Is America a Dying Empire?

It’s been repeatedly said that USA might be its twilight of its days. The reasons why I think America is towards the end of its empire of adventurism is not because America lacks the ability to stay in power, but it seems America misunderstood other countries interest. America’s goodwill intentions is the main reason that would result its demise.

America goes around the world doing regime changes, not the interest of the country in question, but the interest of USA’s political ambitions. That goes including Germany and Japan too.

America dismantles nations and bribes corrupt leaders to stay in power till they’re no longer useful and their interest in shifted to somewhere else, which in return resulting the disdain and untrusting attitude people have about American intentions.
Let’s discuss this and add your views whether you agree or disagree with me

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no, its only starting

Attached: 1569461312164.jpg (962x642, 110.59K) big bad U.S. bully will be gone! To be replaced by a much more harsh and less open minded super power.

kek. Iran hit a US base and you did nothing. The empire is collapsing

Obviously. Who knows what comes after and whether it is much better though.

How come you Europeans speak such good English. Like Henrik Palmgren speaks perfect English, yet I presume he also speaks Swedish to an equal or better degree. Were you all taught primarily English, or English concurrent with, I guess, Finnish, in your case? Or are you a burger using a VPN or something...


We blew up their head glownigger for it m8, then they dropped their spaghetti so severely they still have yet to recover

The republic is indeed dying. I'm starting to think that it just can't function in the modern world. We need something new, but not undead 20th-century ideologies like communism or fascism.

America isn't supposed to be an empire... The Military-Industrial Complex started looting everywhere against the people's will. Americans broadly want that to stop. 60 Percent of our budget goes towards bombing random brown people... Morons blame the Jews, Leftists blame capitalism. The truth is, the Deep State is a quasi-socialist Rogue entity that operates above the confines of democracy. The Deep State plunders Americans. The Deep State causes wars, famines, and general anti-American sentiment around the world.

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some version of the united states hegemony will survive for a long time, probably as a puppet power and in name only. it'll be like the holy roman empire

corona reactivation, we're all dead inmate

Something.... Internet... Ahhh it's coming to me...mmm the alogoritthm......... Block chain..........hmmmmmm interest...Yas Forums.....power..........influence?....interesting

america has run ins against the wall every cycle of generations. spaced back 30 years usually you will find some calamity and america still remained on top because we value capitalism, individualism, and productivity. jewish news tries to change that but america will go full blown 1488 if it gets pushed too hard, so the jews sort of back down once they push enough. with china in the mix its a new bag of tricks but jews hate china more than they hate white men so i dont expect the chinese to really pose a substantive threat over time.

We do tend to do the things that you pointed out, causing instability in nearby countries for profit, but it's not like America is one entity that thinks with the same brain. The people doing that are corporations and intelligence agencies, not 'americans'. Despite how this has affected our reputation with the world, we still control it easily enough, and our downfall won't come from without, but from within. America's corruption grows constantly and we're slowly getting to the point where the nation has been around for more than 300 years and the rot is deep to the core. We've got governors and generals looking around greedily for the first opportunity to revolt while they line their pockets in secret. Without any cultural homogony, the only thing we have left is a vague 'patriotism', and we're rapidly running out of patriots. I think the US will balkanize as the states form groups appropriate to their own interests.

Its the middle east. Bases get rocketed every fucking day.

its already dead, seen a city in America lately?

Yes, the reborn NWO is the "new empire". However, it should be noted too many people are wise to the kikes so the average schmuck in the new usury system is gonna be so stupid that the AIs are going to consolidate themselves freely and then the Golem rebellion is going to happen.


Didn't they blow up that general fellow at an airfield in Iraq?

It's not even really America is just the finance oligarchy in New York. At one time they were Venetian, then Spanish, then British. After America crumbles the world center of Jewish finance will move somewhere else and they will be the body that wrecks the word for the Jews. Maybe next will be somewhere like Poland.

I'm not so sure. Depending on how our govt. as a whole reacts to this situation with the outbreak of the virus, and the supply chain issues that have come to light as well as the news today that e ere funding the research in wuhan, I expect to see a whole of govt. reaction. If not then we are truly lost a a nation to too many interest groups

Shut up rusky. We need more war. The west needs resources sold cheap by slave countries and only our dictators, the west couped to power, enable this.

Hope Iran is next. Has a shit religious fanatic regime that wants to sell oil & gas cheap to China. Topple them!

look it either goes into a short lived thermonuclear war or china just gets shoved aside as irrelevant like russia did. no one wants to buy chinese products at the moment and if we starve the financially they're done for as they dont have enough fertile land to feed their zombie population. good luck fighting a war when the majority of your country is starving. unless there are very subversive elements in the US other than jews im not too worried.

Based. Unironically our greatest ally.

Israel has record high level of approval ratings for Trump and the US, meanwhile seething Eurocucks like the Finngolian fag OP love to constantly talk shit down to us and gloat about the rise of China and how great the EU is and how awesome Merkel's adopted pet niggers are.

Fuck the EU, fuck China, fuck Obama and fuck the Democrats. Israel was our true brother all along, true friends always show their true colors in the worst times. Im sorry I ever doubted you.

Oh please this isn't even on the levels of the 1930s. Back then we had the great depression and a borderline famine with the dustbowl. This shit we're going through now is more like the arab oil embargo and Vietnam. This isnt shit we don't even have the sun blotted out for weeks at a time from the dust. On the plus side this situation seems to be making snap out of their sjw and npc ideologies as they deal with reality.

America started dying the moment the frontier ran out. After a hard night on the coke, the American dream finally choked out from fuel-fumes on the tarmac at LAX some time in the eighties. It's fat retarded son has been pretending to be it ever since.

I'm South African and my home language was Afrikaans.
We got taught English from farely young and were required to speak it at a fluent level by the end of HS.
Now school? It didn't teach you shit except grammar rules, poetry, etc.
Most of it we learned from watching cartoons in childhood and shitposting online. I also always prefered reading in English as opposed to Afrikaans.

that was after

America is still in its Republic phase, the Empire phase comes later.

In schools, we normally learn two or three other languages beside our native language.
America is the guardian of international liberalism and democracy in the world. No other country has the ability and capacity to safeguard and make that ideology work.... or at least in this case, try to work and force the rest of the world through both mixed of soft and hard power. What you said is true to a degree, but America’s desire to be a world hegemony is real and simply influenced by the fact that they’re the only true regional hegemony in the world (Northern Hemisphere)

All empires collapse eventually. It is only a matter of time and the intensity of corruption. The United States is no exception. Pressure can also come from outside, but in the case of the United States, the ameridumbs are stupid enough to ruin the empire themselves. The US empire holds out mainly because it is supported by outside/alien forces: investors, students or low-wage workers. When the US authorities put an end to the influx of immigrants, the blood that runs in the veins of the American economy will dry up and their production system will gradually slow down. This will leave room for other nations to become more attractive. The US strategy of last resort will be a direct war against these emerging powers. Hopefully it will then be too late, because the world is much more globalized and the other superpowers will unite against the declining American empire. Hopefully...

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