>he can't even exponential
flag check out every fucking time, you malfuntioning bots
Coronavirus - The Great Nothingburger
>>he can't even exponential
exponential what?
Why are you lying? Got something to hide?
Hahahaha curve absolutely fucking flattened.
>Almost a SIXTH of pregnant women in one New York hospital are found to have coronavirus - but almost all of them had NO symptoms
>Doctors screened 215 women about to give birth in New York City
>A total of 33 women tested positive. Only four showed symptoms of the virus
>The findings underscore the importance for mass testing to find asymptomatics
Just remove grains, sugars, and dairy products from your diet.
Go gather people and protest user
You do fight for your freedom right, or you just sit here let the government take away all your rights for a nothingburger?
You are not a cuck right user?
I love how the goal posts constantly move. The best part, the threads full of nothingburgers are now just itsnotsobadburgers.
Took 10 weeks to get to 1-million, took 2 weeks to get to 2-million, yes testing is far greater, but more cases are also beginning to resolve in one of two ways. Closed cases are still weighing heavily on death, and continue the same trend since February. 21% of cases of positive test resolve in death
Do you not remember 9/11, zoomer?
>all those asymptomatic
And there's the abysmal death rate I've been say there'd end up being for months.
Gonna be just like H1N1, at first the media scared everyone saying muhh 17% CFR and then we found all those that were infected and the CFR was actually 0.02%
This is so overhyped it's retarded
So you are a cuck, letting your government take away all your rights for a nothingburger?
Ok got that