What do you think of this place? Is it good?

What do you think of this place? Is it good?

Attached: 6D34C4B9-47FE-4F51-9FC5-AE2E0AD7B164.png (227x139, 3.28K)

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Finland but poorer and more russian

Far from it.
>Least religious place on the planet
>13 Olympic golds, zero Nobels
>Can't take a joke, constant butthurt and autistic screeching over trivial issues
>Sub-replacement level birth rate
>Nearly half of all inhabitants are overweight
>Highest HIV rate outside of Africa; one in twelve is infected
>One of the poorest EU memberstates
>Massive unemployment and homelessness
>Steady influx of African and Arab migrants
>Hopelessly atomized and egoistic population, petty rivalry everywhere
>Traditional culture has been destroyed via subversion and commercialization
>Complete and utter EU pawn touted as an independent country
>Run by opportunists who only care about lining their own pockets
>Shamelessly copied Finland's anthem and Denmark's coat of arms
>Entirely service-based economy
>Constantly provoking and antagonizing Russia

Thanks, Ivan!

Good car modding laws

White paradise, but they will lie and say it's shit because they don't want us to move there

>Is it good?

Lived there for 2 years. Based people, comfy af, no blue gum negros, fun atmosphere, good place for summer.

>>Highest HIV rate outside of Africa; one in twelve is infected
No way

Compared to your country, of course. But there's a reason why about 10% of their population works in Finland

Economically, yes. Overall, I think the place is pretty good, people are really nice there. But sometimes it feels like it has too many russians.

>Constantly provoking and antagonizing Russia
That's actually a good thing

1.3% of all adults, the highest in the EU.

its good compared to finland too

I like Estonia even if they weren't our brother nation. Rough but easily the best former soviet state. Good place to start business because low taxes.

Czech Republic is better imo

Cool flag
Will probably disappear in our lifetimes

when I get queued with estonians on csgo they are always very toxic

>They hate r*ssia and r*ssians
Pretty based desu.

I love this country but the Russians are an absolute plague. Russians are our 1350

It salaries here pay the same, after taxes, as Finland while housing costs are twice as less

I'd move to Finland in a a heartbeat though, the population here is SUPERA cucked and womyn actively defend evgenyis white nigger behaviors

You have to go back, Vladimir.

Attached: Based Russia.png (500x366, 130.57K)

I don't. Nobody should think of or visit the Baltic countries.

Agreed fuck Estonia. Foreigners don't come to Estonia

Do you mouth breathing russians have this copy pasta ready any time Estonia is mentioned?

DIsappear where? If we survived 50 years of Soviet Union and the deliberate attempts of russification, where would we disappear to now?

Why would you want people to think positively about Eesti retard? You want mutts and shitskins to start migrating there?? Optics

Attached: IMG_6901.jpg (250x354, 13.66K)

Least fag tune that year. Yas Forums agreed Eesti was robbed

That Finn looks familar

>Shamelessly copied Finland's anthem
A brother nation can always take notes from us :)
>Constantly provoking and antagonizing Russia
Based, Russians don't belong in Estonia anyways. Narva should be depopulated of them. Fuck Russians. They killed Karelia, Izhoria, Livonia and all others.

It's the Russians

The one post OP effect

LOL its getting blacked. Way faster than other eastern europe countries.

I believe the Russians should be deported already, they were planted there. They already got a bunch of land taken away from Finno-Ugrians, they don't need Estonia.

look at this Russian kek
Why don't you get out of the Baltic States you guys can't even run your own shithole

Attached: 1576243593444.jpg (647x598, 91.56K)

Here's hoping Russians move back to Russia.