The Political connection to Architecture

Can someone redpill me on the significance of ancient Roman architecture & engineering and how it left an impact on the world?

I've heard it discussed before on Yas Forums that Hitler/Speer were both heavily influenced by the work of Rome and their aesthetics. What is it about the Roman model that creates beauty and makes civilizations want to mimic this aesthetic?

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Other urls found in this thread:, Erich - Destruction of Freemasonry through Revelation of their Secrets; english version; 1977;_djvu.txt

Aesthetics were the precursor to Hellenism

Italians put beauty before all else. Beauty is objective. Beauty is effectively the only "religion" there is.

wha's this, a good thread?

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The Capitoline Hill in Rome was where the Temple of the triad Jupiter Juno and Minerva were.
The Temple of Juno Moneta was where the senators would mint the coins..."money"
The Temples of the Capitoline Hill were a symbol of power of the gods and influence of senators over the financial system.
As far as the US goes, the land that is now the "Capitol" was once called Rome and the river, the Tiber. On that land they built the Capitol buildings, as temples where they had control over the money and financial systems.
They are built to be temples, perhaps temples of Capitalism.
I suppose it's no surprise you will find the "Apotheosis of Washington" inside the Capitol Building as it is in imitation of a temple.

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Modernist architects associate traditionalism with ideology, style takes on moral overtones. In an age of technology and diversity, they believe that it is morally unacceptable to build with techniques of an earlier era or in styles used by repressive societies. By this logic, Classicism is verboten because of its attractiveness to the Third Reich, British Imperialists and Southern slave owners, among others - including, paradoxically, democratic Greeks, Jeffersonian Republicans and the Works Progress Administration under Roosevelt. Unfortunately, this sort of guilt-by-association quickly turns into a no-win game. For example, modernism was appropriated by some of the worst totalitarian regimes, so by the same logic, it should no longer be an acceptable style. One can imagine a future in which, as every new style eventually becomes associated with some villain government or evil corporation, the only acceptable style remaining is the one that hasn't been invented yet.

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That triangular part is called a kartush.

“They proved that it was possible to produce beauty in life by surrounding life with
beauty. They discovered that symmetrical bodies were built by souls continuously in the presence of
symmetrical bodies; that noble thoughts were produced by minds surrounded by examples of mental
nobility. Conversely, if a man were forced to look upon an ignoble or asymmetrical structure it would
arouse within him a sense of ignobility which would provoke him to commit ignoble deeds. If an illproportioned building were erected in the midst of a city there would be ill-proportioned children born in
that community; and men and women, gazing upon the asymmetrical structure, would live inharmonious
lives. Thoughtful men of antiquity realized that their great philosophers were the natural products of the
æsthetic ideals of architecture, music, and art established as the standards of the cultural systems of the time.”
― Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages

We'd call that psychological priming nowadays which explains their preference for degenerate architecture in their host countries

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It's used for temples

aesthetics is important for all successful civilizations
>especially true for the westen civiliztion

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you should see this:

romans, retard. not italians. greeks were romans too. and that's greco-roman architecture. roman architecture is essentialy the same as greek architecture.

It is not architecture, it is structural engineering.
Architects, nowadays atleast try to push the boundaries of what designs are physically possible, meanwhile ancient buildings which have survived thousands of years were built with basic structures but made to be as strong as possible.
They also had purpose, the dome is for a large enclosed space, pillars are to create an open but sheltered space, arches and lintels ensure the doorways are strong. That commie tower block they built right outside your window isn’t gonna last 1000 years in comparison. Quality and aesthetics come from purpose and Volk.

Aesthetic appeal to things like buildings or people is related to our cultivated perception of what is healthy and strong. Have you ever been on acid and been in some sleek modern, gravity defying building or something? It induces an uncomfortable trip, compared to being inside some old pub with timber framing exposed for example, as it feels stable.

Nazism was based from the family unit outwards. It was an ideology which was based in our Earthly material realm.
They tried to revitalise this art, by building their structures to last, for their descendants, and to resemble what we find attractive, things that are based in nature, but also order formed from the chaos of nature. The buildings were very minimalist in design, the only symbolism would have been variations of the Swastika (which represented the Sun and Earth’s seasons) sometimes in intricate patterns. Sculptures, just as in ancient Rome or Greece, were of the pagan human ideal, strong, fertile men and women of their race. The animal sculptures were symbolic too, and still rooted in this Earth. The sculptures by Arno Breker were mostly destroyed after the war.

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its the jews mocking europeans for having turned their native faiths and temples into places for their schemes

>That triangular part is called a kartush.
no its not, those are the egyptian hieroglyph things

Now I posit to you with some schizophrenic ideas. This new world which is being formed is not one based on the human or material ream. This shows in the architecture of society today, and how they so vehemently try to destroy everything based in nature. We build things to look out of this world, unstable and flimsy, sleek and natural law defying. Why?
The concept of god, as we know it today, which originated in the desert, spread via Judaism into Christianity and henceforth into Islam - this idea has spread like a mind virus through humanity.
No longer do we worship the material realm, try to improve on it or leave anything for our descendants.
This ‘god’ can only be described in my view as a demon. Promising rewards of heaven, or punishment in hell, humans have been brainwashed by this concept to become slaves to an other-dimensional being. That is what god really is. Why would it want the best for us on this material realm? It does not. Earth is the closest to heaven that you will ever find, it is lush, and full of everyhing that you love, and when you leave this dimension and see the abyss that awaits you would learn to appreciate our realm more.
We were a beautiful people before these relgions entered our cultures, but now the naked human ideal is lewd, you are not meant to worship idols (human rolemodels).
As our abilities to build develop, this demon is revealing itself as an alien to the material realm.
Look at pic related, and how the new architecture grows off the strong like a tumor. That is the concept of god growing out of our societies. That is why jews are the way they are, and why they are organised in forming society into a new world order, devoid of racial and cultural distinction. Their belief in god.

They do not want humans to be self sufficient and rooted to the land from whence they came, as then they could not be enslaved, and may become threats to the order.

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Then this will be the age of the magyar

basically: the column is greek the arch is roman.
greco-roman its the combination of the two

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Bump for interest

I think this demonstrates well what I mean

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ugly as fuck. try harder.
>aesthetics is important for all successful civilizations
that's true. you were riding horses in Mongolia, living in tents and got assimilated into the western civilization. good for you.

>basically: the column is greek the arch is roman.
yeah, romans used the columns of greeks for aesthetic reasons and introduced arches (and concret).

At this hour of my writing, May 1933, the siuation is not clean Most of Germany's Grand Lodges wrap themselves into the cloak of other Secret Societies which have not yet — at least publicly — been prohibited by the National Socialist dictators, but which have the same goals as Freemasons, and which I have already previously mentioned in Section IV. They iden-
tify themselves with the nameless "Order" which, entirely occult in its teaching and closely related to the Memphis- and Misraim Order, replaces Yahweh or the Great Architect of all the worlds of Freemasonry with the "best and greatest God" — Deus Optimus Maximus. They remain servants of the ruling God who demands blind obedience, for whom now no longer
Solomon's Temple is to be erected, but the godlike D.O.M. (Deus Optimus Maximus),

From this godlike D.O.M. has now originated the "Deutsche Dom," as it is known that the word "deutsch" in occult translation is identified
with godliness, and that the initial letters of the word Deus Optimus Maximus constitute the word "Dom." Thus it became possible to tarnish Solo- mon's Temple into a "German Dome,", Erich - Destruction of Freemasonry through Revelation of their Secrets; english version; 1977;_djvu.txt

romanian capital choosed to be the ugliest capital in europe
>try harder

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Moreover, the ' German Dome-Builders" will again quickly be connected with the "Egyptian Mysteries," here with the mysteries of Hermes Trismegistus, whereas also the "mysteries" of
Freemasons with their hieroglyphs are supposed to be of Egyptian origin. The German' dome-builders ' now stem from the same source as did the builders of Solomon's Temple.

Bucharest is the most beautiful city in the world.

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Each to his own, but what i was pointing out that in 1933 Erich Non Ludendorf wrote of a secret German Dome project to replace the emphasis on Solomons Temple.

Historians consider this was just Hitlers vision, it wasn't, but a Masonic group only taking Egypt as inspiration and not later cultures.

You think they are mocking?

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The Temple of Anu in Uruk was also the White House and very impressive.

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That looks horrendous

Architecture is the aspect of the city. It may carry a soul, inspire people, will tell the world who made this city, make them feel home, in a place they belong...
Or it can be bland, generic, culturless and it will demoralize people.

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