Boys, what’s a realistic date for this shit to be over?

I’m enjoying that NEET lifestyle.

Attached: 3396CA4D-5440-4AD3-9C2E-69DE058EA07D.jpg (460x602, 68.44K)

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i dont even know what month it is


This would be fun if this virus actually killed millions instead of just a couple thousand boomers.

Never hopefully

>incredibly contagious
>swept the west in about 4 months
>still in the thick of it
>everybody urging to go back to normal because muh economy

>round 2 hits
>its july
>still no end in sight

>november comes
>bungled presidential election
>new wave of covid hits
>muh economy

Wash repeat until we find a vaccine. I genuinely dont see an end to this unless its like chicken pox, we develope a natural resistance. Say it does end, then what is stopping another resurgence of it?

Things will go back to normal in November when Trump loses re-election. Corona virus will be a distant memory. Screencap this


Lol it’s been the biggest thing since 9/11 or WW2

3 months ago

>tfw essential and can't exactly get fired so been showing up fucked up nearly every day
Gonna try working on half a tab of lsd today lmao

It feels like it's 9,850,817,099x10^23 AD.

Attached: 1578684810846.jpg (1280x960, 229.7K)

it's never going to end unless we fight for it to end.

What he said
But I'll raise you one more year 2023
Coronavirus will be back each winter causing excess death for several years


I'm guessing May. Though to be honest I'm still working, a lot, and making just as much money as I did before the virus.

I'm more annoyed at parks and stores being closed. I can only read so much. I like going for walks and keeping active.

Welcome to that NEET life, brother. You will be visited by Starvation and Homelessness but only if you post, "I'm gonna do this forever."


At least 2 years.

Why does pic related feel lewd?

July 4th will be a propaganda extravaganza and the country will fully open on that day meaning NYC and the NE quadrant will lift lockdown

so the depression hasn't hit yet. Expect fuck all in stores and massively elevated prices. If you ever have kids their kids might see normalcy.
I hope I'm a doomer and utterly wrong
bannerlord lyf

the hand is hers. how does that make you feel?

It won't because numales found a new way to virtue signal supported by the media by getting to be good little goys and ratting on their neighbors.

With a CFR of 4% and climbing it best be over soon.

When they install 5G world wide
When they "find out" the cure for fake corona virus
Probably not this year
You are a prisoner now
Welcome to 1984


I think its March

The Spanish flu lasted a few years, which is a lot weaker then covid-19, so that amount at a minimum.

3 years for NWO.
Less if people decide to revolt.