>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Wie lange noch bis alles hochgeht? Meine persönliche Schätzung ist Lockerung der Massnahmen, gefolgt von 2 bis 4 Wochen der "Erholung" (oder letzen Atemzug) der Wirtschaft. Danach können die Medien es nicht mehr verheimlichen, dass Ottonormalverbraucher in Ofenladungen von uns geht. Was ist eure Meinung?
Nein. Maßnahmen werden nicht wirklich gelockert. Das ist alles bloß Mediengelaber damit Hansi und Ursula ruhig bleiben und nicht auf andere Gedanken kommen. Warten wir ab was die Bundesregierung heute von sich gibt. Irgendjemand meinte ja auch, dass demnächst eine Insolvenzwelle über uns hereinbricht. Mal schauen. Hol dir auf jeden Fall n Vorrat an Popkorn, wird spannend.
Jeremiah Gray
Angeblich soll der Lockdown am 3 Mai enden, 4-6 Wochen danach geht es ab.
Evan Wilson
Brody Stewart
Jaxson Ramirez
Stop promoting your channel kek that guy is really beyond saving.
There will be no big happening. You don't need one either for political changes to occur. Don't bet on the improbable if you can work with the probable.
Mason Roberts
Politically there wont be any happening but economically we might be strapped of a lot of purchasing power. I bought gold and stocks like Catafag did.
Based stonk user. I watched this podcast earlier today, got a lot of value out of it. You might enjoy it youtube.com/watch?v=_hA3TV1bGsg
Grayson Brooks
>You don't need one either for political changes to occur. Don't bet on the improbable if you can work with the probable. Do you really think anything will change whilst this "democratic" system is still running? If we do not experience some form of collapse or revolt we are fucking done.
What makes you think a collapse would necessarily work in your favor? Probabilistically speaking, you're way more likely to end up with a socialist-totalitarian system change than one leaning towards ethnonationalism or paleoconservatism. Culture isn't where it needs to be and our political and financial systems have grown far too robust to succumb easily to crisis. I'm not saying you're wrong. You're right under the right circumstances.
Nothing. It would be a giant leftoid faggotry. I already described yesterday in great detail why Germans will never get what they want out of politics.
Juan Smith
>I'm not saying you're wrong. You're right under the right circumstances. Correct. Of course success is not guaranteed, it never is but I deem our chances to be much better in a state of chaos and collapse wherein the state has little control as opposed to try and "play the game" of politics which is evidently rigged and where the state also has much more control and resources at their disposal (media, institutions, etc.). Essentially this could only really work if no foreign nation helps our state since our police and army would have no real chance against a sizable chunk of the native population (also considering we are of the same tribe/race which wouldn't be the case for foreign units).
>In that case we are leaving for Switzerland. >implying
Asher Reed
>Insolvenzwelle Ja, das wäre gegeben unter den derzeitigen Umständen. Massnahmen werden von den Italos ignoriert, Staat wird lockern müssen oder die valschen werden bissig. Deutsche haben da ja generell weniger Probleme, weil sie ja Befehle befolgen. >4-6 Wochen Könnte sein, mal schauen. >No big happening Is this the new modus operandi for nothingburgershills? "Yeah, we sit all at home, self isolate so we don´t catch a deadly disease, but it´s no biggie." Only invested in silver, lead and guns.