You Idiots

Do you guys understand all the anti-semitism will be the thing to bring your whole movement down?

Holocaust denial is the dumbest shit on the face of the earth. How can you be so uneducated that you let that shit slide? Are all conservative Americans so benighted that they can't call out holocaust denial?

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turn off your vpn Xu Xhao, nobody with an iq over 60 believes in the holocaust anymore

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It's real I believe it. Last time I read about it 5 billion Jews died. Crazy!

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Post Reeks of jewish pilpul

Do you really expect people not to sage this?

>here's my point
*insult insult insult

wtf i was completely wrong

You can't deny the holohoax
and be a nazi at the same time

get rekt kike

You have to have an IQ above 80 to post ITT

To the contrary, the JQ is the only thing the nazi larpers are correct about

That's the cia doing that, we want independence for Israel from britain, the blue in your flag changed to gold, and Donnie named king of israel

So, how is corona shoah going? I heard some jews spreading it to other jews.

Explain the bodies.
Stop reading propaganda news.

I fucking hope it was real and 6 million kikes got gassed and roasted.
Just seems too good to be true is all.

Her face is falling apart. Somebody bring some clay quick

>How can you be so uneducated that you let that shit slide?

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Oh noooo!!! A kikeflag is telling me our movement will fail!! Guess it's over.

what bodies? the 800,000 buried at treblinka that'll show up clear as day on infrared satellite data that we're not allowed to investigate because it "disrespects our ancestorrrs"

I'm not white. I don't care about the hall of cost!

We are the most persecuted people in history what is your point? Success breeds jealousy.

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enter this in any search engine:
"it's a trick, we always use it."

And deceit breeds hatred

That is a boy.
Break the programming.
See through the makeup and hair.
Look at bone structure.
Compare male vs female skulls.

I don’t believe the holocaust happened as it was told in history books. Population booms across Europe disprove of the 6 million. Do I believe some atrocities occurred, sure I don’t believe that one of the worlds most powerful and well trained army were killing civilians in droves. We aren’t talking about Rwanda or Sierra Leone here.

So Haredi wash their hands and stopped coofing now.

Today I will remind them

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We need 1 real holocaust just to see what would world look like after. If it wasnt the joos well honest mistake

>hook nosed KIKES
>pussy ass bitches

why are you the most persecuted people in history?

I dont deny the holohoax, kike
I say not enough were purged, kike
Your anti-gentile attitude will not be tolerated....kike

the jew was hatched to be hated. it's his sole purpose.

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>Success breeds jealousy.
The fact that you tell yourself this while completely ignoring how awful you are as people is probably why you're the most persecuted people in history.

Weinstein is in prison, Polanski's been on the run for 30 years, and Frank was forced to resign.

Woody Allen is the only one who "got away" and he's on Hollywood's shitlist and tons of actors refuse to work with him nowadays.

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>ree its everyone elses fault

If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoe.

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We were and are outsides to you.
It's banter because his point is retarded and irrelevant to the thread. I am talking about the Holocaust and he thinks our expulsions are explanations?

you didn't answer my question. I'll ask it again. why are you the most persecuted people in history?

Fixed for Marissa fans

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American conservatives hate Hitler and Stalin for being against everything America, and our six million (lol) Jews represent. These people on pol aren't conservatives, they're Nazis

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Here @ pol/ we celebrate the ' caust every day ?

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>These people on pol aren't conservatives, they're Nazis

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Dead ass... how long is your nose?
What kind of curvature do you have?

Why aren't Israelis ip range banned yet?

What was the issue we all knew she was a Jewess thats why we love her

khazars aren't persecuted, they are the persecutors.

- fake heebs are not victims, they are culprits. the sooner they are dead the better.
this includes moslems too of course. all the lesser races who worship the devil. they can smell their asses burning in hell every second of their miserable existence. to point it out makes them kvetch out even harder.

do not engage with them, just put them in the oven wherever you find them.

When the movement is to remove corrupt jews from power I don't understand how "antisemitism" is a problem.

Who cares ... go back to jewbook and jewitter

Jews are gay.

I did, a very generalized one. You'll need to be more specific if you want specific answers.
Normal sized honestly.
Need you need a safe space?

Why is it always JEWS lol

Notice how it never is an american flag, not even a meme flag

It is always an Israeli
Fuck off Mossad operative

The holocaust isn't over.

How does she have the face of a 40 year-old suburban trophy wife? She's nowhere near that old.

Shut up memeflag. Israel doesn't exist. Fuck the Balfour Declaration. Free Palestine.

Good job in countering the arguments made against the holobunga. You've definitely convinced me.

We don't have a "movement", we just spontaneously gather and hate jews. It's a natural reaction.

People don't like being told what to do and think, and kikes can't help but try doing that, again and again throughout history. The Internet is a game changer: billions of people are now capable of being aware of the numerous methods they use to control narratives and people. The kikes' days are numbered.

We had a good run, Bruce. It was fun while it lasted.

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There's no evidence for the holocaust. Just a few hundred thousand deaths from typhus and starvation at the end of the war.

Shut up bitch

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(((We))) all want her sweet anus hole wrapped around our Collective Dicks, not because she's a jewess, but because she a cute

Hey schizo, your meds.
You forgot them again.

oh, I couldn't understand your typo. you meant to say "outsiders", but in your blind rage cannot type properly.

okay, pretending that that enormous list of cited expulsions of jews is because they are "outsiders" and not because of the extensively recorded usury, currency manipulation, predatory renting practices, nepotism, corruption, and subversion of government institutions that is observed to this very day wherever jews are found and especially in the united states where they are overrepresented in these parasitic positions often upwards of 1500%, why do jews continue to go places where they are considered "outsiders" when it inevitably leads to expulsion and extermination? don't you see that it's coming again? why continue to invade other nations when it is obvious that you are unwelcome?

you admit it yourself. "the most persecuted race in history". there is obviously a reason for this if not many, though I doubt it's as simple as being an "outsider", why would a supposedly "intelligent" race continue to do something that continuously causes themselves great harm?

There is plenty of evidence, just as there is evidence for the world being round. Holocaust deniers believe the world is flat too.