>Australia coronavirus live news: Morrison rules out pay cuts for ministers or senior public servants – latest updates

>Australia is flattening the coronavirus curve. But should we try to squash it like New Zealand?

>Convincing Australians to use government-sponsored coronavirus-tracing app a tough ask

>First Australian jailed for breaking coronavirus quarantine

>Pros and cons: what are the exit strategies for Australia's coronavirus crisis?


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Praise him

Praise Him

Australia AKA Chinese puppet state


Scott Morrison has done an OK job.

Is it worth joining the ADF?

Nope. Why fight for Zog? You also get multiple forced vaccinations.

Absolutely (not).

Honestly, it should be actively discouraged. Just like people start massive boycott movements, people should start as boycott of the ADF

Hows the backlog looking boys?

Ive always found that eng tutoring sites work better than tinder.

What time is it down under?

paul murray had a shave and is on the bolt report right now.

post some, im drunk and need to chat up roasties and Omegle isnt doing it for me

Fuck off we're full


Whats wrong with it? What about army reserves is that alright?

Get back to digging mass graves old sport

I played Dragon Quest XI s, then original FF7, now playing FF7R, backlog is still pretty fucked tho

>janny deletes a thread five hours old with nearly 200 posts

lol these clowns are as pathetic as it gets

I watched "You can't ask that" it was half an hour of pro HIV propaganda. People with STIs don't deserve treatment, at least smokers pay lots of tax and don't claim a pension

When's the fucken super coming cunts?


Where to get Nubian princess gf

Has anyone else been seeing how filthy they can get in iso? I've been wfh for two weeks and i havent washed myself once

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rachel corbett is so fucking sexy. shame shes a le epic woke lefty stooge.

cyber security is not a field you can jump into after uni, theres a pretty strong culture behind it and you need to be in with the people and culture to even have a chance

its also extremely fuckin hard as being a tester basically needs complete knowledge of programming(architecture, mobile, webapps etc) networking, devops, and all facets of SOC

if you want to do cyber, start attending conferences (b-sides in canberra is a good start, you can also join the SecTalks channel on slack which will give you small, local security based meetups in your city, this will give you the chance to get into the culture and people, play some ctfs, learn how to hack drones or whatever)

server admin is pajeet work, don't even bother.

my reco: join and root some boxes, build a blog and post about what you learned on each box, attend conferences, join sectalks channel and get involved, build that github io profile and slap it in your resume

even with all that it's still going to be hard as DICK to get in because people do not want to hire grad cyber people because they know nothing. the easiest way to get into cyber is to get into a grad program at a big company as a programmer and then move laterally into a cyber role and get to know the cunts there

(cyber security is my passion and hobby, but programming pays the bills and is a good way to get into cysec)

back when i was a uni student in 2008 i used to shower only once or twice a week. i used to wear the same clothes every day for weeks on end. i used to clean my asshole by paying chinks at the brothel to lick it clean.

Where to get space oni princess gf?

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Dandenong or Melton.

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any centrelink line in melbourne

>what's wrong with the ADF
You don't follow them on Facebook do you sweety?

Pic fucking related has absolutely ruined the ADF. He is the biggest fucking cuck, banning any kind of "warrior code", and has been criticized for trying to remove the "warrior" spirit from the ADF

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AY Bloody fak off ye wey fakin fewl m8

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>i used to clean my asshole by paying chinks at the brothel to lick it clean.
How much did they charge you? I literally have big poo dags hanging of my arse hair rn

Added a page regarding the enbalming machines that were made ready for the incident.

the bull

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