What is Yas Forums's endgame? What are you faggots fighting for?

What is Yas Forums's endgame? What are you faggots fighting for?

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Israel's well being and American wealthy families. In that order.

The fourteen words. But there will never be an endgame, it will be a constant struggle to prevent third world immigration to White territories. We want to eliminate miscegenation, hookup culture, feminism, promiscuity, childlessness and third world immigration. That is what we are fighting for.

The answer is world peace

To expose the nose

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This, we're just here to support our greatest ally and stop the schizos who believe in Human Rights.

This. Come join us in /ptg/. We are going to change the world with Trump’s next 4 years.

Eternal treasures in Heaven
please take the time to hear the Gospel

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>fighting for?

World in anarchy

Literally nothing. Most of us just like to funpost in peace without getting censored or facing any consequences for it.
If that ends up affecting the real world, that's irrelevant.

The first domino to fall

A future for white children, without the fear of South Africa farmer tier rape, murder, and torture.

The end of affirmative action and other practices made to oppress and demoralize whites.

And even playing field so we can get back where we belong. (on top of the world, exploring the vast unknown)

I just want to crash it all, with no survivors.
t. Old school anarchist


We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
>When men plunge a nation into misery, and have had fourteen years to do something about it, but don’t, instead grow comfortable in it, the nation must conclude that the misery can be alleviated only by removing those who caused it. We will eliminate the misery only by eliminating the parties and the men that caused it. That is the goal of the National Socialist movement.

Remove the cabal in power, that's why it's all about. Those who believe otherwise are larping edgelords

Degeneracy will exist as long as humans do. What you can do is force it back into closet where it belongs.


To create as much chaos as possible in the dumbest ways imaginable.

You nigs know that all your dreams won’t come true if you just stay on this board shit posting and ranting about nigs and kikes there is no organization to this at all

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nothing. this place is filled with 16 year old larpers and wrinkled neets who are angry with the world but too pussy to do anything. unironically the most cringe board on the site


>Does Yas Forums have an endgame?


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>What are you faggots fighting for?
No one is really fighting at all. It's just bitching.

We are the good guys.

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We fight because no one else would, and we do it for free.


My goal in life is to make my mother drink one day when she's back from work and fuck her in her office suit.

Love and peace!

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Endgame was a good movie

If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.

Yes, I'm being edgy. Behold my edge!

Molecular structures are not formed. Reproduction is impossible. Evolution is a statistical outlier to happen once; a pattern of it is less likely than the universe existing in the first place. Man cannot fly. There is no way to survive the vacuum of space. We end our lives on this very rock of Earth. The death of the sun will see our buildings reduced to rubble and our existences forgotten. Our cluster is rapidly approaching a black hole that will grind us to atoms and see all of our work undone. The heat death of the universe is inescapable. No animal can go beyond its simple instincts.

The endgame is to take our holy souls beyond nature's grasp.

Well you are losing then...

I am legitimately just here to discuss current events

Cant resist gravity, every step takes effort. Might as well just lay down and die.

nothing, im just collecting red pills and occasional esoteric/occult threads for knowledge.
