Get it while it's hot
Ayy Lmao disclosure
Enjoy Anons
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Enjoy the Webms and don't forget to save em'

Attached: MoonPods.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)

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Some more

Attached: Star Destroyer.webm (352x288, 425.69K)

Attached: Weirdbutcool.png (734x356, 457.79K)

Attached: Wierdplanet.png (714x393, 455.07K)

What's the sauce?

>there's a literal intergalactic freeway on the moon
>nobody with a telescope can confirm

Fuck off faggot and take your flat electric hollow earth bullshit with you


Two of my insider sources have claimed those are asteroids made with CGI. Case closed.

there are no ayys..everything you see or think is ayys are man made.all the info about aliens are just cover up for the weak minded.

It's just lens flare.

2020 is the year of the great Ayy Wars. That's why we're locking down. We're preparing for the invasion.

Adobe Premiere film grain texture. Classy and refined.

Fake and fucking gay


Attached: DA211BBA-29F9-49AD-A9B9-C04240F13C6E.png (511x515, 28.66K)

According to the video:
>A German man found these files on a USB stick in a car park; the USB stick is claimed to have had a strange image carved into it
This is like 0% effort bored forum shitposting.

There going to teach us how to build cool sand castles , guys. Woooo!

I never thought I'd be saying this... But link the Reddit post faggot.

Also wew lad shills flock fast.

>Comes on Pol
>Says some retard statement we've heard 6 gazillion times
Thanks, but you know what, I don't give a fuck. Can you level up your dumb ass I'm tired of this boring level. Don't worry your not the only one who doesn't try.

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It still shocks me that normies don't know aliens exist.

It's pretty much been an open secret since the 70s. In fact, we're controlled by reptilians.

ohhh look at little "I'm an editor and I know that film grain" user here. there's not a built in film grain for Premiere you overlay blend stock grain footage. Vid is totally fake but fucking Christ don't say it's "Premiere grain" like a retard

Attached: 1584312560682.gif (400x400, 2.49M)

Ayy lmao! Aliens, uh, I like to think they have a broad spectrum of just odd influences in h ere, but you know I wouldn't bother yourself getting to know them.

Actually here's a one on everybody. Everyone who posts about getting HIV in the future is all caps and hams out. This doesn't have to be the case, but like, when I see the douche bag who posts about getting it in the future all caps and hams out that shit is the pinnacle of stupidity.

These are zero point energy propulsion vehicles. I've personally met two extraterrestrial beings who've travelled interstellar in them. I was in Bangkok, Thailand, when I was approached by two beings whom I believed to be human females, they took me back to their apartment and proceded to anal probe me, insert tenticles into my mouth, and then sprayed a warm sticky disinfectant substance on my back. They then told me that they were ET's and that they have a base on the moon.

Attached: Bald coom face.jpg (196x110, 6.55K)

fake as fuck

The spaceniggers got the message. They're crashing on the moon.

since it’s obviously fake, are they doing this to save their budgets or are they running a “the aliens told us to do this” type plot to influence politicians to do their bidding?

We have that clip of the drunkard in the EU telling the room he was in contact with rulers from other worlds or whatever from like a decade ago to back up the second hypothesis

I always say: if you're happy and you know it, clamp your ham! It's a highly effective and inexpensive way to show your partner that you are still around, that you have not forgotten about them and are still motivated to be useful to your family.

For a long time now I've just sat around, holding my ham, thinking I couldn't be happier,but I was wrong

I tell myself that if only I hadn't been sad that people didn't understand me, even at times when I was at my most underdeveloped. I'd have been happier!

That's creepy as hell. Imagine stepping on its head in the middle of the night

>we’re controlled by reptilians
That’s a weird way to spell “Jews”

This is so retarded
How old are you, I want to know which generation should feel the blame for this


nice user, good archive.

You're going to make a happening thread about AYY LMAO, and not mention the French astronomer's video from three weeks ago?
>Three alien pods fly over moon surface

Well done sir


Imagine actually buying into the shit this channel puts out lmfao. It's unbelievably obviously edited shit. The channel attracts the schizoboomer demographic and the channel owner is likely making bank off of them.

Attached: tenor.gif (432x498, 1.26M)

Who will win? Alien schizos or space is fake schizos?

Attached: starship_monster.png (955x1281, 2.25M)

Brother Moons are coming

Absolute junk posted for junky people by a junky guy.

everything is demons schizos.