Should I be spending my trumpbux or is this a jewish trick?
Should I be spending my trumpbux or is this a jewish trick?
Spend it on hookers and drugs
I wonder if that chink slut likes coffee
Do whatever you want with it weeb.
So, is coffee really that good as people say?
Surprisingly, havent most great people do some toxic amount of drugs back in the day? Wasn't morphine sold in a jar or some shit
With that being said, is coffee considered a drug and it is bad to do it everyday?
Pay denbts
Best investment would be in a precious metals IRA
I want to shove my fist up this gook slut's cunt just to hear the noises she would make.
Save them to pay for your intubation and funeral so you dont burden your family, if you have any left in 6 months.
>Wasn't morphine sold in a jar or some shit
Cocaine was available at the chemists rockup and buy it like mint's back in the day
For real
I don't want to get screwed over
>pay debts
No do like everyone else in 2000 and 2008 and file bankruptcy .
>Currency manipulation is a jewish trick to keep people in debt. Use it to pay off any debt, get out of debt and stay out of debt. The only people who are constantly in debt are niggers which is why the jew loves them.
Is this a meme I've missed out on?
Donate it to Hezbollah
I can get my dick in that.
She’d love it, they’re all whores
Im putting it in savings because i already know the IRS will demand it back when i go to file taxes.
But is it good for you?
Goddamn that girl is a 10/10.
Spend it on woman all you want user. In the end it's about what you do with the money that matters. Jews want you to spend it on your dick and they want you to spend your money in general. You can invest that money. Make more money with that money and get a real wife and you can have pic related but for free because it's your wife. The real redpill is to build your own empire and become the king of your own reality.
spend it before the crash. afterwards it won't be worth wiping your ass with
You have two options
This disease will either go away or it will carry on
If it goes away you don't have to worry at all, use your bux however you want
If it continues it will either drag on for a long time or last only a short time
If it lasts a short time you have very little to worry about, maybe save some bux for supplies
If it drags on for a long time you will have to worry about looters, rioters, and raiders
You can either become one or try to outlast them
If you try to outlast them the best option is to find an isolated and defensible position to begin building up in preparation for the collapse of the federal government's authority, and to keep it stocked
If you want to become an aggressor this would still be a good idea, only your focus would be on ammunition and weapons rather than food and water
if this drags on long enough, or if another happening happens before the federal government can recover fully, the fiat currency you're getting now will have no value at all, so it is imperative you make your financial decisions based solely on whether or not you believe this happening will break muh economy
If you think it will crash but you're not worried things will get too violent, you're better off putting as much of it as possible into gold, but if this drags on long enough gold will also be worth nothing to you.
At this point the best option imo is to put your money into non-perishable supplies in the hopes of riding out the storm or at least being better prepared for it than most people around you, and start looking for a hideout (or just fortify your house) if things drag on long enough you become convinced your home isn't safe enough
also learning basic survival skills will give you an advantage over most normies in any scenario
You only really need three things in order to survive
>ability to hunt/fish/farm
>a reliable water source
>ability to construct a shelter
A toast for you user, this baby is going to the spank bank
Dear lord, send jap wife now pls
Yes coffee is a drug, so is air.
Werent you making millions of yens with your flamant job as an english teacher in gookland Steve?
so she can get raped by ahmed and tyrell?
gooky gook ching chong
this should help in a crisis
It appears that this female specimen of the homo sapiens species was constructed for the sole purpose of interacting with, being penetrated by, and/or consuming the seed of the phallus of homo sapiens who hold genes which derive from sub-Saharan Africa.
While I engage in this fantasy of which I presume the original intention of this being's creation, I must ask, is the beverage derived from roasting, grinding, and boiling the seed of the Coffea plant right for maintaining the homeostasis of the human body?
You already know the answer
How do those japanese sluts learn those generic cute gestures?
From other japanese sluts, of course, Syed
I usually buy a decaffeinated mexican variety. Do you think it's good for me?