Germany is the 2nd safest country in the world

God I love being German

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We're the number 1 white country.
God I love being Australian.


pretty cringe how are you guys so bad at this?


go visit downtown Sydney at any given day and say that again

Wow what surprise Israel is #1 I pretty sure it wasn't because they were the one to create COVID-19.

We also created the list dumbo.

Too many muslims here. We aren't allowed to shoot them at the border. Yet.

At last the Kike show his true form.

You ain't going to anything. You Germs are to busy sucking Merkel off to give a shit about your nation becoming Niggerize and Islamize.

>Taiwan lower than China
(x) Doubt

you guys got a thing or two to learn from us

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bibi owns the company that made this iirc (or is invested in it or something i dont remember)
we're not doing that bad tho

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Number one is North Korea though? Because they've just killed everybody infected at the border?
Seems like a pretty bullshit list, considering Germany has open borders, and the baltic states are down in the 40's and 30's.

The Irony.

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The time will come.

You cannot be the safest if you do report the crimes, nigga. Galaxian Brain, boi

I love being German!! We're safe from the hoax virus.

Never mind the fact that our government is openly and overtly hostile to ethnic Germans. Never mind the fact that we're paying for our own demographic annihilation. Never mind the fact that the average German male is a meek, cowed, self-hating, masochist. Never mind the fact that German women can't even leave their homes after dark in many areas.

We're safe from Hoaxvid-19 so we're on top of the world!!

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Of course Israel is best again! I wonder if there is any difference in knowledge about and/or testing on (((COVID-1984)))

Nah theyre just Gods chosen people

Australia isn't on that graph. That's the flag of NZ.
Here are our numbers (better but still not great)

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You learned building concentration camps from the germans

Germans have been second class citizens here since 1680 or so. Palatine Germans. The Anglos wouldn’t even let them stay in NYC when they had finished working off their indenture. No Anglo wanted anything to do with those grubby Germans.

ours are way better

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>belgium 19
>second highest death rate per capita after spain
>switzerland 11
>seventh highest death rate per capita
>the netherlands 16
>eight highest death rate per capita
>luxembourg 23
>ninth highest death rate per capita
yet the US doesn't make the list huh?

your women are super hot

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>China is on the list

not really desu

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What did they mean by this?

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>Covid 19 safety
Doean't matter unless you are extremely fat or extremely old and would have died of the common cold as well.

Girls wear thongs in Israel? How's that allowed?

Lol no, there are more German blooded Americans than there are Anglos. Take your meds faggot

Hope you are proud. God will punish your souls

Lol wtf are you talking about. Most whites in America have Anglo ancestry

These charts are fucking meaningless.

Why don't you go back to whichever shithole you came from you muslim pig? Why are you leeching money from whites?

you are only saying that because you are not in the top 40

The real question is how do we make you the first ?

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wtf do girls in usa wear to pool\beach ? im pretty sure urs wear that as well

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>China top 5
Yeah, nah. These """rankings""" are flaming trash.

>#1 Israel
>#4 China
Into the trash it goes.

Vietnam closed schools and cancelled all flights to China in late January/early February, tests disproportionally compared to the total number of confirmed cases (about 300), no deaths... and still ranks below far smaller countries with 20 times more confirmed cases and death rates close to 10%.


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>Taiwan not #1
Clearly bluepilled and chankoro puppet
>israel #1
Oy Vey, fucking kaifeng jews

Lol China is starting to get hit by a second wave and you have the audacity to believe their numbers and call it one of the safer countries.

Yeah but you are jews

what statistics is it based on?