/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3214

► Detected: 2,004,991 (+7,131) ► Died: 126,839 (+239) ► Day: 97 (-17:14:15)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.9x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,927 strains have been sequenced —


Trump defunds WHO: "no human transmission", "don't ban travel"

Italian tests positive again after "recovery"

Wuhan lab theory "no longer fringe", US intelligence confirms

Deaths in the UK are 50% higher than official toll

EU admits official death tolls are undercounting

"Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

People that had mild symptoms might not be immune

Teen death without previous conditions suspected in South Korea

High cytokine in blood of critical patients

22 year old patient dies in the US, after being denied testing

"Germany doesn't test post-mortem", Spanish biologist

Spain doesn't report cases discovered post-mortem

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

US testing delayed, short on crucial chemicals

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

07:31: 3,388 new cases and 28 new deaths in Russia
07:26: 166 new cases in Japan
07:22: 154 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
07:07: 392 new cases and 10 new deaths in Ukraine
06:44: 1,052 new cases and 8 new deaths in Germany
06:34: 422 new cases and 20 new deaths in Brazil


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>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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get ready u gaiz its coming for real this time

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#1 United States 614,246 (26,064) #2 Spain 174,060 (18,255) #3 Italy 162,488 (21,067) #4 France 143,303 (15,729) #5 Germany 132,210 (3,495) #6 United Kingdom 93,873 (12,107) #7 China 82,295 (3,342) #8 Iran 74,877 (4,683) #9 Turkey 65,111 (1,403) #10 Belgium 31,119 (4,157) #11 Netherlands 27,419 (2,945) #12 Canada 27,063 (903) #13 Switzerland 25,936 (1,174) #14 Brazil 25,684 (1,552) #15 Russia 24,490 (198) #16 Portugal 17,448 (567) #17 Austria 14,265 (393) #18 Israel 12,200 (126) #19 India 11,555 (396) #20 Ireland 11,479 (406) #21 Sweden 11,445 (1,033) #22 South Korea 10,591 (225) #23 Peru 10,303 (230) #24 Japan 8,100 (146) #25 Chile 7,917 (92) #26 Ecuador 7,603 (369) #27 Poland 7,408 (268) #28 Romania 6,879 (357) #29 Denmark 6,681 (299) #30 Norway 6,623 (139) #31 Australia 6,440 (63) #32 Czech Republic 6,151 (163) #33 Pakistan 5,988 (107) #34 Philippines 5,453 (349) #35 Mexico 5,399 (406)…

#1 Russia +3,388 (+28) #2 Brazil +422 (+20) #3 Ukraine +392 (+10) #4 Mexico +385 (+74) #5 United States +360 (+17) #6 Philippines +230 (+14) #7 Poland +206 (+5) #8 Argentina +166 (+3) #9 Israel +154 (+3) #10 Pakistan +151 (+11) #11 Afghanistan +70 (+2) #12 India +68 (+3) #13 Hungary +67 (+12) #14 China +46 (+1) #15 Armenia +44 (+1) #16 Kazakhstan +43 (+1) #17 Australia +40 (+2) #18 Czech Republic +40 (+2) #19 Austria +39 (+9) #20 Thailand +30 (+2) #21 South Korea +27 (+3) #22 Bulgaria +22 (+1) #23 Honduras +12 (+5) #24 Paraguay +2 (+1) #25 Martinique +1 (+2) #26 Romania (+6) #27 Jamaica (+1) #28 Japan +215 #29 Denmark +170 #30 Oman +97 #31 Uzbekistan +49 #32 Bolivia +43 #33 Gabon +23 #34 Lithuania +21 #35 New Zealand +20…

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how do you never miss?

Corona-chan, give me another month of free vacation.

t. wagey

Also fuck captcha and jewgle

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Brain damage

If you get the virus and recover. Its still chillin in you, right? And you have the ability to reinfect others around you?

If Christians waited 1889 years for the second coming, we can wait a couple of months

Today will be record day

Corona-Chan needs your energy! Ideally, she will fuse with Ebola and max out the zombie skill in her mutation tree. But she needs your help, keep fapping boys!

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>2 mil in 5 months

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wow. deep junglw wisdom

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>spain already peaked
>italy already peaked
>uk peaking
>france peaked
>no countries are likely to post huge death numbers in future apart from america which will peak soon
>spain and italy both starting to open soon
>150k people die worldwide literally every day, corona virus cant even get near that even over 3 months kek
>infection and death rates flatlining worldwide
>people already bored and getting back to work in various ways
>economy set to have as large a bounce back as its current set back
now that the dust has settled, we can all agree it was a nothing burger all along.

>2 millions infected
So, where's the final Corona-chan?

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Even after seeing all this, still aren't convinced
But hey, what can you expect from a Greek

>See movie.
>Escape for a couple hours.
>Come back.
>Still no treatment.

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Next week Italy we start testing for antibodies against sars-cov-2 the whole population of the Lombardia region, starting with healthcare workers, then the other workers and then maybe the general population, the aim is to allow people to go back to work and to better understand the epidemic. Starting capacity is 20,000 tests/day, for a population of 10,000,000 inhabitants.

Strange how with this lockdown I have been fapping less. I'm mostly just on /cvg/ and fasting 72 hours.

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Argie bro is a machine

>antibody testing
kek, this is going to lead to awful decisions and overconfidence, great stuff

Sad but true, let's wait for 2nd wave

2nd wave waiting will be the comfiest /cvg/ since January

Spent 10 trillion dollars or more to keep 4.7 billion people under lock down. Virus hasn't even started yet and will probably still permanently damage or kill millions of people over the next 2 years. Lol.

>2020 - 1889 = 131
I'm drunk. What happened in 131 AD?

To all Flips, how's it goin now?

>There are angry residents due to unfair or delayed distribution of relief goods and financial aid.
>Markets are still over-crowded.
>Most streets were barricared.
>Shelves are always empty on some stores.
>Some people got infected due to prolonged waiting (exposure) for the delivery of grocery items.

Glad the recovered had surpassed the number deaths.

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look up April 20, 1889

took her long for 1 million the second one not so much

People with IgG in the blood will be given an immunity certificate. Doctors say that specific IgG in the blood means the infection is resolved and the person is "tendentially" immune.

Wait. Has corona chan peaked or has country's willingness/ability to test peaked? This is an important question

WHO BTFO nobody trusts its data anymore, based!

from here:


Attached: WHO btfo.png (795x849, 112.37K)

You are an actual piece of shit

What vidya are you guys enjoying at the moment?

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Yes. Go around coofing on people. You will do a great service for the world

April 20 is hitlars birthday. Makes me think its all fabricated codet bs and hitler was just a masonic element representing that spring emperor rise. Question everything.

I just can’t understand the psychology of the average nothingburger I they seriously believe rival governments such as Iran and the United States would collude to create a hoax virus

We all want you to go back to flipping burgers.

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Btfo seething nothingburger

you underestimate corona-chan

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OOOOOhhhh I completely read that wrong.
Wait, does that mean Jesus came back and we fucked it it up? Doesn't that mean we have 1000 years of hell on earth now?
Actually that makes a lot of sense.

Also what a normie fucking game list.

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Anyone have the link to the mega collection of Corona-chan pics?

Danish nurseries, kindergartens and elementary schools opened today

Social distancing is a thing, they are now required to play and sit 2 meters from each other all day

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Gonna need some sauce on that good buddy.

Ok Boris

I don't know if you realize but Argentina bro has been doing the 80% of cvg's in the last 2 months