Trump had Epstein killed to prevent him from talking and didn't go after Ghislaine

Where are the pizzagate /polcucks? I guess the children don't matter anymore.

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Says the guy with a literal pizzagate victim president and predator first granny.


About what, faggot? Trump himself spilled on Epstein years before he was POTUS.

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Children never did matter, sad to say. No one without any power matters in a world run by psychopaths.

5g epstein schizo mossad nothingburger sandwich invictus segregation bbw nazi mm wave quantum china winnie the pooh huggies asbestos oxytocin mgtow

Shills will ignore this.

Trump is a pedo.


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The children never mattered...

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This is what I have been telling people.

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Many Americans are child abusers and have serious problems.

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Do you mean that Mossad had to kill the Epstein character after the massive spotlight and attention his operations were getting?

Ah, yes, that's what I thought.

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This isn't enough anymore. This piece of evidence was fine 4 years ago but its been 4 years and the only things that have happened under the trump administration is cover up after coverup and inaction. Nothing has stopped. They are still stealing, raping, and killing kids. Its time to stop hanging on the hope that Trump is going to stop it. He is one of them.

We never went away. The forums got overrun by glowies, flat earthers and chemtrailers.

And where's the proof about him being dead?

He either had him killed or had him secretly transferred to Israel. It doesn't change much.

Spooks liberated him from the gay club.

I too was very upset that there wasn't some kind of public investigation from the american government. Exposing their evil doings would grant Donald Trump lots of popularity. The thing is, Epstein was probably a smart guy, a billionaire, transhumanist, maybe a secret service asset. He hung out with people like Stephan Hawking or Bill Gates and many more, what about them? Gates is even allowed to deny any info about his relations, wtf? I just want to say that we can't know for sure what happened and who's good or bad. But there should be a dissclosure

at least the only Epstein thread is dead for sure. Women and minorities are more important to the simple minded

What are you talking about? Trump has had so many more pedo’s arrested under his presidency than any other president. Mind you, it was his administration that caught Epstein himself. Don’t you think that the deep state would have put measures in place to make sure he doesn’t get the whistle blown on him?

>implying he is dead

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should've saved some bump-material from the times when this was still current

Sessions had more pedos arrested. Trump fired Sessions.

holy numerals checked

You spelled Clinton as trump - kek

And yet it was not sessions that captured Epstein faggot, cry more about it.

After the special counsel ended for recusing himself like an idiot

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