CoViD19 isn't dying. It's hiding now

The fucking thing wont die off. People in china who survived it are getting it again. and they don't think the virus is being reinfected but rather coming back to life. hiding. trying to figure out the best way to end it's host. I thought virus just wanted food and not kill their host on purpose. this thing has to be Man Made. WTF . ITS THAT WHITE HARVARD PROFESSOR GUY AND HIS 2 CHINESE NATIONALIST> WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU FUCKING INVENT. This is like the fucking Omega Man Bullshit. excuse my french!

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Yep, looks like we might just end up getting the coronavirus each year on top of the flu. Aww jeez I am not looking forward to that. Let's hope eradication is possible.

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Nothingburgerfags don't understand that this virus is the perfect bio weapon. Just wait till covid19 runs through an entire flu season and what a shitstorm it will be when hospitals have to deal with the flu and covid simultaneously

Also, in the 1970s, they created a Vaccine for the swine flu. it started killing people. lots of people. the swine flu was like this. novel. or they thought. and the vaccine killed healthy people. I don't want to frighten anyone but man this is so so scary times. You guys should stop making jokes about this.

I am worried too user. Trurly scary thing. Countries feel like reopening - but the outbreaks will keep on going. It's such a health hazard to open schools, and even markets.

Espacially when there's notenough tests. The second wave, already happening in China, is going to be the doom. This was really just a preview, it seems...

I have been warning friends and family about accidental release for years. It's like talking to a brick wall. I'm through trying to educate people.

Just wait, in ten years microbiologists will be begging the government to let them do gain-of-function research and we'll have ANOTHER accidental release.

its not nrocket science, theres no such thing as Wuhan Virus

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>just wait till covid19 runs an entire flu season
>November thru April, literally a whole Flu season
you're just a dumb cunt arent you schizo?

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China is responsible for the Wuhan virus

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ah its you again Xu Xhao, take that mask off

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Flu season is October through may. fucking chink. get a new image BTW

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2,000+ people die the next day
Give up you piece of shit.

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>Let's hope eradication is possible.
You know the answer, user. Life expectancy just dropped by 20 years.

Pic related

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Well then let's hope the virus mutates to kill us less painfully.

stop phoneposting by the way. your Huawei phone is about to melt

Jesus what a dumb post.

That's what's going to happen in Brazil, we're in autumn now, and the peak of the disease will likely be in May or June. We will have flu, covid, dengue, and zika. God have mercy on us....

Bernie cucked and so did you happening. Deal with it loser.

Flu season generally lasts 13 weeks usually ending in April, what are you goin on about schizo?

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Do you know how hard it is to eradicate a disease? Want to guess how many diseases have been eradicated? Only two diseases have ever been globally eradicated: smallpox and rinderpest. And the eradication efforts took decades.

It's acting like a disease now. A normal virus doesn't attack your nerves, either.

People still don't understand it's following a trend

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Not to mention people are already talking about food shortages

>Comparing the outbreak and spread of a novel virus to one that's already spread and established
>Calling anyone else dumb
Only actual retards pretend to be retarded.

>God have mercy
>On Brazil

I'm just gonna go right ahead and say it. Boomers deserve the coronavirus. We don't deserve this lockdown. Just let them all die, they would rather we all suffer so they can spend 10 more years living off OUR hard work

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you must be 18 or older to post here

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How's that supposed to work? Serious question. No developed economy should be facing anything of the kind.

Your book is wrong, Rhinovirus is common cold

>Hurr Durr jokes on you I'm just pretending to be retarded for (you)'s
No, retard. God sees you drooling.

this pic littarly describes the informative distribution except /cvg/ and quality of facts from this flag

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People don't have money to supply demand and workers aren't allowed to work. If this goes for another month a good portion of people might end up starving.