Yas Forums Humor Thread

ITT only dark humor and fucked up memes

Attached: 235208.jpg (1242x995, 172.88K)

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bump lets share them

Wow epic dark and fucked up meme bro, you are so edgy

Attached: 1586396901894.jpg (750x387, 34.52K)

>Dark humor is like kids with cancer
>It never gets old

Attached: cancer.jpg (400x400, 35.01K)

bring something better, no just bitching

Attached: 285008.jpg (750x820, 75.34K)

rule 34 that

Attached: condom.jpg (354x480, 34.98K)

Attached: whites btfo.png (900x1481, 461.52K)

Attached: offing.webm (1276x720, 2.03M)

Attached: 1441987390656.jpg (426x557, 69.54K)

Is this the new leaf copy pasta?
I like it.

Attached: 1570822052985.png (854x480, 324.31K)

Attached: 1584557659910.webm (854x478, 1.98M)


Attached: uss libtard.png (640x512, 248.57K)

Attached: comekillme.jpg (1920x1080, 983.57K)

The resale on that sofa has decreased.

Attached: 1580196731991.webm (700x394, 481.47K)

Stop it

Anyone who posts after this post, their mother will look like the thot in the pic

Attached: ThotLooksLikeAFleshlight.jpg (465x660, 84.49K)

Attached: 1576464083993.jpg (720x720, 56.91K)

Attached: 091D2845-61B0-4F3D-9983-0B5579A057A5.jpg (600x418, 34.25K)

What I really feel bad for is the painting.

Attached: 1571739773656.jpg (750x706, 133.65K)

Any lore behind this one?

boomer humor. checked anyway

Attached: Ghengis needs no thots.jpg (1024x1024, 94.24K)

Attached: yes.png (680x709, 243.33K)

By that logic no one else should be proud of their race. Nice try nigger brain.

I wish I knew.

This one is a tranny or something I think.

>kind enough to put up a tarp splatter guard


Attached: 123124151535.png (500x566, 114.05K)

Attached: EVknIwPU4AA7foL.jpg (1024x512, 78.34K)


Attached: Ghostpuncher.png (1913x4041, 824.92K)

Don't click if you want to save your soul

Too extreme for jannies on k

Attached: 1580958867242.webm (480x270, 2.68M)

Attached: whatcanisayexceptyourwelcomememe (2).jpg (500x395, 43.12K)

Don't worry user, the painting looks fine.


more wtf

Attached: 1576909388443.jpg (540x540, 32.34K)


Attached: Fellowship of Bengis.png (1264x3672, 495.04K)

Thas one powerful shotgun

Attached: 1561238763124.webm (460x462, 2.42M)

Then i say civilization you say thank you masta!


>Whites are only race to exploit and oppress other races
>>all other races dindu nuffin.

Attached: NPC.jpg (636x773, 31.56K)


for all the newfags: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident

Attached: anthony hopkins.webm (264x360, 1.03M)

>Turks are whiter than italians and greeks
I can see the butthurt coming

>Israel neither blue or red
What did they mean by this

Keep it dark guys

Attached: 365254.jpg (780x1280, 101.12K)

You faggot it doesn't work like this

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Attached: Leaf.png (785x757, 99.62K)

At least izreal doesent exist

move back to england you racist. You stole land from the natives how dare you.

Little late to the party leaf.

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Attached: 1543719887260.jpg (1207x1207, 186.32K)


What natives? There's no natives here user, I don't know what you're talking about

Attached: Maple syrup cumshot.png (953x780, 208.77K)

Attached: 3wq71h.jpg (500x622, 123.61K)

Attached: 1526626984457.jpg (717x717, 69.36K)

>niggers btfo
you were, and are, subjugated. A cartoon doesn't change reality.

Attached: cracker.jpg (1549x707, 101.21K)

>Friend said
Waste of time.

Hey, we did what everyone else did.Are you arguing that we should not be proud of being white because we were better than the others?
Also, how does the Italian renaissance, the industrial revolution or modern science come from people shacking sticks?

Also, Slaves and Turks are not white and China and Ethiopia were never invaded/exploited. You don't know the facts and your reasoning have flaws.

I don't see the problem here. That was pretty awesome of us to do.

Attached: isthereaproblemblackboi.jpg (781x1000, 99.69K)