Employment While Being Redpilled

Hello Yas Forums, coding user here.
I am currently learning a full stack development program to become a software engineer/game developer. I haven't had a real presence on social media in a few years, but I ran a political Instagram during the 2016 Meme War, and I'm afraid of that making me unenployable. It wasn't extreme, but I was banned for bogus terms of service violations. What do about my less than desirable hiring position?

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>I haven't had a real presence on social media in a few years
Why would this affect you getting hired?
>What do about my less than desirable hiring position?
The answer to this question is always the same... You lie.

Did you run it with your faceberg name?

Quit being a dumb faggot and go get a real job. You can easily make 6 figures with "no social media" hell you can do it without a high school diploma. If you cant find these jobs without me telling you what they are you're a fucking idiot. I dropped out of hs, got a job, make nearly 140k a year after taxes and I'm only working 6 months out of the year. Get a white mans job you nigger instead of starring at a screen like a god damn robot chink

Did you get your Trumpbux? 80 million americans allegedly got theirs this moing but nobody actually received it

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I've had a year of employment as an AR/VR developer, even though I was kicking ass, my CEO embezzled a bunch of money and my department was shut down. I haven't been able to find a job in 9 months.

If you haven't been interviewed yet, no one is looking at your social media. Reference checking etc is done after you're interviewed.

You're drunk, go to bed.

I found 6 figure job, dumbass. I don't need your hollow advice, telling me there's these great jobs and not naming a single one or even naming the industry or positions. You're a poor nigger and you're jealous that I'll be making games with my own company living my dream in a few years.

sorta. Used my first name and a lot of early followers knew my personal. Got shut down right as I hit 2 thousands followers. I was ballooning, getting almost a hundred followers a day for a few days when my posts starting trending. Then the balloon popped.

>caring about wageslavery

>full stack development
>game developer

which one is it gonna be user

Delete your shit brah, and deny deny deny. Stay off of faceberg and jewtube. Don't EVER use Twitter. Instead, do a solid LinkedIn profile and get as many connections as you can (go for at least 1,000). Make sure your pic is professional (siit/tie) and you'll be fine. Be active on GitHub and StackOverflow.
t. IT Recruiter

Work for a company that isn’t jewed and niggered.

You’re welcome.

Be good enough that they don't care. Even Google has known anti Semites working in it.

Alternatively, make your own business life a self respecting man and stop cucking to HR roasties.

>Look at me, I'm a high school dropout and I make 140k and only work half the year
>That's cool, how'd you do that?
>The fact that you're asking means you're an idiot

Why is that everyone who found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow always has an excuse as to why they can't tell anyone else how they did it?

>I lied about having an opinion
>please notice me
Just post your mailing address and I’ll mail you some cookies. You obviously need justified for doing nothing.

Anyone who makes good money did it by filling some niche ergo they cant spoonfeed you because they'll be devaluing their own position.

If you want to be spoonfed, just follow the beaten track and get similar results to brain-dead normies.

and yet here you are, namefagging it up and adding to your permanent internet record. looks like niggers never learn

>they'll be devaluing their own position.

Yeah, that's a good point. One day, you're sharing your success story to strangers on the internet, the next day, one of them leaves everything behind, tracks you down, and takes your job. Happens all the time.

You’re fine you have no idea how incompetent big companies are. If it doesn’t show up on their 20 year old background check software you’re fine

Considering that most high leverage income opportunities today are internet based, yea, it is certainly possible for some stranger to come into your turf.

Or did you think you were going to get the 2+2 version of how to make 6 figures?

Like I said, if you want easy answers, go do what the normies do.

Is coding actually a good job? What's the earning potential for it and what kind of places can you work?

Is coding hard to learn for someone who has 0 coding knowledge at all? Help an user not be a broke faggot please. I've often wondered if I shouldn't go this way for a career. I've always been interested in healthcare but we see how well that's panning out. Fucking bugs.

>learning a full stack development program to become a software engineer/game developer
Lol, good fucking luck finding a job that pays above minimum wage, retard. Protip: your political shitpost Instagram isn't going to be the reason you don't find a job/earn a good wage. It's because IT jobs are oversaturated to shit. You should have learned how to code about 10-20 years ago. And game development is a completely shit market and industry in general, forget about it completely. I know you're a loser who likes to play video games 24/7, but that's not really what you're going to be doing in a game development studio.

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Because LARPers are usually too lazy to think of a realistic reason why a high school dropout would earn 6 figures. If they knew, they would already be doing it themselves.

Nobody cares and you're not important. Quit filling my message board with dumb shit.

thanks for that dose of BULLSHIT I needed it

Full stack has nothing to do with game dev. Have you tried not being retarded?

Both programming and games pay well if you know what you're doing. In the case of the latter, that means not working for a shit studio or knowing how to make an indie game that will actually sell. Look at Getting Over It, it sold over 200000 copies in its first two weeks and the game is entirely made of purchased or free assets with some narration by the creator. Obviously that doesn't happen overnight but it can happen with hardwork and creativity.

Swedeguy you sound like a doomer no offense

I got mine deposited this morning.

>Both programming and games pay well if you know what you're doing
Yeah, but OP obviously doesn't. Especially if he's learning full stack to develop games, lol.
>In the case of the latter, that means not working for a shit studio or knowing how to make an indie game that will actually sell.
There are very very very few studios that aren't shit, and very very very few indie games that actually sell. Plus, OP is an idiot so the chance of him succeeding is basically zero.
>Look at Getting Over It, it sold over 200000 copies in its first two weeks and the game is entirely made of purchased or free assets with some narration by the creator.
And I guess that one dude who won the jackpot lottery means you should buy as many lottery tickets as possible. No, retard. Indie games get developed all the time and flop all the time. But you never hear about them because they never sold or got popular. For every one example of a successful indie game, there are millions of examples of failed ones.
>Obviously that doesn't happen overnight but it can happen with hardwork and creativity.
In game development, it's mostly done to pure luck and not worth the trouble. You think the Getting Over It dev or Flappy Bird dev worked super hard on their games?
>Swedeguy you sound like a doomer no offense
Just being realistic. If OP actually tries to become a game dev, he'll become a doomer for real.

>Or did you think you were going to get the 2+2 version of how to make 6 figures?

No, I was just pointing out that people who make outrageous claims never provide any details about them when pressed. He doesn't have to pen a fucking autobiography, but a cursory "Yeah, found a job dealing so-and-so, went pretty well for me" and leave it at that.

It's like everyone who claims to have been on "the inside" and knows "things". You ask one question and then you've just taken a hard right turn into bullshit "I can't divulge that information" ville.