Why did Charlottesville kill the alt-right?

Why did Charlottesville kill the alt-right?

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it didn't, it just moved to reddit.

Something about permits I think

>the alt right
lel gud1, fellow 4channeler
Q user - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
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Bannon - Zionist
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Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
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Ann Coulter - Zionist
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Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
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Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
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Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
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Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
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Proud boys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist
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Jesse Lee Peterson - Zionist
Brenton Tarrant - Zionist
Nigel Farage - Zionist
Ezra Levant - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
James o Keefe - Zionist
Lana Lokteff - Zionist
Henrik Palmgren - Zionist
Stephan Balliet - Zionist
Nick Fuentes - Zionist
Sebastian Gorka - Zionist
Andy Ngo - Zionist
E Michael jones - Zionist
Kaitlyn Bennett - Zionist

Source on Q?

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the alt right was never a real thing

because it was a glowing honeypot to begin with

The CIA staged that car crash in order to paint the conservative rally as a "deadly far right Nazis."

Literally used stunt men, a professional driver and a CIA "witness" named Brennan Gilmore to create the "crash" similar to the nice truck fake terror event.

Gilmore sued Alex Jones for telling the truth, that he's a fed.

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there was never big support behind it once people realize what exacly alt-right stand for
when i first hear the term i was thinking it is just for the non cucked right wing people

I'm not gonna read all that but
>Patrick Little - Zionist

They didn't force the glowies out and then they got painted.
That and the spin on that side with the car getting attacked by a mob of niggers and Communists trying to escape when that fat bitch got a heart attack.
People too dumb they think if they make a big enough story the news would be forced to tell what really happened.


What's the one where fatty got run over?

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Because richard spencer is an autist with poor tactical sense. The mayor set up the police to ambush them with antifa and the media gave one sided coverage. And then someone died in a way easily blamed on an alt-righter by the media, followed by a show trial.

The state wont tolerate dissidents who oppose diversity and the populace is looking for ways to write them off

The media built up richard spencer and then used him to destroy the movement. The movement initially was a true alt right - a irreligious anti immigration nationalism. The media used spencer to make this equivalent to only white nationalism and nazis. White nationalism and nazis arent alt right they are THE right. But the media was successful in making spencer and the right equivalent to the alt/right. When the girl died all former alt rights ran as far as they could away, even tho a month earlier they were fighting in the streets and talking about stickman

Why am I on that list? Who said i liked Jews? Fuck the kikes

Because traps are not gay

Real enough to elect Trump

At the time, I was saying that the rally should have been to celebrate the life of Robert E. Lee. That was the entire point. But they went with dishonest motivations about pushing their own politics and fighting the left. This should have been a solemn affair where the great hero of the South got the appreciation he deserves. Lots of Southerners would have rallied around that message.

Depends on who’s succin who, if ur gettin succed that’s not gay but if ur succin the trap then ur born that way

because they did not wear mask they were found out and many lost there jobs and some put in jail nothing happened to antifa (I wonder why) and the movement itself collapsed with no way to support it + the movements leaders kept talking to the media like fucking retards and gave the movement a bad name

>Why did Charlottesville kill the alt-right?
There was never such a thing as the alt-right. It was a media smear term that some shills took the mantle of so as to be the perfect controlled opposition.

Because they got outed as fat cringey retards who don't practice what they preach. Not to mention their main figureheads like Dickie Sphincter, Grug Johnson, Henrik Palmgren et al are intelligence agency assetts.

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because the alt-right doesn't exist outside of being a cia psyop, just like this board, just like all politics.

they killed themselves
wild angry leaderless mob

>Charlie Kirk
>Alt Right
What a mong

It didn't.

This narrative is fake and gay.

>they got outed as fat cringey retards
this. these guys are fine spouting pish from their mum's council flat, however they lack the conviction to begin the violence, as do their followers

Based Crowder

A fat bitch died. Also nobody talks about the helicopter that went down.

Boomers are sensible to nazi symbolism. The only argument the left have is to call people nazis, and this give them the credibility they desperately needed.

alt right never existed, it was invented by clinton as a slur against anyone who disagreed with her.

Because of infighting/purity spiralling where everyone and their mum is called a fed or a jew, chances are that's why this thread was made too.