How does Yas Forums deal with balding?

How does Yas Forums deal with balding?

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Realize I'm way past my prime, and not care about what other people think.

By shaving. You look better, feel better and gain a massive boost of confidence

Being an actual white man prevents balding. I'm good.

At 29, guess i’m fine with it now. Doing better with women now anyway so w/e.

Im gonna shave it off this summer, started losing hair Sep 2018, I could start to see it on myself June och 2019, now its April 2020 and its starting to look pretty bad.

pussy faggot. my grandpa lived till 97 with a full head of white hair. smoked a pipe everyday as well
stop being inbred

Use German shampoo containing caffeine

By the time you get bald, you should have worked up your social and financial capital to a level where you no longer give a fuck about hair because peopel value you for your accomplishments.

I went full on PE Teacher bald at 19. A classmate saw it coming and warned me when i was 16. I shaved my head a lot then anyway. Honestly its just a mental thing. If you have a misshapen head or just look really feminine or weak its going tk be rough for you. Otherwise you can spin it into a good thing. Im a tall permaChad so im safe anyway but good luck to ya

Start sucking dick.

rub magnesium oil and caffeine on your scalp

shave everything off wear loose clothes and get tattoos vato

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>look better
LOL enjoy looking like a thumb

Did he get killed by a bus?

>balding only happens when you're old
I don't think it's fair to assume you could achieve anything before you're 18.

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Low testosteron cuck family

buizzcut and suck it up.

Try minoxidil first though, you might be one of the lucky ones. Try to source the 10% rather than the 5% which is on sale everywhere.

Even if the minoxidil doesnt grow back significant amuints it does slow the loss

not balding but i'm already greying. grey pubes and small hair strands at 28. idk what's worse.

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Not giving a fuck

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And don’t forget to grow a moustache


I just shaved my head. Fuck it. I'm not having any of that queer comb-over or receding hairline shit.

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Balding or not balding is not related to testosterone. Its about sensitivity to DHT, you can be high testo and not lose your hair, and vice versa.

just shave

>By shaving
So everybody can see that you are balding and trying to resemble muh niggers. Take on fedora, faggot

I’ve got the opposite problem in that I am entirely covered in hair but I have a joy in life most will never know; the feeling of putting on a clean t-shirt right after having your back hair removed. It’s like angels kissing your back.

>Its about sensitivity to DHT
so is facial hair but according to Yas Forums being clean shaven means you are a low test cuck

by not giving a fuck...

You went bald before turning 18?
Then you have major health problems that need addressing.

Shave your head like a man, as long as your fairly attractive otherwise you won't notice much difference in the frequency you get laid, some gals will even lie to you and tell you how they prefer a guy with a shaved head lol.

Seriously though it great not having to pay for haircuts every month, just buy some clippers and your set ( possibly a razor as well if you want it smooth). You will spent a lot less on shampoo/ conditioner as well

I have more hair than most women and as soon as I start to go bald I'll shave it all off and look like pic rel but older

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I look like a queer and have a combover.

I was born this way

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Does that shit actually work in the slightest?

do you just take a shot of it, or mix with hot water?

I'm 20. Shaved off my hair once to see how I'd look if I had no hair. Didn't look to bad, have nice head shape. So far no issues with hair growth.

I'm not balding but in 2011 my hairline started to recede a bit, which I guess is balding in a way, but it has stayed the same since then. I still have thick hair, but I shave it off anyway.

I recently wanted to grow my hair back out, but the awkward period between shaved and having semi-long hair made me feel so much worse. At least I can grow a great mustache in only a month.

Shave head grow goatee, Or mutton chops well some kind of facial hair anyway.
Anything else, combover, plugs, hormones, never goes to plan.

It doesn’t have any impact on me to be honest. I just keep living my life. Why worry about things that I can’t have any control over.

Buy a wig and become a tranny.

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No man, the low test cucks have patchy beards and are better off actually shaving them

>caring about hair
Are you a woman OP?

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Not necessarily. It just happens earlier for some men. I know of guys who started balding before 16.

Don't have to because my genes come from superior stock.

shave all of it

Cuck flag cuck opinion

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Become a woman.

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so you are going for the gay bear look user?

By making fun of my bald bros.
>full hair masterrace

It's all genetics.
And before you double down, I have a non-identical twin brother with a full head of hair. We got treated the exact same way.

Have you ever considered doing something about it?

this, everyone else who has responded to this user is a massive faggot...
>and its free, after you buy your clippers anyway

wear hats

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that thing is real? I always thought it was some kind of hox.

What can honestly be done about it? Finasteride, sure if you want to mess around with your hormones.

I have no Social media game.
I try my best to look better than women.

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Got to 40 with all my hair, every single person i know has either started shaving or is thinning considerably
I've had a buzz cut all my life, but I'm growing my hair now at 9 months just to mock them. Feels good man.

Better gay than some balding comb-over, receding hairline faggot who can't accept his own ageing.

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I wore an Amish beard for years with my shaved head, honestly I prefer just being completely shaven , a lot of girls like the beard with shaved head look though

am I balding Yas Forums

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balding isn't the problem
the problem is being a jew slave in your youth and being tricked by your government into imprisoning yourself and holding yourself back while you're in your prime

By embracing the widow's peak and slicking my hair back to show it off.

big time, sorry user

Shave my head.

Yes, buzz it off, you just gotta own it
Trips also say buzz it

I just shave it. Was insecure about it for the first year but stopped giving a fuck.

Here's the deal on balding from an almost baldfag:
1. There are two products that MAY slow down the process.
- Finasteride is a medication that usually requires a prescription (in my country) it is used to treat enlarged prostate but has been shown to slow baldness, in a small number of cases it can cause some hair regrowth. The main disadvantage is that it can cause impotence as it blocks testosterone and can turn you into a beta cuck.
-Minoxidil is a topical medication that you rub on your scalp, it is less effective but can slow down baldness in some men, results vary.
2. There is no 100% effective treatment in stopping and reversing the process of Male Pattern Baldness.
3. Most creams, lotions, special diets and supplements don't do shit.
4. Follicle transplantation may be effective in some men, especially if the baldness is recent and not yet severe. But it is expensive, can have complications and doesn't work for everybody.
How do I deal with it? To tell the truth I don't think about it too much, unless I happen to see a photo of the top of my head then it depresses me. Granted balding doesn't look great or make you feel good about yourself, but at the same time I have still had a few relationships and gotten laid since my baldness started. It's not the end of the world, there are bald chads and then there are virgin incels with lush hair, you just have to max your other qualities.

Shave ur head. Its based. Hair is sinful.

Grow out a short beard and moustache and get jacked too.

I'm not even balding and I've got the look down. My moustache is the source of my power. I'm almost rocking a Cossack at this point.

Cossacks are so cool. I wanna be a Cossack.

If you're under 45, greying is worse. If you're over, full scalp of grey hair >>> bald.

Cut you balls wh*teboi

i lift

Also.. No?

Don't care about it then, being a great man has nothing to do with being bald, hair is frivolous.

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