Was Boris FAKING it ???///?

Economist senior editor Chris Lockwood suggested Boris was faking up his Corona.
Twitter Bang
Was He Right?

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And now the slander appears right on schedule.
It's like they're using a playbook.

Boris shows symptoms of being a genuine clinical psychopath. That is the combination of his opportunism plus his 'Bluff' persona that so easily fools Boomer Bong Narcissists and his lack of interests in actual details.

What are slandering?
With Boris there is nothing there to slander.
He is the ultimate unprincipled opportunist. His hero is Churchill. Says it all.
Tell me what there is to slander?

>Replying to your own post like a newfag
>Acting like a kike
Checks out

Hes right boris was faking it

Am I supposed to believe that the Prime Minister was treated at any old hospital with whatever NHS staff were there? And not a private clinic? With private doctors?

He could have. Any number of these celebrities could be. Rand Paul supposedly had it. Was walking around the senate for a week waiting on diagnosis. Came back positive and none of the other senators seemed alarmed at all. Kept on doing what they were doing. These are a bunch of old fucks supposedly the most at risk and they didn't give a fuck he'd been contaminating everything for a week.
Whole thing is a bunch of bullshit.

He probably had the 'rona, but he definitely did not need to go to hospital

complete bullshit just like everything that comes from that disgusting ugly little country

Just wait for the reinfection or relapse or the reactivation of the virus.

Why has he not had a big presser about ouchie and stinky being sick was?

He was supposedly on a private ward on Floor 12 of St Thomas's (NHS hospital over the road from Parliament)


Which is it and where in the genome you've been analysing since december does it do that?
Tired of this crap, its just 9/11 all over again but this time your lying about a cough

They aren't too fucking bright are they?

my mate was in ICU for a week, then put in a normal recovery ward for another week.

its very suspicious that boris is in for a couple of days then goes home.

Your friend is fat from non stop fish and chips?

no photos

Where the fuck is he? He has been MIA for most of the time he has been elected.
January when the London Bridge stabbings happened. Where was he?
Most of February no where to be seen.
Brief appearance March, now April he is out the picture again.

>interest in details
You know government makes strategic decisions and doesn’t involve itself in operational matters?

>private hospitals have extensive ICUs


>Was Boris FAKING it?
Two options:
(1) Yes; too many people were thinking Corana-chan was fake and gay.
(2) No; the real issue about Corona-chan is the lasting damage like male-infertility and ADE.

no had brain cancer.
but in fairness at least he had a brain unlike some .

Doubt it, sounds more like BDS (Boris Derangement Syndrome) Chris Lockwood supports Corbyn the disgusting commie and terrorist sympathiser.

he's only got a part time contract as PM.
do over 16 hours loses his benefits.

i have been working outside and inside like normal all this time, with a bunch of other people and i live in the hotspot of our country. it's the biggest nothingburger ever, even less of a happening than swine flu without chicom/kike media onslaught.

What a powerful photo opp it would of been for all to see.
PM in hospital with corona. People would take it serious.
Except no photos.
So much about the virus and the government handling it, just not adding up.

holy shit bongs are trying to cover this one up. pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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absolutely faked it.

Its just ENTIRELY co-incidental he got sick when #BorisTheButcher started trending.