This entire planet is beyond repair

I'm sick and tired of it, guys. The ugly, gross and deformed little goblin people everywhere you look, of every revolting shape and shade you can possibly imagine. Not one of them seems to have anything to offer whatsoever that doesn't outright make me want to smash them in the face almost on instinct. Every time you meet somebody new these days within five seconds of opening their mouths you're met with the most astonishingly fucking retarded drivel, soulless fucks without a single original thought and you can't reason with any of them. How did it get like this? There's no fixing things anywhere, the sheer magnitude of useless, degenerate fucks out there now is staggering. However you want the future to look it's a numbers game, and there's just not nearly enough quality left to work with. It's time for a different approach.

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And what makes you valueble?

shut the fuck up you dirty british piece of shit.

Kinda makes me feel like Gulliver, sometimes.

Many things. Good genetics and a moral compass, a leadership role in an industry that actually serves a practical purpose and the stones to speak my mind, to name a few.

there is no country for normal men

(((goblin people)))?

The mensa club is that way ________> by the way you realize that mensa means stupid in latin. It's not ironic since most psychopaths dont want to break out in complex math calculations off the drop of a hat.

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This. Its like a really bad safari.

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Follow the stench to the source..

I think part of it is the mainstreaming of feminine/Jewish values. The attention and kudos available if you cut your dick off. The cowardice implied by "life at any price". To be anything but feminine, is to be a creep.

>I'd just like to interject for a moment ....

All the real men die in wars. Some killed by friendly fire (tillman)

For ages Chad has been sacrificed while unknowingly wearing occult symbols (Oak leaf etc)

Also, mankind is on its 3red evolution. Genetically made with suppressed intelligence.

An ancient alien race was being chased off of their planet across the galaxy. They pretended to land at a nearby planet. Their pursuers incinerated that planet. That planet was mostly water. One half flew into the sun, the other is the asteroid belt. Which sometimes comes close into orbit and shit like live fish fall out of the sky from it.
Unironically the earth only had water at the Dead Sea. This exploded planet gave us out oceans and caused a "40 day flood"

Now. The aliens who escaped here went deep underground. Check hollow earth.

They spent thousands of years rebuilding their technology to escape earth but didn't know where they were. Hence Stonehenge, pyramids etc. They were trying to create a compass.

They finally went to leave earth. However, the original hunters quarantined them here with the esoteric tech known as the "van Allen radiation belt" which is why no man has ever gona farther than the moon.

After thousands of years, these underground aliens realized they're stuck. So they reached out to inter portal intelligence. Who will help these ancients escape. But. At the cost of energy. Blood is energy. And is the 2and most common word in the bible.

Tldr; the masses are basically blood slaves until the earth eradicates evil. Cattle if you will.

Many rituals have been lost. Books burned. The art of restoring the earth's immune system.

The earth is no stranger to catastrophe. It will wipe out its cancer again and again.

But for now. The inter portal intelligence (a form of bacteira) is accepting blood sacrifices as payment for the teaching of advanced tech. Which is related to 5g. Satellites etc.

They're trying to destroy this atmosphere so they can escape.

its obvious he's not brit, just saying...

He posts on Yas Forums

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>This entire planet is beyond repair...
Been that way for 65 million years.

Mensa just means table lol

Only a glownigger would type out this wall of drive.

You mean "mesa" lol

>Good genetics and a moral compass
1. no one with good genetics would say this
2. >ugly, gross and deformed little goblin people everywhere you look
moral compass? even niggers in africa can form a better argument for why society is bad than “ugly people everywhere lol”

Your argument is stupid. Instead of racking your brain to come up with shit to be offended by, why not try to understand Op's plight? I guess that's beyond your pay grade.

Not being a retarded shit colored goblin. Pay attention bong.

Hey man just focus on your own stuff, find comfort in that your judgement is the only thing that counts. There are people like me that feel just like you, and it sucks. You will find friends that share your thoughts and sometimes you can learn people the truth. Just keep fighting

We're fucking doomed. I quit.

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Just roll down the window and shoot the nigger


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I don't get it.

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>Every time you meet somebody new these days within five seconds of opening their mouths you're met with the most astonishingly fucking retarded drivel, soulless fucks without a single original thought and you can't reason with any of them.
It took me five seconds to get to and through this line. Very meta.

It's new york, so it's very likely those boxes contain jews.

the middle classes of the west wanted to make everyone act like they do.

ah, its just not gonna be the same without seeing Slayer each summer. every show was a damn good time.

Well, almost all the high intelligence males have been sacrificed, so... There is very few left of us now.
This is the future tptb chose.

Very few Jews go to a potter's field.