preferable an automatic.
Got $2400 in TrumpBux! My wife and I are probably gonna get another gun. Preferable an automatic
>$2400 automatic rifle
Goodluck even getting a permit to own an automatic for that much.
Good choice with the automatic, bolt action is so last century
You’re going to need it when the debt collector comes by.
Post pics of your wifes asshole
Don't be a dumbass kid and save it retard
Good lucking finding a full auto for $2400. Last I checked Mac10s were the cheapest entry level and they are $10k
Your wife will eventually shoot you.
the fact that you are spending money you only just received is indicative that you have no savings, do not consider your future and are part of the reason that we are in such a dire set of circumstances. Get control of yourself.
You can only hold one gun at a time.
This had me laughing out loud
Kill yourself faggot
If you were smart you would start burying small amounts here and there for after she divorce rapes you.
>the reason that we are in such a dire set of circumstances
as if humans haven't always lived season to season, at least. Some have food stored for years, but that is and was the exception. Please don't act as though good, hard working people aren't scraping by all over by no fault of their own and that scraping by isn't the norm to be able to keep up in the civilized world.
What’s up with those Asian eyes
Your guns won’t save you from Lucifer’s military.
And mac10’s are shitty as fuck.
A good transferrable auto is going to run 18-26k
Quality > quantity
Make sure it's a fully semiautomatic with a .30 magazine clip and the shoulder thing that goes up.
Either buy non perishable essentials you will consume either way or buy gold
Good idea, gook.
1911s are for boomers
700 club
to all the retards in this thread thinking automatics are too expensive
ammo will be worth more than gold
Ok zoomer
Only if societal order totally breaks down and only in the short term. Ancient ammo isn't useful
Do you have a family trust to go through the ATF bs?..Also you can't even get Mac-10s for $ OP is a fag
>$2400 automatic rifle
Lol good joke user.
The Trumpbux are for bills and rent, retard. It's not birthday money to spend frivolously.
what a fat ass
Agreed, good time to invest atm as everything is cheap
Yer dern tootin', sonny!