So a boomer went to Vegas with $50k worth of guns, shot up a concert for no reason, shot himself...

So a boomer went to Vegas with $50k worth of guns, shot up a concert for no reason, shot himself, and then a mysterious person who has never been found put crime scene photos on Yas Forums.
Then his house burned down, nobody could find any surveillance of him or anyone he talked to despite being in the most surveilled city in America, and his wife up and vanished like a fart in the wind.

So, what do you think it really was?

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Other urls found in this thread:

FBI sting gone wrong

Yep case closed!

Yeah, pretty much.

I thought they found the wife in the Philippines?
Either way, so many holes and loose ends.
One of my biggest criticisms of Trump was that he should've blown this up and out of the water regarding deep state operations within the United States.
Instead he went along with the bump stock ban. I'll vote for Trump again, but he blew this one and let the deep state take over. Maybe he thought they would let up on the impeachment shit, not sure what his mindset was.

My bet is they never actually told him what actually happened

Either he was a sworn enemy of country music or he was the victim of some kind of new glownigger mind control shit. Or maybe he became a sworn enemy of country music because of the new glownigger mind control shit. Or maybe it was the kikes. And it went a little leik dis:

>Hello goyim. That's some nice innocent white citizens you have there. Be a shame if something happened to them. Need I remind you about our demands, I mean various extortions?

>What more do you want from us, Happy Merchant? We do everything you tell us to, look at our Congress!

>Yes, we know but have noticed that anti-semitism and holocaust denial is still virulently infecting the internet, and it's always americans that are doing it. We believe we need to show you what we can do. Do *this ridiculous thing* and we will won't kill more innocent american goys like we did in 9/11

>oh shit! *glowniggers do ridiculous thing*

>heh. looks like you took a little too long there, goytoys. Expect us.

>*kills hundreds in the worst mass shooting ever but has their MSM not report on it at all*


International gun dealer. Terrorist came in, shot up concert for shits, giggles.

Do you know what a Paddock General is?

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Go away you retard Spic Communist, he was just one of you stupid faggots.

You cant just call saudis terrorists, they have a lot of money YUGE opportunities for the WWE soon did you know i wrestled Vince Mcmahon once?

It was some towel head Arab pocket duck for sure.

I forgot, Saudis are our fren.

his dad worked for the govt, 1 of 10 most wanted


this is a normal day in the US. nothing strange going on

Fuck your mother you autistic fat piece of shit. You dare call me a communist? Northern México (where I’m from) is WHITER and CLEANER than your indio infested open invitation SHITHOLE.

Also, poast phisique

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If someone told him different he wouldnt hear it. I wanna know what that sheriff was told before his non press briefing and whether hes become a homeless drunk

Have you read up on his pedo brother?

>1 upboat

You guys remember that one video of Terry A Davis where he's walking around at night and you hear the shooting taking place in the distance? That was freaky.

he was selling guns, they made him a patsy.

lol them digits

Local law enforcement are low level intelligence for a reason. Feds come in tell them a story, they accept it and rewire their own memory/intuition to cope.

he was on fox news, what of it?

Bet he was already dead on the floor of the hotel room before the shooting started.

i'd put money on some kind of isis/cartel job

Don't forget Soros shorted MGM stock and made almost $75 Million in profit from the shooting...

I honestly think he was CIA. He had to shoot up people to keep his cover going to protect "muh guberment" when arabs called his bluff in fake gun buying meeting.

Its all taken care of...

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He knows more. You can tell he's hiding info. Terrible liar.

Im fine with that as a resolution but it doesnt prevent the problem it just exposes how weak and stupid our "authorities" are.

kys retard

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As in Vince Macmahon on advisory council to reopen muh guberment

I think it was a glowie thing where they wound up, allowed, or facilitated somehow a boomer into shooting up Drumptards because muh racism or muh Jewish identity or whatever, with the aim of firing a shot across the bow of conservative politicians (much like the Republican baseball game that got shot up, or that truck that got parked across traintracks republicans were in a train on) and also increasing support for gun grabbing amongst Republican voters.

At least hes irish

Sorry, didnt mean to offend the pedos on this board, such as yourself.

Today's country music fans are not conservative as in days of old. Lot of faggots now.

thats the risk you take in our society...
You just have to say, fuck concerts and vegas and all that bullshit. And check and recheck who is coming in this country. Back in the day most foreigners where only allowed in certain cities and no more then 50 miles from the airport. Now a who sick jetliner can fly out of Wuhan China and land in bum fuck Kentucky without anyone giving two shits and never having to leave. I put all the blame in this country on the Clintons and their backers.

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Entrance to bunker there? Probably assassination attempt

Rich people's porn. Recordings of it are almost certainly making their way around the elite.

Art, status symbol, who knows...

What happened with the helicopter crash? I remember a helicopter crash

don't forget the 2tb of cp on his brothers 20 year old win95 pc.


Let me give you idiots a pointer:

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I was here when i happened but thanks

No they're not

>Be gun and arms dealer
>Be tricked into dealing with some ayrabs from saudi or some shit
>Some other ayrabs set up an assasination OP for some saudi royals who just happen to be in vegas at the same tim
>The assasination OP is foiled by U.S glownigs
>Ayrabs start shooting some white people enjoying country to cover their failed OP
>Kill some loser glowie arms dealer to make it look like he was some incel fag that wanted to kill randoms

The end

The end

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Is that supposed to be smart or stupid? Laughing out loud.

This seems the most likely.

every vegas thread is over run with gun dealer shills that spout the same story as the Waco disaster but somehow blame arabs that should tell you something about vegas