Why are Greeks bankrupt retards?
Why are Greeks bankrupt retards?
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Can't hear you with that jewish dick down your throat
>Birthplace of Christianity
>Hates Jews
Pay debts
what muslims are doing in britain?
Hitler hates Christians until he got threatened into silence by Christicucks.
why is pic related a 10/10 in bongland?
bongs are ugly and inbred and always seethe at countries with better looking women than them. pic very related
Fuck off Greeks are based
Greece has been shit since they became Christians.
Wow, another of these posts, you lot sure are busy today!
Remember posts like these are ALWAYS dirty weaselly shills, lads. Although to be fair Greece, you should be doing something about all these “New Europeans”.
Turkish roach genes
he is a muslim playing divide and conquer games.i smell him
use a tripcode so I can filter you
Doesn't sound like they're cucked.
>North Korean
Good software dude
>north korean
That's a race now?
Of course it is, the analytics are made by Jews.
>t. turk seething over pic related
based greek Jewhate.
The Greeks have little admixture with Roaches and are virtually identical to their ancient counter parts. For fuck's sake they are about as closely related to Bongs who are on the opposite side of the continent as they are to roaches who are right next door.
Having a socialist state while having a culture of not paying taxes does not work together or in greek works IT WUZ DA GERMANS DURR
Pay debt to our masters or we invade
Is Greece just always in debt since they became Christians?
The byzantine had debt and now they have debt.
It's amazing
Stretch it a little bit more Costas
This app is extremely trash tho. Different pictures and light gives you different results. For my own pictures i got German, Greek, Jew, Egyptian, Italian and S. American as top nationality when in fact i am also a Türk. Not a single picture were Turkish was the majority.
I mean it is a British actor in makup. The app bases it's judgement on facial structure, so that's not a big surprise.
Go back home greaseroach animal
Aren't all countries in debt by now? Tell me what this is: